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Lunch didnt come soon enough for Harry he hurried from the dungeon to the Gryffindor common room to find that Hermione and Ron were already there. "She's amazing" Ron was saying and Hermione was agreeing with him. "So you had a good class did you." Harry asked throwing his homework on the floor. "Snape gave us a two parchment essay on how the life potion works and threatened to kill Nevill's toad." Hermione gasped. The rest of the week carried off much to the same tune, Ron and Hermione were starting to adore Stones and Gems. 'She's a canadian you know' Harry could hear people saying as they were walking down the hall. The class was a new favorite. And to everyones joy their first school feast would be held on friday night. "Dumbledore's better." Hermione smiled at Harry as they walked to Transfiguration friday afternoon. The day was finally over and the three of them walked to the Great Hall. The tables were dressed in their finest, even the teachers table look charming. Dumbledore was sitting in the center of the table, as usual. Next to him was Professor McGonnagall, then Professor Flitwick and then sat Annius and next to her Snape. "He looks so strange when she's around." said Ron noticing how Snape was talking to their Stones and Gems teacher. "Maybe he likes her." Said Harry off handed. He looked up at the table, Snape was looking down at him, his black eyes seemed to be looking straight through Harry. The dinner was going off well when Prof. Dumbledore stood up, and called for everyones attention. "There are a few things we have to address that should have been done at the beginning of the year." he started "I'd first like to welcome our new students and remind them that the Dark forest is off limits, and our newest teacher. Professor Annius." Dumbledore sniffed and sat down. Annius looked scarlet much like her robes, Prof. Snape seemed to be in deep conversation with her. And she was actually smiling at him, as though what he was saying was more than a threat. "I wonder what their talking about?" Ron asked taking a large spoon full of mashed potato. Harry was consentrating on keeping his peas on his fork, and only nodded. Dinner in the Great Hall lasted most of the night, when the teachers demanded that the students return to their common rooms for some sleep. "Snape is acting very strange this term." Hermione said noticing him walking Prof. Annius to her office, as the Gryffindors wandered up the stairs to their common room. Ron agreed with her, and Harry looked. "What, he's being nice to a teacher, he's always nice to the teachers it's the students who need the help." Snape noticed them watching him and walked in behind Annius "Wonder if she'll be alright alone with him." Ron asked blushing. "Have a crush on her do you?" Hermione asked, sounding a tad jealous. "Well, she's, nice and she's pretty and she's forgeine." Ron backed, "You liked that Viktor Krum." Hermione blushed and they started to catch up to the rest of their house. Just as Ron had feared, Annius wasn't in class the next day. Prof. Snape was again waiting for the class to arrive however. "Prof. Annius has taken ill with the Wizards Flu. You're class will be covered by me." He spoke very slowly. "I will give you your homework and take it in the next day. She'll do the marking." He took out a book and turned to the middle. " She says to do an essay on chapter five, on freezing stones. I must leave to go to my class now, have the two parchment essay done for tomorrow." He rose and left the room. Hermione looked at Ron, he seemed very unhappy about Annius not teaching their class. Ron and Hermione were the last in the classroom when Annius strolled in. "Are you alright?" Hermione asked. Annius seemed shocked to see them and waved her wand putting a glass wall between them. "I'm just a little sick, but the Wizards flu is very contagious. We dont want any students catching it." "I thought Snape had poisoned you." Ron said without thinking. "Oh I very much doubt he would ever do that." Annius said with a grin. "You two better get going, your other classes will be starting soon." Snape came in then, he was holding a large bottle, he didn't noticed Hermione or Ron. "Here Annie, drink this." he said. If Ron haddn't seen Snape he would have never believe the voice was his. It seemed so caring so, nonSnape like. And what was this Annie, business.? "Thank you Severus, I hope this work." she took the bottle and downed the lot before realizing it was chicken soup. She began to laugh. "Chicken soup, how sweet." she smiled Hermione nearly gagged and they excused themselves. "Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever guessed." said Hermione. "What?" asked Ron still in a bit of a daze. "He's in love with her." Ron nearly fell over. "Snape," he asked "In love?" "Why else would he bring her chicken soup when she's sick? Watch her class for her when she's late?" It made perfect sense to Ron now. "That is very messed up right there." he said without blinking. The next few weeks were mundane. Ron had a new liking for Annius, and a new determination in his class work. 