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Hermione, Ron and Harry walked into the Gryffindor common room. "Strange" started Hermione "There wasn't a big feast, no sorting hat, no first years." she sighed "This is very strange." They sat together in the common room and waited for the heads of the houses to come and give them some direction. Professor McGonnagall was the head of their house, and they knew she would explain to them what was going on. Minutes seemed like hours but finally Prof. McGonnagall waltzed into the common room. "I'm sorry about this but their has been an out break of the Wizards flu, and our Prof. Dumbledore and Prof. Flitwick have been hit hard by it, we're trying to keep things as normal as possible but we can't have a feast without our Prof. Dumbledor, so the first years have been sorted on the train on their way here. We will have our first feast of the year when our head master is feeling up to it." she gave a half smile "Your dinner will be arriving shortly." The evening seemed to drag on from there, usually the first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry went by quickly, with the shorting ceremony and all the food you could eat, usually there was a happy buzz of new students and discussions of what happened over the summer, but today, there was nothing. The first years were too nervous to talk to any one and the older students were very conserned about their teachers. "Couldn't be Snape could it?" Ron asked "I think even the flu is scared of him." Harry laughed. Prof. McGonnagall returned later that evening with their time tables for the next day, and told them that all of their meals would be served in their common rooms until the flu had passed. "Whats this?" Hermione asked checking over her time table. "What not enough classes?" Ron asked sarcastically. "No, I have a class I didn't ask for." She said showing him the paper. Ron looked over his table, he had the same class. "What, I don't want an extra class, Harry do you have it?" Harry looked over his table. "No, I have double potions when you have that class." He gasped "We don't have potions together!" "Oh no!" chimed Hermione and Ron "That's it, I'm a gonners" Harry said uneasily. "I'm sure it wont be that bad. Hey Ron does yours say what teacher it is?" Hermione asked noticeing there was no teacher listed under their new class. "No, it just says 'Stones and Gems, Room 122' no teachers name." he paused "That's strange, it alwasy says who the teacher is." they finished looking over their time tables and comforting Harry about having potions alone then headed off to bed. Harry for sure would need his rest, tomorrow he started the day with Snape, the only teacher who actually hated him. More than hate, he lothed him. The sun rose through breaking clouds as the students ate a quick breakfast in their common rooms. Harry was still not feeling confident about having double potions alone with Snape. "What if he poisons me?" ask Harry sounding less like himself. "You'll be alright Harry, Snape can't really do anything to you." Hermione said sounding less like she believed it. "Yeah" added Ron "If your not at lunch, we'll find McGonnagall and she'll bring you back to life." Ron tried to make light of the subject but he was just as scared, he had to spend potions without Harry too, the only good was that he got to spend it with Hermione. "Maybe old Snape was threated by us being all together." Ron said finally making Harry feel a bit better. They finished eating their breakfast and headed off for their classes, Harry to the dungeon and Ron and Hermione to the first floor. Harry wandered into the potions class, he was early. Harry took a seat next to Nevill Longbottom and began discussing their summer holiday. "Grandma took me to see a really cool circus" Nevill explained. Harry found it very strange, he was sure class was supposed to have started already, but where was Snape? Hermione and Ron opened the door to class room 122, to their shock Prof. Snape was sitting at the front of the class, his arms folded. "Hurry up and take a seat." he comanded. Hermione exchanged looks with Ron and they took a seat near the back of the class. "You don't suppose they got a new potions prof. do you?" Ron asked "I don't think so, Snape is still on our Time table." "Maybe he has that time thing you had last year." Ron offered. "I don't know." Said Hermione, Ron didn't look comfortable, Hermione never said I don't know. A knock came at the large door. "Come in." Snape snarled at the door. It opened and a yound lady stood there she looked very pleasent, she was wearing scarlet robes which looked nice against her dark hair and pretty face. Snape actually seem to brighten up. Hermione dropped her quill "Look." she said hitting Ron in the arm "He looks happy to see her." Ron laughed, Snape actually did look happy. "Sorry I'm so late Professor Snape, Thank you for watching my class." She put her hand on his arm, he didn't shutter. "Try not to be late again." he said but not in his usual fearful tone. "I'll try." she smiled at him. He left the class room and a huge sigh came over all the students. The young lady smiled at them. "Bit relieved he's leaving are you?" she asked, the class laughed. Snape through himself into his own class room. "I do hope you took the time I was away to review what we'll be talking about today." he growled at them. Harry felt cold all over, they hadn't thought of studying. Snape took out something that was glowing orange and smoking green. "This is a life potion." he said as though the whole class should already know. "I wont have you make death potions, i'm sure with Mr. Longbottom here one of you would die, but we will be learning how to make these life potions. Then you should be able to bring a small animale back to the living. Perhaps we'll use Mr. Longbottoms toad." Snape was as mean as ever. Nevill was in his chair shaking, no one feared Snape as much as Nevill. "My name is Annius, welcome to your first Stones and Gems class." she smiled at them "Please open the books on your desk to page 2 and take a look at the stone, the large green 'rock' is called a truth gem. That's what we'll be learning about" Hermione's hand shot in the air "Yes dear?" Annius said. "You don't have an accent, and isn't Annius your first name? Should we call you Prof. Annius?" Annius smiled at her. "I'm from Canada, so i don't have an accent like yours. And Yes my first name is Annius, but I would prefer if you called my Prof. Annius or just Annius." Hermione seemed shocked "You wouldn't want to call me by my last name, lets leave it at that. " she added taking out a green gem from her bag and showing it to them. !