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The summer class began straight away, it seemed strange that Harry, Hermione, Ron, Nevill and Draco Malfoy were the only people in the class, besides Snape and Annius. "Severus is a student as well." Annius said with a smile. "He doesn't know much about muggle lives. You wont be needing your wands at all for this class, so you may ALL *she stressed* leave them behind." she walked over to the chalk board, and instead of instructing it to write Annius took some chalk and began to write. "Muggles," she started "are exactly like you and I. Only they don't have the ability to use magic." Everyone began to copy the board. Annius told them about muggle money, and everyone seemed to get alone fine exept for Draco and Severus, Ron was a little hard off, but Harry helped him out. "Your homework for tonight is to do some muggle money math. See pages six and seven of your text books." Annius smiled at them as the students gathered their things together. "Why are you spending the summer here Malfoy?" Harry asked with a grinn. "Well Potter, if you must know, my father wants me to learn about the Muggle way of life so I can head up the ministry of magic in muggles. Take over your fathers job eh Weasley." Ron sneered at him. Malfoy walked away he was the only remaining Slytherin. The halls were bear, all the teachers had gone home for the holiday except Annius and Snape. They were in charge. Annius seemed to keep peace between the group. "Behave like people, and less like animales." she pleaded with her class the next day, after noticing the tension at dinner the night before. " I trust you have all left your wands in your rooms?" she assessed the room and walked over to Draco. "Mr Malfoy, if you can't follow simple instructions your father will have to kill to get you into the Ministry, now give me your wand." He looked at her as though she didn't know what she was talking about, trying very hard to look innocent. But she wouldn't move. "I left it in the common room." he lied. She took out a large green stone, that was a brilliant glowing green. "Really." said Annius, "funny how i don't believe you. Now Mr Malfoy, your wand. You may have it back after class." Everyone but Snape was laughing and finally Draco gave Annius his wand. She was very dissappointed in him. The class was going by quickly as were the days. Snape said very little during class, he merly watched Annius teach and took notes on how Muggles lived. It wasn't unitl one very hot day that Annius suggested they have class outside. "Come on students, out we go. I'll teach you some Muggle games." Harry and Hermione were excited for this, as they were mostly muggle, they knew all kinds of muggle games and never got to play them. "The first is something called Tag." Everyone looked confused except Hermione. "Alright, everyone will run around, and one person will be 'it'" Annius explained. "when the person who is 'it' tags you, by touching you, then you become it. And it's your goal to find someone else to tag and let them be 'it'" Annius smiled. Harry and Hermione looked very thrilled. Annius picked Hermione to be 'it' first. She chased after Draco and touched him in the back. He screamed with frustration. "That cant be fair." he said pointing to Hermione. "She got me when my back was turned." Annius laughed at them ."That's the idea." Harry was glad he was finally getting a chance to hit Malfoy without getting into trouble. "Severus, why don't you play with them?" Annius said looking at him strangely. "I don't play games." He said flatly. "You do if you'd like to pass my class." she gave him a wicked smile. He didn't seem to enjoy it. He stood and Draco touched his arm, a smile came over Draco's face. "Now your 'it'" Draco said. Snape didn't look happy at all, he didn't run after the students he just stood there. Hermione placed herself far from his reach, as did all the other students. "Games." he scoughed taking out his wand and saying 'cumoda' Hermione was being pulled towards Snape, he touched her shoulder and gave her a look. "Now you're 'it'." He said sitting down again. Annius rose to her feet and tooked at him very crossly. "Hand it over Severus. Honestly I thought you of all people would respect my wishes." Snape didnt hand his wand over, he gave her a look, stood and walked toward the school. Annius looked that the rest of the students and smiled ." Alright you can go. Enjoy the rest of your day." She told them as they raced into the school, tagging eachother as they went. Even Malfoy seemed to be enjoying himself. Annius stormed to Snape's office and threw the door open. "Never insult me infront of my class again." she steemed. Severus was sitting behind his desk playing with a small box. Annius looked him over. "Are you listening?" she asked shutting the door and emerging further into the small dungeon. "No." he answered plainly. "Oh. Well Severus, if you want to learn about muggles I will tell you, but you are no longer welcome in my class." she told him. He didn't move, he didn't seem to care. "Annius do you remember when I asked you to marry me?" he asked holding the box up to the only day light shinning into the room. "Yes." "What did I say?" he seemed generally interested in this new topic. "What do you mean?" she said softening her tone "You said 'Annius I love you like no other before and I know it'll be hard but marry me.' Why?" he smiled at her. "See, hard, I told you it would be hard. You seem to think this has been sprung on you. Like you were illprepared." "Hard, Severus. Not a secret. I thought it would be hard. Dealing with the students, the teachers, the jokes. But never did I imagin no one knew you were married."