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“How did Addison take that?” Vivian asked noting on her papers to look up the case. “She was alright, she’d already come to terms with the fact her mother was dead. I think the part that got to Addy was that no one knew what happened.” Vivian thanked Jason for his help and asked that he not go too far. Jason agreed to stay around the office and Vivian called the old case room for the information on Victoria Hamilton’s disappearance. Vivian had the box in her hands as she made her way back to her desk, Danny and Elena were again complied next to the white board, Martins smiling photo gleaming at them. “Anything?” Danny asked
“Maybe, he told me about a boyfriend whose trying to get some property out of Addison, it doesn’t sound like anything that would encourage a kidnapping but we’ve seen stranger things. It’s worth looking into.” ”What’s with the box?” Elena asked picked up some of the papers from the table giving Vivian room to place the box.
“This is a missing person case we never got, Victoria Hamilton, Addison’s mother.” ”Think this has something to do with it?” ”Maybe. If someone took her mother maybe they did it to get back at her, and maybe Martin is next on that list?” Vivian, Elena and Danny searched through the box, none of the evidence was properly marked, things were not done to code and a lot of the information was incomplete. Vivian looked up defeated as Jack came down the hall holding an envelope.
“We have contact from the kidnappers.” He said waving the group toward his office. “Addison, Vincent Lillian, we have a message from the kidnappers. I’ve already watched the tape.” Jack put the cassette into the player and pushed start silver waves began on the screen then turned to Martin lying in a coffin, a masked figure placed the lid on the coffin, and then began to bury it. Addison screamed and began to cry, Lillian couldn’t hide her look of shock, she turned away from the screen, hiding her face in her husbands chest, Victor just watched.
“Addison, you have something of mine, and now I have something of yours.” Addison looked at the screen blankly, tears pouring down her face. “I want what’s mine, then ill return what’s yours. Code name Thatcher.” The screen faded to black Addison felt weak, she couldn’t’ focus. “Addison what is he talking about?” Jack probed “I have no idea; I don’t know any Thatcher’s.” Her head was spinning, what was happening. Suddenly like a bolt of lighting she sat up “Oh god.” She put her hands over her mouth as fresh tears ran down her face. “Oh god no! He’ll kill him.” “Who Addison.”
”Thatcher. He’ll kill him. Oh god!” Addison was hysterical at this point. Samantha wanted badly to slap her back to reality but held herself back. Jack put his hand on Addison’s shoulder. “Focus Addison.” He said gently creating more jealousy for Samantha. “I need you to calm down and tell me what’s going on.” Addison swallowed hard. “Darrian Milton.” She said vaguely. “Thatcher is Darrian Milton. I dated him in high school.” ”What do you have of his?”
”Nothing” she cried “Addison, he thinks you do.” Jack took the envelope off of this desk and handed it to Addison, inside were Martin’s ID, phone and wallet. “He knows that Martin is FBI.” Addison continued to sob as she answered “Jack, I really don’t have anything of his. But I think I know what he means.” She took a tissue from the box and wiped her runny nose.
“Darrian and I dated for most of high school, we had talked about getting married, and it was around the prom that we discussed our future for the last time. Darrian wanted a big family I didn’t want any kids, I wanted to focus on my career. He got very angry with me but said we’d deal with it when the time came. A few days later I found out that I was pregnant. I made an appointment to have an abortion and told Darrian that I couldn’t have the baby. He went crazy he started beating me. He beat me so bad I didn’t have to have the abortion I lost the baby. I told Darrian but he never believed me. He thinks I’m keeping his child from him.” Addison had talked so fast Danny wasn’t sure what all she’d said. “Last week when Martin and I went for dinner I saw him, he must have over heard Martin and I talking about having a family.”
“Do you know where he would take Martin?” Samantha asked “I don’t know, his father used to have warehouses all over the state.” ”Helpful.” Danny remarked. “Any that he could bury someone without people knowing?” Elena asked. “What’s the name the warehouses are under?”
”Fred Milton.” Addison answered. “No, Alfred.” She corrected. “Everyone called him Freddy. He died a few years ago, I noticed in the paper.” “So likely they’ve been moved to Darrian’s name?” Vivian added the group moved quickly tracking down four of the closest warehouses listed under the Milton family name. A few of the buildings that came up didn’t meet the criteria for the holding place, one did. “Alright Addison, we’re going to need your help with this you know.” Jack said to her in the back of the car as they drove to the site they’d determined was likely where Darrian was keeping Martin.
“Of course, I’ll do anything.” “We’re going to send you in to talk to him, you’ll have a panic button, press it and we’re in there in seconds.” Vivian radioed Jack from the helicopter “Jack we have visual, but I don’t see any sign of Darrian or Martin.” “Ok, just keep it back, I don’t want this guy thinking we’ve found him. He might scare off and we’ll never find Martin.” Jack replied “10-4” Vivian coded.
“Jack we’re coming on it now.” Danny said pulling the car into an empty lot a few buildings away from the Milton place. “Are you scared?” ”No.” Addison answered looking in to space. “Are you sure?” Danny asked looking at her. Addison focused her attention back on Danny. “I just need him back.” she answered him accepting the panic button from Jack.
