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Weeks had passed since Danny and Samantha had their night together the case of Grace O’Connell had been long solved and put to bed, her body showing up in the family cabin, her husband arrested for the murder. Neither Sam nor Danny had spoken of their affair since it occurred, Elena and Danny seemed closer then ever and the team was working again like a well oiled machine. Sam stared at the applicator with disbelief she reread the instructions. “One blue line means positive, two blue lines mean negative, one pink line means inconclusive.” She looked again at the applicator ‘purple?” she grimaced. Sam grabbed her cell phone and called her doctor; she booked an appointment for that afternoon and called Jack.
“I’m not feeling so great Jack; I’m going to the doctor this afternoon.” “Everything ok?” he asked concerned. “I’m sure it’s nothing, maybe a little food poisoning.” She hung up and paced around her apartment. The nausea had been coming in waves daily, usually passing by the afternoon, originally she thought it was stress but lately Sam considered the possibility that she was pregnant. She’d taken three different tests all of which confirmed her suspicions but she wanted a doctor’s final opinion.
Sitting in the office Sam flipped through magazines, she shifted her weight nervously and had begun biting her nails just before the doctor entered the room. “Samantha.” She said smiling at her. “Dr. Leavy.” “The test are positive, you’re pregnant.” Explained the doctor. “Great.” Sam answered less then enthused. “There are options Samantha.” ”I know.” ”Does the father know?” ”No, not yet.” ”Do you know who the father is Sam?” ”I have an idea.” She answered her mind flashing back to her night with Danny. “You have my number, let me know what you’re planning.” ”I will thank you doctor.” Samantha stood and left the office. She drove home barely noticing the drive. She opened the door to her apartment; her machine blinked one new message. She ignored it; she needed someone to talk to but who? She couldn’t go to anyone on the team about this, her family wasn’t close enough and she had little to no friends outside of the FBI.
Jack was the only person she could think of, Jack wouldn’t judge her, he’d want to help her. Tears welled up and slowly streamed down her face as she fell onto her sofa. ‘what am I going to do’ she asked herself. A knock on her door woke Samantha from her sob induced sleep. ‘who is it?’ she asked “Martin.” Came the answer from behind the door. Martin, Sam smiled, maybe she could trust him. She opened the door to find Martin standing in front of her, soup in tow. “Feeling better?” he asked stepping into her apartment. “No.” she answered wiping her face. “I brought some soup. From that place you like on 42nd.” He moved into her kitchen and grabbed a bowel. He poured some of the soup into the bowel and placed it into the microwave. Once heated he placed it on her table and Sam sat to eat. “Food poisoning?” he asked taking the chair next to her.
“Not quiet.” She replied cooling the spoon. “Then what? Flu?” “No.” Martin looked at her; he’d seen her visit the bathroom often the past few mornings, the idea rushed to him like a speeding train. “Oh Sam. How long?” ”I don’t know.” ”Whose the father?” ”Oh Martin.” Sam began sobbing once again, Martin moved from his chair and put his arms around her. “I can’t. this can’t.” she cried “It’s oka, we’ll work something out” he held her letting her fall apart.

Martin listened to Samantha sleeping soundly, she’d cried herself into exhaustion, he helped her into bed then promised not to leave when she begged him. This was nothing like the Samantha he knew. He wandered around her apartment remembering the nights they’d spent together, remember the happiness he’d felt with her. His mind was developing a plan before he even realized it. ‘I’ll be the father’ he thought, Danny would never really know and it would save Samantha the pain of telling Danny about the baby whatever her choice. Danny and Elena were in a full relationship now, this would wreck everything. Martin was sure this was the solution to the problem; he softly opened the door to Samantha’s room, where he’d left her rest.
“Sam.” He whispered. “Mmm.” She answered half awake. “I have an idea.” “About what Martin?” ”About the baby. What if I was the father.” ”But that’s not really possible.” She looked at him. “Sure it is, not likely but, no one else knows that. Come on Sam it’s better then you telling Danny the truth.”
”I can’t do that to him Martin.” ”But you can ruin his life by telling him he has a love child?” Martin looked her over, tears once again returned to her face. ”What if I don’t have the baby?” she asked sitting up. “That’s your choice Samantha, and I’ll be there for you every step of the way.” Martin sat at the edge of her bed “but if you can’t do that, just know my offer is on the table.” His eyes were intense. “I love you Samantha.” She looked away “bad timing I know but it’s true. I have for a long time. Now we have a chance to be a real couple, a family even. But it’s of course up to you, it’s what you want. Just know that’s my offer.”
“You could live like that Martin, knowing your child is another mans?”” ”You don’t know for sure Sam, it could be mine and even if it isn’t, it would be mine in all sense of the word, maybe not by blood but by everything else. And we could have others, just think about it Sam.” His phone vibrated on his hip and he answered it, excusing himself from her room.
The idea of having Martin as the father excited Samantha it wasn’t completely impossible that he was the father, they’d been together a few nights before she and Danny, there was a off chance it was Jacks. Suddenly she felt like a whore, tears were streamline down her cheek, she couldn’t possibly cry anymore. She pulled the blankets over her head and closed her eyes. She envisioned her life with Martin, he was so caring, she pictured her children blonde little girls with wavy hair and sweet little boys with darker locks of curls.
She pictured the baby she was carrying older then the other kids, he looked so much out of place, Martin held his hand, smiling at him, ‘this is my son’ he introduced to a phantom person, the boy looked at Martin and cried ‘you’re not my father’ he screamed running toward the phantom person, whose face melted into that of Danny’s. You kept him from me, Danny screamed at her holding the boy. How could you, and you, he pointed at Martin you lied to me. Jack appeared in the dream, an angel in white, he took the boy from Danny and cradled him in his wings, it’s oka boy. Jack said ‘you’re mine now.’ “Sam.” Martin’s words broke her dream ‘I have to go to work.” He said “think about what I said.”
Samantha looked over her calendar, she’d placed the names on each of the days she’d been with the variable boys. She’d just returned from the doctor, an ultra sound had been done and now Samantha had possible dates of conception, she reviewed her calendar again, it was looking more and more like Martin was the most likely candidate. She dialed the phone.
“Fitzgerald.” “Martin, when you’re done work I need you to come over.” She requested. “Sure.” He replied hanging up the phone. “Who was that?” Danny asked handing Martin a cup of coffee as they headed out of the office toward a witnesses home. “Sam.” ”She feeling any better?” Danny asked guilt over not calling her filled him. “Much better, not quiet ready for work yet but she’s getting there.” ”Stress leave, I never thought she’d be the one to take it.”
”Ya, the slop I was on there was a better chance I’d lose it first.” Martin laughed. After interviewing the witness Martin dropped Danny at the office and headed over to Samantha’s. “Hey.” He smiled at her after she opened the door. “What’s up?” she handed him her calendar. “Does this look right to you.” She asked marking the days they’d slept together. He scratched his head. “Sure, I don’t know I didn’t write it down.” “Think Martin, it’s important.” ”What does the red mean?” he asked “Just answer the question, yes or no.” ”Ka, the two red days are a yes, for sure. The other days you marked I have no idea. Maybe.” “What night did we all go out for drinks?” ”This one.” He pointed to the blue dot indicating Danny.
“You’re sure.” ”Yes.” Martin answered. “Why does blue mean conception?” ”No.” Samantha smiled “Does red mean conception?” Martin asked hopeful. Samantha nodded, he took her in his arms and kissed her ‘I told you it would work out. It is my baby!” he exclaimed overjoyed.