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The light in the bathroom flickered then flashed brightly before the bulb burnt out. “Shit.” Came a frustrated whisper from behind the door. “Leave it.” Addison muttered groggy from sleep. “You’ll miss your plane I’ll get it later.” She crawled out of bed and handed her fiancé his jacket. “Seriously go.” She kissed him briefly as he grabbed his suitcase and headed for the door. “I love you.” She called behind him. “I love you too.” He replied letting the door close behind him. Addison switched the light in the bedroom on and wandered into the kitchen to grab a replacement for the bathroom light, she showered and dressed quickly grabbed her coffee and headed off to the studio.
“Morning Addison.” Jason smiled handing her the music for the day. “Hi Jase.” She replied looking over the song. “Ug I hate this one.” She moaned. “How many hours until I’m on vacation?” she mused. “Not for another 27 so focus.”
“I can’t focus, it’s not possible today. I’m already in vacation mode.””Ya some vacation. Meeting the in-laws.” Jason laughed “I can’t picture that being at all relaxing.”
“Probably not, they don’t sound all that warm. We’ve talked on the phone a few times but this is the real thing, yikes.” Addison put the music on the stand and swallowed the last of her coffee. “Not that it matters, I’m not marrying them.” Her day was long and non-fulfilling as she finished rehearsal and did some last minute shopping. She checked her cell phone when she arrived home early in the evening. Still no call from him, he was supposed to call when he landed, she flipped open her phone and dialed.
“Hello?””Lillian, its Addison how are you?” ”Just fine I think, you?””Great just worried about my man, he didn’t call when he landed. Can I talk to him?””Addy he’s not here yet. What time did he leave?”His flight was supposed to be at 8 a.m.””Did he miss it?”Not that I know of. He left at six; he would have had lots of time. And his cell phone is still off.””That’s not like him at all.” Lillian said concern filling her voice. “Listen Addison I’ll call you back, I need to talk to my husband a minute.””Yes alright.” Addison hung the phone up, panic was starting. Five minutes seemed to take hours but finally the phone rang.
“Addison it’s Victor, I need you to phone this number, are you writing it down?””Yes.””555-8671 ask for Jack Malone.””Oh no Vincent. No!” “Don’t panic Addison; just phone Jack, he’ll know what to do. We’re on our way. Don’t do anything other than phone Jack until we get there.””What do I say to him””Tell him Martin is missing.”

The phone tinkered next to the bed; Anne looked at it before picking it up and handing it to Jack. “It’s not work.” She smiled at him, he grabbed his tie from the end of the bed and threw it around his neck, and he took the phone from her hands and kissed her softly.
“Malone.” He answered gruffly. “Jack Malone?” came a quivery voice on the other end of the phone.”Yes.””I’m sorry to bother you Jack, but I need to report someone missing.””Lady you need to phone the police for that.””No, I was told to phone you. I’m sorry but the person missing is Martin Fitzgerald.””Excuse me?” Jacks face began to turn white.
“Jack what’s wrong?” Anne asked sitting up. “Who is this?””I know this isn’t protocol, but Victor told me to call you and not to do anything else.” ”Where are you, I’m on my way.” Jack wrote down the address Addison gave him and tossed his phone into his jacket pocket. “What’s going on Jack?””Martin is missing. I need to go now I’m sorry Anne.””No, no that’s ok. Can I do anything?””I don’t know. I’ll call you.”

Addison paced around her apartment she rearranged things, cleaned, checked the phone and then did it all again, the main doors buzzed and she ran to open them. “Addison?”
“You must be Jack.” “Yes.” She showed Jack in and offered his something drink he declined and started looking around. “When did you see Martin last?”
‘This morning, he left around six; he was supposed to get on a plane for Washington.””And he didn’t?””I don’t know, I know he never made it to his parents.” Addison crossed and recrossed her arms. Jack could tell she was upset.