‘Just push it once and we’ll flood the place.” He explained helping her out of the car. Addison nodded and began walking toward the building she remembered. “Darrian.” She called entering the dusty condemned warehouse “Addison?” came a reply from a far corner. “What no cops? Doesn’t the FBI want their man back.” ”I want him back, Darrian.” She answered walking toward his voice.
“And I want my baby.” ”Darrian there was never any baby. I told you that, you hit me so hard I lost the baby. Why don’t you believe me?” suddenly from the shadows Addison was face to face with Darrian. “Why are you lying to me?” he asked her. His breath warm against her face, he still looked the same, very tall, well built, sandy blonde hair grey eyes that pierced right through you. Tears started down Addison’s cheek.
“I’m not lying to you Darrian.” She answered him softly. “I spent four days in the hospital after you attacked me. I had a broken jaw, three busted ribs and I’d lost our baby. You made me lose our baby.” His face softened. “Why did you leave me?” ”You could have killed me Darrian I was scared of you.”
”Didn’t you love me Addy? I love you still.” He brushed his had against her cheek, taking the salty tears with him. “I loved you Darrian. But you hurt me to much.” She looked at the ground “I trusted you Darrian, and you broke that.” Her vision was blurred when she looked up to him, his face was sad, then his large hand which had been so kindly gracing her came hard against her face.
”Lying bitch.’ He shouted at her as she fell to the ground her face pounding with heat and pain. “You can save him Addy. You just have to trade his place with you.” Without thinking Addison answered him. “Yes.” Darrian threw a shovel at her and pointed to a soft place in the sand. “Start digging.” He commanded and Addison stood, she wobbled slightly from the pain in her face but managed to get to the grave. Addison dung until she hit something solid. Using the back of the shovel she pried the top of the coffin open. Martin lay bound but awake. His eyes glistened with happiness Addison cried out when she saw him. “I’m sorry.” She whispered untying him and helping him out of the coffin.
“You.” Darrian pointed to Martin. “Go.” Darrian quickly moved over to Addison and grabbed her arms. “She’s mine now.” “It’s ok Martin.” Addison explained seeing the pain on her lovers face. Martin began running out of the warehouse, his mind racing, he’d remembered something about his clothing and thought it best if he remove them. He ran naked to where he heard voices, rounding the corner to the waiting police. “Martin!” Samantha called out, as she and Danny ran toward him. “Bomb.” Martin tried to scream his voice less then a whimper, suddenly behind him a large explosion. ‘His clothes’ he thought falling to the ground. Samantha helped him up, Danny covering him with his jacket. “He’s inside. She traded herself for me. We need to go.” Martin scrambled.
Addison heard the explosion; Darrian began laughing ‘well no need to sugar coat it.’ He smiled. “Now he’s really dead.” Darrian laughed. Addison fell to her knees. “Get up we have to go.” Darrian grabbed her by the arms and began to drag her to the exit. “FBI Freeze.” Jack shouted storming the warehouse. Darrian turned and began shooting at the agents entering the building. Addison put all her weight into her body trying hard to make it impossible to drag her through the sand. “I don’t think so.” Darrian shouted stopping to pick her up off the ground. Once Addison was over his shoulder Darrian broke into a run. Addison looked up, she saw Danny in the distance his gun pointed at Darrian, he was shouting something but Addison couldn’t hear him the next thing she knew Darrian was falling and she was hitting the ground. Danny and Elena rushed to her, Danny covering Darrian, his gun pointed to Darrian’s head, Elena helped Addison stand, she was trying to sound comforting telling her the whole ordeal was over, Martin was safe as was she. Addison couldn’t hear her.
Samantha stood next to the window, on her left was the white board usually holding a picture of their latest missing person, today it was blank. “Been kinda slow around here.” Vivian said from her desk. “Yea.” Agreed Samantha turning from the window and taking a seat at the large meeting table. ”When does Martin get back?” Danny asked clicking the cards on his computer solitaire game. “Today sometime.” Vivian answered “He has to see the office shrink.” Samantha added running her hands through her hair. “I can’t believe this.” “I know, we’ve never gone a day without a case, let a lone a week.” ”The department is giving us a break.” Jack explained escorting Martin into the offices. “We haven’t had a real case in almost a week.” ”I hope that has nothing to do with me.” Martin said “I’m sure it does and it doesn’t. We’ve been scaled down for a while. It’s nice to have you back Martin, maybe they’ll find us some work.” Jack smiled at Vivian who stood to greet Martin. “Welcome back.” She said hugging him tightly. Danny followed her, shaking Martins hand which quickly turned into the two men hugging. Samantha was right behind, she hugged Martin then stepped away quickly. “How’s Addison?” Vivian asked “She’s good, still shaken up about the whole thing but she’s good.” Martin sat at his desk, he was happy to once again grace the halls of the FBI missing persons unit. “Driving you crazy yet?” Jack asked “A little, she barely lets me go to the bathroom alone, which is understandable. She’s starting to mellow out now.” “I hope we’re all invited to the wedding.” Said Vivian “Believe me, you are.’ Martin answered with a laugh.
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