'He's getting 'a's without help' Hermione said to Harry, whom they saw very little of. Harry was very proud of Ron indeed. They had told Harry how they thought Snape was in love with Annius, but Harry told them they were Crazy. Weeks turned into months and the Wizards Flu had all gone, it was finally Christmas. Hermione and Ron had decided they would stay for the holidays and were invited to the teachers christmas dinner, as usual. The only differenece was this year that had to wear fancy muggle dress. "I havn't a thing to wear." Ron mocked Hermione as she fixed the pins in her hair. Ron and Harry both had suits that Rons' father Aurthor had sent them. He made sure they were safe, Hermiones' mother had gone shopping for her dress, esspecially, and Hermione loved it. She looked pretty in it to Harry thought. The three of them walked into the Great Hall it was dressed in beautiful greens and reds, Prof. Dumbledore stood in the center of the room assessing the job Prof. Flitwick was doing. They were both dressed in old fashioned mens suits. Prof. McGonagall was dressed in a long emerald gown, Hermione thought she must have cheated and used magic to create it. Snape was dressed all in black once again, and Annius looked elegant in a royal blue dress. "You must be Harry Potter." Annius smiled at him. "I was so hoping you'd be joining my class, but, I guess you have double potions so you couldn't make it." she was grinning at him. Prof. Dumbledore called that dinner would be served in a few minutes. Snape came over to the four of them. "May I see you a moment." he said to Annius. Ron nearly jumped on him but Harry held him back. The two teachers walked away. "See, he loves her." Hermione said. Ron and Harry couldn't argue, he certainly seemed to be acting as though he loved her. Dinner was served very shortly later. The three students sat next to each other on one side of the table, across from them where Annius and Snape, and Prof. Flitwick, at each end, Dumbledore and McGonagall. "Did you get all you wanted for Christmas?" Annius asked breaking the silence at the table. Ron blushed "Yes." Hermione answered. "You?" "Oh yes." Annius smiled blushing. "What about you Ron?" "I got another sweater with my name on it." "Is that so you don't forget." Snape shot. Annius gave him a very mean look, and Ron blushed nearly as bright as his hair. "And you Harry?" "Um, no invisibilty cloak but i did get a lovely sweater from Mrs. Weasley and some great candy." he answered. "What did you get?" he really wanted to know why she was blushing. "A flag." she answered shortly. "My country's flag." she went crimson, matching Ron. Dumbledore interupted them with "I finally got some socks." He was looking at Prof. McGonagall. "Well you ask for them every year Albus, I finally got you some." she answered him Harry smiled, he remembered Prof. Dumbledore telling him how much he wanted socks. Dinner ended what seemed like hours later, the group of them were talking as though they were all equal. Harry, Ron and Hermione were included in the conversations, and felt very special indeed. Snape stood finally "Shall we Annius?" he asked holding out his hand. Annius yawned and took his hand. Harry was very sleepy too but he could tell Ron wasn't very happy. "Yes yes, it is very late." Dumbledore said waving his wand and making the table in front of them all disappear. "Severus, I've been meaning to ask you, did you want to .. share an office?" he asked. Now Ron was very upset. "Why should they share?" He blurted out but before anyone could answer, Snape shook his head and he escorted Annius out. "Why would they share?" Ron asked again but no one answered him. "This is getting strange." Ron said and no one disagreed with him. Once school started again Ron had little time to think about the Christmas dinner or how Snape left with Annius, he was to busy failing potions. "He hates all of us, he just can't fail Hermione because everyone would know it's a lie." Ron said looking over his grade sheet. "I wonder if Annius likes him too." he muttered to himself. Hermione was very excited about her marks, but even more excited to hear that there was going to be a summer class on Muggle lives. . "I have to join." she smiled at them. "You could join and stay here with me this summer." she said and ofcourse, they did. The rest of the term went by like any other, the three of them went to class and did their studying. They saw very little of Snape and Annius together. "She must not like him." Ron said with a smile one day at lunch. "They're never together any more." Hermione had noticed this too, where they had once sat next to eachother, now, they were never in the same room. Dinner and lunches saw the table empty of Snape or Annius, it was one or the other. As the school emptied exept for those taking the summer course the three could see that Snape was back to his old evil self. "Not welcome at home Potter?" he asked off handed as he noticed them not packed and walking threw the school's halls. "Staying to learn about Muggles." Harry muttered back at him. Annius came around the cornor "Are you three taking my muggle class?" she asked with a grinn. Ron blushed "yea." he muttered. "Great!" Annius smiled at them "Isn't that great Severus?" "Wonderful." he said looking through her, instead of at her. "Are you alright Severus?" she asked him thoughtfully. "I'll talk to you later." he said turning to walk down the hall way. "No. I think now would be better." She demanded. Ron looked at Harry and Hermione "We were just leaving" Harry said grinning at his friends. They enjoyed seeing Snape get told what to do. The three of them left. "You have been acting like a real Jerk for a while now Severus and I'd like to know why." "We're a secret Annius. That's why." "It's summer, there isnt' many people around, if i can't be your wife now. When can i?" she demanded. "Soon." he said noticing the hurt look in her face. "I promise you." "Soon isn't good enough for me Severus. Not by a long shot." she turned and walked quickly down the hall tears were filling her eyes.