“I’m sorry your name is Addison, how do you know Martin?” “I’m his fiancé.” She replied looking at Jack. “We got engaged about a month ago. Martin was flying to Washington this morning to spend the weekend with his parents, we’re formally announcing at a big party tomorrow night. I’m supposed to be meeting him in Washington tomorrow.””Why didn’t you fly out with him?””I couldn’t, I’m a singer I needed to be at rehearsal today.”
“Addison I’m going to need to take you down to the offices and have you make a formal statement.” Jack said sternly. “Yes of course.” The door creaked behind them as Victor and Lillian Fitzgerald wandered in. “Jack.””Vincent.”
“Lillian why don’t you and Addison go into the other room Victor ordered. Lillian took Addison by the hand and led her into the bedroom.
“I called the ticket counter at the airline Martin was supposed to board this morning. His flight was on time but his ticket was never used.””Maybe he got cold feet.””Maybe, but that doesn’t explain why his cell phone is off, or why he didn’t come home. He would have called his mother Jack.” Victor looked concerned. This was a new look for him Jack thought. “I’m going to need all of you to come down to the office. You’ll need to make statements and the whole thing, you know that Victor.””Yes of course.” Victor knocked on the bedroom door the girls came out both in tears.
“Does anyone have a recent photo?” Jack asked painfully. “Of course.” Addison grabbed her USB drive “I have a bunch on here.” She handed the drive to Jack. He smiled at her reassuring. “We’ll find him.”
The group stammered off the elevator at the department of missing persons Jack led them into his office. “What’s that all about?” Danny asked noticing the parade following Jack was lead by Vincent Fitzgerald. “I don’t know but it can’t be good, Martin left today for his families place.” Vivian said.
Jack came out of his office and approached the group. “Jack what’s that all about?” Danny asked “Guys I need you all over here.” Jack said motioning for Samantha, Elena and Vivian to join him and Danny as the conference table. “We have a situation.” He started.
“A Victor Fitzgerald situation.” Danny retorted. “Danny, this is a very serious situation and if you can’t handle it.” Jack warned, Danny took a step back and Jack continued. “This is very serious as I was saying and I need all of you to make this your number one priority.”
“Of course Jack, what is it?” Vivian asked flipping her notepad to a new sheet. “Martin is missing.” Came the blunt answer “What?” Samantha said taken by surprise. “What do you mean his missing?””Martin was supposed to get on a plane this morning for Washington, he never boarded the plane. Danny I want you and Elena to talk to the cab service that picked him up from his apartment, Vivian I want you with the family Samantha, you and I are going to go through his old cases, see if anything stands out, maybe someone had a grudge they’re acting on.”
“Jack, this can’t be real.” Samantha’s voice shook. “I know, it’s not fair but it is very real.”
Danny held the door for Elena as the two stormed into A-1 Cab Company. “A driver picked up at 232 South Port road this morning. I need to know who it was and I need to talk to him” Danny demanded. “232, that was Dante.” The young bubbly receptionist smiled she flipped through a calendar and handed Danny a card “here ya go sugar Dante always has his phone on. Give him a call.” Danny was annoyed at how nice she was; he smiled sharply at her and took the card.
“Thank you.” Elena said to the girl following Danny back to the car. “That seemed too easy.” “Yea.” Danny said entering the phone number into his cell.
“Yo.” Dante answered”Is this Dante Santo Viro?” Danny asked “It is, whose this?””Dante I need a cab right away.” “Sure man, where are ya, I’m on my way.” Danny rattled off a near by coffee shop. Danny and Elena waited in the coffee shop for the small yellow cab to arrive. Dante exited the car and walked into the shop. “Danny?” he called out. Danny and Elena stood and confronted Dante. “Danny Taylor FBI I have some questions for you Dante.” Danny flashed his badge. “Hey does that mean you don’t need a ride?””That’s what it means Dante.” Elena replied “Alrighty, can I grab some coffee then?””You drove a guy to the airport this morning.” Danny handed the picture of Martin to Dante
“Ya this guy was my six am, first ride of the day. Going to Washington for something, he wouldn’t’ say.””How did you know he was going to Washington?””He called to make sure his flight was on time. I could hear the automated message saying flight from NYC to Washington on time.” “Very perceptive of you Dante.” Danny snorted sarcastically”Yea I guess.”
