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"I see." he replied reexamening the box "What is that?" she asked annoyed "It's a charm box. It's for you." he smiled at her. "I'll try harder Annie, I promise." he handed her the box that glowed with red and pink hearts as she took it. "I love you Severus. This isn't fun for me." she blushed at him "I know darling." he took her hand and kissed it softly. Class started late the next day and to the happy surprise of Ron Snape wasn't invited. "Prof. Snape was not taking the class seriously so he's been asked to leave." Annius explained. Ron sighed with relif. "He's still the acting head master for the summer Ron." Hermione added to him. But Ron didn't care. "Today we're going to learn about muggle marriages and love. It's not much different from our systems of dating and courting the only large factor is the weddings. Muggles have huge ceremony's where as us wizard folk have a small feast with friends and family and declare our marriage, sign some paper and have the consumation ceremony." Annius smiled at her class as they took down the notes about muggle marriages. "Hermione, did you're parents have a muggle wedding?" she asked "Yes, there both muggles." "Oh that's right." she smiled. "Ron?" "Mum and dad had a small feast and signed the papers." "A typical wizard marriage. That's fabulous." Ron blushed "What about you Prof. Annius? You're not married are you?" Nevill asked. "Course she's not married, none of the teachers are." Ron added "Actually, most of your teachers are married that's where they go in the summer time, while you're at home." "But not you right Annius?" Ron smiled. "Actually Ron, I am married." she pulled the love charm from her neck. "When many wizards marry they give a token of love to signify the wedding. My husband gave me this very rare love stone." she showed the stone to the students. "We will learn more about this stone in next terms stone and gem course." she blushed. "Why aren't you home with your husband?" Harry asked "Do you have kids?" Hermione seconded. "Now children this is not a topic for class. Perhaps i'll tell you more about my personal life at dinner tonight, but for right now, we need to get into the muggle wedding." Class went by quickly and when Annius finally said the students were dissmissed a sigh of relife poured from each student. "I shall see you in the great hall." she smiled at each of them as they left, Annius stood in her empty classroom and smiled at her charm. She recalled the day she and Severus shared their feast. "Annie?" Severus interupted her thoughts "It's time for dinner." he spoke softly. "Can we tell them tonight Severus?" she asked "Alright Annius, we'll tell them tonight." He gave in. She fell into his arms and held him close. "Oh thank you Severus." The pair headed to the great hall together. Severus sat at the head of the table and Annius sat next to Hermione. "So Annius, tell us about your husband. What does he do? Do you have children? Why are you spending the summer here?" "One at a time Hermione." Annius smiled. Ron looked at Severus who looked as mean as ever. "My husband is a very wonderful, honerable man. He's a teacher and we have a daughter. I'm spending the summer here, because you need to learn about muggles and they wouldn't add it to the regular classes." "Is he a teacher here?" Harry asked interested. "He is." Annius blushed. "Which is why i insist upon you calling me Prof. Annius, because there's enough Prof. Snapes in this school." Ron spit his milk in shock everyone's face seemed to be drained of color. "Mulincceal" Annius waved her wand and cleaned up the mess Ron had made. "You're his wife?" Draco asked shocked as he pointed to Snape. "I am indeed." "When?" was all Ron could master "We were married nearly three years ago. In Canada." she answered.