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“Morning Danny.” Martin greeted handing his friend a fresh cup of coffee. “Sorry about last night man.” “Hey no worries, we were fine.” Danny accepted the coffee. “Where is she?” Martin asked motioning to Sam’s empty desk. ‘No idea, she left before I woke up.” Danny said, sounding nonchalant.
“Ah, probably embarrassed.” ”Ya, probably.” Martin dialed Samantha’s cell phone from his desk, ‘hello.’ She answered ‘Sam, it’s Martin, where are ya?” he asked “I’m on my way Martin, sorry I needed to hit home an change.” She answered “Alright, you could have waited for Danny to get up, he’d have driven you.” “I’m fine, I’ll be there in twenty minutes.” She was short with him, then hung up. Martin looked at the phone and smiled, he looked up at Danny ‘She’s cranky’
“Probably hung over. Danny smiled. He wasn’t about to let what happened the night before effect him. It was a mistake and it was over. He just needed to talk to Sam.
“Ok folks, we have a new case.” Vivian carried a new folder removing the picture from it; she placed it on the white board. “Grace O’Connell, disappeared while driving to work this morning.” Vivian handed the brief to the boys then asked “Where is Samantha?” ”She’s on her way.”
”Had a little too much last night?” she smiled. ”I needed to change.” Sam answered from behind Vivian. “Unless you wanted me to show up in yesterday’s garb.” ”I though Danny was walking you home?” Vivian shot Danny a look.
“Not my fault, she lead me on a wild goose chase trying to find her apartment so I let her crash at mine.” “I was well cared for Vivian thank you.” Samantha smiled at her.
“Alright well Jack and Elena are already at the scene where Grace’s car was found, Danny you and Martin hit the home, Sam you and I will canvass her workplace.”
Danny held the door for Martin as they wandered into the FBI parkade. Danny battled with the idea of telling Martin what happened, he was deciding against it when Martin asked ‘So you slept with her eh.” Danny shot him a look.
“What?” he laughed trying to hide his surprise. “Come on man, I’m not stupid.” Martin unlocked the car and got in. “It was bound to happen.” He looked Danny over. “She’s been with everyone else.” Martin was trying hard not to make that sound insulting. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Danny explained climbing into the car. He put on his sunglasses and looked away from Martin.
“Sure Danny, just know I’m here if you need to talk.” Martin started the car and they took off for the O’Connell home. Danny seemed unable to focus as Martin asked Mr. O’Connell questions about his wife. “My partner and I will need to see those records.” He heard Martin say, unsure what records he was referring to. “Of course’ the husband replied leaving the room in search of said documents. ‘Are you even here?” Martin asked putting his hand on Danny’s shoulder.
“Yeah, sorry. He’s gone to get the paper work?” “Maybe you should go to the bathroom and re-compose yourself Danny. You look like hell.” “Yeah, maybe I should.” Danny stood and wandered into the bathroom. He heard Martin speaking with the husband as he splashed water on his face. How could Martin have known? Did Sam say something? This wasn’t working out the plan at all. Danny emerged from the bathroom to find Martin waiting for him next to the door.
“We’re off to Dr. Mayland’s office.” He said hand the requested papers to Danny. “You feeling better?” ”Yea.” Danny replied avoiding eye contact with Martin. The drive across town to Dr. Mayland’s office was quiet and uncomfortable. Martin finally turned the dial on the radio letting the soothing music from the radio wav through the car. “Why do you think I slept with Sam?” Danny blurted. “I don’t think you did Danny, I know you did. Why are you denying it?”
”I never said I did sleep with her Martin, I want to know why you think I did.” ”It’s just obvious to me Danny, I’ve been there. I’ve seen her morning after look; You got that look this morning. I’m sorry Danny, but it’s just that’s how she is. Do I still love her, yes I do but I know it’s over. I’m not mad at you Danny; I just hope you’re ok.” “I’m fine.” Danny answered his heart aching a little. “Things still going on with you and Elena?” ”Yes.” ”Good, that’s good.” “Not if she finds out about Samantha.” Danny looked out the window again. “And how would she find out Danny? We’re all pretty good about keeping secrets.”
“Yea, I know. Sad isn’t it?” he shifted in his seat. What if this was a secret he didn’t want to keep? He remembered what had happened with Martin and Samantha, he was sure their split was Sam’s idea; it was never a subject they’d discussed. “What happened with you and Sam?” Danny entered territory never seen before.
“We dated, it ended.” ”Who ended it?” ”I did. I wanted more then she could give me. It’s fine. It hurt but it’s over and we’re fine.” “Thank you Martin.” Danny said his eyes locked on his friend. “Thank you.”