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Jena had tears in her eyes. “You don’t know how he feels Danny.” She added wiping her face with her shirt.
“I know enough.” Danny answered. “You shouldn’t have left him.” ”I couldn’t bare to hear him say he didn’t feel that way about me. He wasn’t into ‘that’.” Danny said bluntly. “What that he wasn’t gay?”
”I’m not gay.” Danny defended. His brain taking over for his heart. “I mean I wasn’t until him. I guess. I don’t know.” ”Love can be a bitch.” Jena smiled. “Yea.” Danny agreed.
“I think you should call him. Leave a message on his phone. Open the door for him Danny. You kind of closed it when you left. Prepare for him to say he doesn’t feel the same, at least then you’ll know.” ”And how can I work everyday with him?” Jena thought for a moment before answering. “You’ll have to get a transfer.”
“I love my job. I can’t transfer.” ”Is he worth it?” Jena asked standing. Danny didn’t need to think about it but he figured he would. He looked up at Jena and nodded. Once he was alone again Danny reached for his cell phone he dialed Martin’s number and got the voice mail.
“Martin its Danny I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright and to tell you I meant what I said in the car.” Danny went to hang up quickly then decided against it, he put the receiver back to his ear and added ‘I don’t know how or why Martin, but I am in love with you.” He flipped the phone shut and closed his eyes, the throbbing in his face started again.
“Danny?” Martin called out, he was answered with silence. He heard the door open and he waited. “How are you feeling Martin?” the day nurse asked. “Much better.” He answered lying a little. “You get to go home today.” She started pulling the sheets back to redress his bandages. “Yes.” He nodded.
“Miss Spade is here in the waiting room, she says she’ll drive you.” The nurse continued. Martin said nothing, he’d been in the hospital for a week, everyone had come to visit except Danny. Vivian told him that Danny had taken a few days off and was out of town. Martin wanted his cell phone but no one would give it to him, something about hospital policy. Once the nurse was finished she helped Martin get into the shower, and get cleaned up for his discharge.
Sam met him at the door, she grabbed his bags and took them to the car while Martin signed his insurance papers. Samantha was rambling the whole ride home, Martin caught a few words, she was worried he’d go back to taking the drugs. “I didn’t take a prescription.” He reassured her. “I’m on Tylenol and Motrin only.”
“Is that going to be enough?” “It’ll have to be.” Martin was glad to finally be home; Samantha helped him into his apartment and got him set up on the couch. “You don’t need to stay.” He said to her, she looked at him a little hurt. “Oka, I’ll go.” She said getting him a bottle of water, then turning to leave.
“Thank you Sam.” Martin called behind her. “No problem. Call me if you need anything Martin.” She kissed his cheek softly then left his apartment, Martin took out his cell phone. Three new messages. “Martin it’s Elena, I heard what happened call me when you are out of the hospital. I hope your alright.” He clicked to the next message
“Martin, it’s your father. I heard you got shot again. Maybe you need to move back to the desk jobs. Phone your mother she’s worried sick.” And then
“Martin it’s Danny I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright and to tell you I meant what I said in the car. I don’t know how or why Martin, but I am in love with you.” Martin pushed replay and listened to Danny’s message again, a smile crossed his face as he pushed the send button and his cell phoned Danny’s. “Taylor.” Danny answered without looking who was calling.
“Danny.” Martin started “You left before we could talk.” “Yea Martin look I’m a little busy right now.” Danny answered to nervous to talk to Martin. “You’re home now? Maybe I’ll come by later.” ”Yea do that.” Martin answered before Danny hung up.
Danny stood at the door to Martin’s apartment for a while before deciding that he was going to buzz. He pushed the button and waited, rather then hear a response the door was buzzed open and Danny pulled it. He wandered slowly to the second floor and the even slower down the hall to Martins suite he knocked and paced.
“Come in.” Martin called from the couch. Danny cursed himself for forgetting Martin wasn’t able to move around easy. “Hey sorry.” Martin smiled at Danny from the couch. “Takes me a while to get up.” He motion for Danny to sit.
“You need anything Martin?” Danny asked before he sat. “No I think Sam got me everything I could need for a week.” “That was nice of her, where is she?” ”I don’t’ know I sent her home. Danny we need to talk.” Martin said again.
“Yea.” Danny answered shyly. Martin shifted, his face now centered with Danny’s, eyes locked. Danny suddenly felt warm, he was sure the news was bad, he was sure Martin would gently explain that things with Samantha were on again and that they could never be. Danny closed his eyes, he was sick of crying and here came another dose. Martin’s hands were against his cheeks catching the salty drops as they fell from Danny’s eyes and then, lips. Martin’s lips were soft against Danny’s. Danny’s eye flew open, his hands moving to grasp Martin’s. A smile was splashed across Martins face as he opened his eyes, looking at Danny.
“What medications did they give you?” Danny stuttered. “None, addict remember?” Martin answered relaxing. He threw the pillows next to him on the floor and patted the space next to him. “Sit.” He told Danny who didn’t’ realized he was standing.
“Martin I.” ”Danny I think I’m being pretty clear but let me spell it out for you. I feel the same.” He patted the couch again and Danny sat. Martin leaned into him, letting the pain in his abdomen ease as Danny held him.
“Oh.” Was Danny’s reply holding Martin close, breathing in the sent of him. “Oh don’t. I haven’t had a real shower in a week.” Martin smiled “No I like it, it’s you.” Danny replied sure he would wake up any minute. Danny stared out the window, Martin slowly drifted off to sleep. Danny just sat there holding him, just breathing. Home