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Samantha rolled out of bed, the floor was cold under her bare feet, she shivered as she headed toward the bathroom. She stopped in the middle of the room and looked around, confusion took over her. ‘This isn’t my apartment’ she thought. A moan came from the bed she’d just vacated, the sound was familiar but Sam couldn’t distinguish it. Samantha closed her eyes willing herself to remember the night before, the room spun slightly and Sam stepped back toward the wall and leaned against it. She vaguely remembered going out for drinks after work with the team, she recalled Vivian offering to drive her home, but she declined said she’d walk, it wasn’t far. The moan came again from the bed, this time the figure turned over, the light gracing his face; still Sam couldn’t make out who it was. She lowered herself to the floor; she didn’t recognize the apartment, which meant it wasn’t likely Martin’s. She hadn’t seen Jacks new place there was a good possibility it was Jack. She shifted her weight so she could see the bed more clearly, it wasn’t Jack, she could tell by the shape of the body. It was then she realized that only left one person, Danny!
‘Oh crap’ she whispered looking for her clothes. She found most of them scattered across the floor and dressed quickly; she was missing her bra but didn’t think she would need it for her escape. Maybe Danny would think it was Elena’s. Sam eased the door to the bedroom open and slipped through it. She grabbed her shoes from the front door and discovered her bra tossed over the back of the couch. She snatched it and through it in her purse then headed quickly out the door and down the stairs. The brisk morning air hit her like a thousand knives. Danny! The thought rang through her.

Sunlight warmed the room as Danny woke he smiled to himself and felt the warmth, he waved his arm to the other side of his bed, empty. “Sam?” he called out quietly waiting for her answer. Ok he thought tossing the covers to the end of the bed and swinging his feet to the floor; he grabbed his robe and wandered through his apartment, no sign of Samantha. He picked up his phone and dialed her number; he let it ring until he got the machine.
“Sam it’s Danny, we should probably talk.” He hung up and wandered to the shower, he flipped the water on to hot and let the steam fill the bathroom, what had he done? The water turned cold but Danny didn’t notice he finished shampooing and stepped out of the shower, turned off the water and grabbed is razor.
It was unfortunate how he could remember the night before, he remembered sitting in the booth next to Martin having a very detailed conversation about the Mets, he remembered Vivian getting up and offering to drive Samantha home, she’d been drinking heavy drowning something Danny was sure,
Sam declined the offer muttering something about walking. Martin and Danny agreed they’d make sure she got home safe. Elena however took the ride from Vivian, Danny was angry with her for leaving them,
Martin quickly started downing shots from the bar then excused himself to flirt with a waitress, Sam had a glazed look on her face when Danny offered to walk her home. “Sure Danny, why not. We’ll leave Casanova here.” She didn’t sound all that convinced but she did join him outside after she paid a visit to the little girls room. They’d walked for nearly an hour when Samantha finally admitted she was lost.
“I don’t even know where I live.” She giggled. “You live close don’t you Danny? Can I crash at your place?” she asked sounding very much like a little girl. “Of course.” Danny had said. They walked the three blocks left to Danny’s apartment and when they got inside, Sam went straight for the couch. “I have a spare room you can crash in Sam.” He had offered, Samantha looked at him “I’m to wired to sleep.” She’d said flicking on the TV
‘This wont bother you will it?” she asked changing the channel until she came to a show she liked. Danny sat next to her on the couch ‘Nope, what’s on?” he’d asked loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.
“Who knows it’s two am.” Danny’s phone rang and he answered it. It was Martin; he was calling to make sure Samantha had been taken care of. Danny explained that Sam couldn’t find her apartment and was crashing there, but all was well then asked how it went with the waitress. Martin scoffed and said he was home, alone. Danny laughed and they agreed to meet at the office the next day later then usual. When Danny hung up Samantha stood to hit the ladies again. “I don’t know why I need to pee again.”
She’d said staggering toward Danny’s bathroom. “You drank a lot.” Danny offered laughing at her. When she made it back from the bathroom she looked flushed Danny got up and got some water. “Here Sam, this will help.” She drank the water quickly then set the glass on the table.
“Danny, you’re a nice guy.” She smiled at him. Lipstick was smeared on her face and teeth, Danny laughed “Ok honey.” He said sitting again on the couch next to her, “what do we have on?” he took the controller from her and flipped through, stopping frequently when commercials were on. He glanced at Sam who was starting at him like a hungry dog. She moved closer to him, desire took over Danny as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly.
They were in the middle of their make out when Samantha reached behind her and unclasped her bra, Danny blushed as he assisted her in the removal, he lifted her from the couch and maneuvered into his room. Once in bed Danny took over, he kissed Samantha’s lips softly “You know we shouldn’t do this Sam.” He’d said against her, brushing his lips against the flesh of her neck. He unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it to the floor. She moaned against him ‘I know’. They made love for hours until finally they drifted off to sleep, holding one another still hot and sweaty.