“What happened when you got to the airport?” Elena asked “Same thing that always happens” Dante shrugged “The guy got out of the car, I helped him with his bag, he paid me, nice tip and I picked up someone for down town.” Danny nodded
“That’s it? You didn’t notice anything else?””No, he went into the airport and that’s the last I saw of him. Why was I supposed to hold his hand?” Dante joked. Danny stepped toward him threatening. “Danny.” Elena said “Thank you Dante, you’ve been a big help.” Elena put her hand on Danny’s shoulder “let’s go Danny.” They started for the car “Danny what the hell was that, he was being very cooperative. If you can’t handle yourself we’re going to have a problem.””I’m fine.” Danny said flatly. “We’re all a little crazy right now Danny but seriously you need to take it down a notch ok papi.” Elena’s calming tone helped Danny little. “I know Elena, I know, but it’s Martin. It’s not just some missing person, you know. It’s one of us.””Ya, I know.” Danny and Elena drove the rest of the way to the airport in silence.

“Jack, look at this” Samantha rushed into Jacks office with two cream colored folders “Three months ago David Crane was released from upstate. Martin was involved in the investigation that put him away. He had a hit list found in his apartment by his parole officer, Martin was on the list.”
“I guess we’re going to talk to Mr. Crane.””They’re bringing him in now.” Samantha nodded toward the elevator. Three men walked onto the floor, one in hand cuffs.
“Mr. Crane.” Jack pulled his chair closer to the table and leaned toward David, he’s dressed in a Hugo boss suit, and smells like cologne overkill, he leans toward Jack. “Agent Malone.” He smiles “what can I do for you today?”
“Tell me about Martin Fitzgerald.””What about him?””When did you see him last?” Jack sat back in his chair and gave David the once over. “Officer Fitzgerald was at my trial but that’s the last time I saw him. Can’t say I wouldn’t like to run into him in a dark alley someplace but.” He trailed off “some of us aren’t that lucky.” He took a sip of water “why you interested in him? Finally getting him for setting me up?”
“Not really. He’s missing and we happen to know he’s on your hit list.””Hell yes he is, but if he’s missing someone got to him before I could.” David sat up straight “shit if I got to him, he wouldn’t be missing, I’d make damn sure y’all found him.” “Is that so?”
“Yes it is, I know doesn’t sound all that nice but it’s the truth, and I sure did learn my lesson about telling cops the truth Agent Malone.””Well then tell me about why you went to jail Mr. Crane.” Jack shifted again; his senses were telling him this wasn’t the guy.
“A few years ago my boss asked me to do some quick financial re-working of our company. I did, little did I know that I was helping the little prig embezzle 40 % of the earnings. Officer Belamy was in charge of the whole case, he looked into the situation and had my boss for all of it, until Officer Fitzgerald noticed that I had been the one actually re-working everything, he kindly brought it to the attention of the arresting group and they added me as a person of interest, that turned into five years in the pen and me with a very sour attitude toward Office Fitzgerald.””Why were you not on Belamy’s list?”
“I was, but I’d been helping them put the boss away, I may not have mentioned to them that I had arranged everything. Office Fitzgerald took care of that nicely. Because I was being so cooperative the judge gave me ten years, I got out in four for good behavior. I just started my own company and I’m doing very well for myself now. But I can’t say that I wouldn’t like to kick the crap out of that boy.” “Graphic, thank you.”
”Where were you this morning around seven AM?””In bed with my girlfriend.” “And she’ll attest to that?” “Of course.” David answered Jack stood and excused himself from the interrogation room. “Check his alibi.” He said to Samantha. Next