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Martin’s cell phone rang in the distance drawing him from his slumber, he grabbed for it finally finding it on the coffee table, who knew he was on the couch, he fumbled to flip the receiver and finally managed “Hello.”
“Martin, it’s Danny.” Martin cleared his throat “Hi Danny.” “Where are ya man?” Danny asked “I’m off today.” Martin explained. “Yea I know, but you’re supposed to be at Sofie’s birthday party in an hour remember.” The information flooded back to him, of course Sofie! “Sorry Danny, I’m on my way.” Martin hung up the phone and headed for the shower. He wasn’t sure how he’d managed to get home, last he remembered he was celebrating with Sam. He showered quickly, dressed and headed out to Elena’s for Sofies party. He picked up the cake he’d promised to bring and a few other random things he thought would make a great kids party. Once at Elena’s he looked for Sam.
“Hey you made it.” Danny smiled at his friend. ”Yea sorry Danny, I just fell asleep on the couch, my alarm was going off in my room but, I couldn’t hear it.” He trailed off. “Where’s Sam?” ”Working.” Danny answered. “Remember?” Martin looked at Danny strangely, she was supposed to be on stress leave still. Rather then answer Martin turned his attention to Sofie. The party seemed long and loud, kids screaming and having a good time. Elena served juice and cake until none of either were found, the afternoon dragged on for what seemed like days, Martin checked his phone over and over hoping Samantha would call.
“We’re all going out for drinks after the party Martin, you in?” Danny asked handing his friend a last piece of cake. “Ya sure. Whose all going?” “Jack Vivian and Sam will meet us at the pub.” “Oh, good.” Martin smiled, finally he’d get to see her. Martin Danny and Elena had the party cleaned up in no time after the kids all went their separate ways, Elena put Sofie to bed around eight and the trio headed off to the pub for some adult time. “Thank you guys for helping.” Elena said holding Danny’s arm as they walked into the pub. Vivian Jack and Samantha were sitting together at a table in the back of the pub, Martin was struck by deja vu, he’d been here before. “Hey how was the party?” Samantha asked sipping her martini.
“Sofie had a great time, these two kept her entertained even if the guests didn’t’. She loves them.” Elena ordered a drink, Danny a club soda, Martin excused himself and went to the bathroom. ‘this can’t be happening.’ He said looking in the mirror, he splashed water on his face and looked again. Was it a dream? He asked his reflection silently. The door behind him creeked and Jack entered the bathroom. “Hey Martin, how ya feeling?” he asked obviously feeling the effects of his beer. ”Just fine Jack, you?”
”I’m great, I haven’t been shot though.” Jack smiled at him, closing the door to the stall. Shot? “You look good.” Jack said from in the stall “It’s been a while, you don’t come by the office. Whenever you feel ready to get back at it Martin you know we’ll do all we can to help you.” Martin looked at the door Jack was behind, what was he talking about?
“Yea thanks Jack.” He answered sounding confused. Jack opened the door and began washing his hands. “Seriously Martin, you’re lucky to be alive and I’m proud of you for taking the time off you have. I mean the last time you were shot you jumped right back into work, and look where that got you. At least you were smart this time.” Jack put a tender hand on Martin’s back. “We miss you though Martin.” “I miss you too Jack.” Martin said still having no idea what his boss was talking about. “When do you see the shrink?”
“I don’t know.” Martin answered honestly, he didn’t know. “I’m sure they’ll ok your return to work.” ”I’m sure.” Echoed Martin. “Well I’d better get home, Anne is going to kill me for being drunk.” Jack smiled at Martin, once again placing his hands on Martin’s shoulders and giving him a quick hug. Martin hugged back and accompanied Jack out of the bathroom, when he returned to the booth Danny motioned to the T.V.
“Damn Mets.” He said “Look at that, they’re loosing.” ”They’re always loosing.” Martin said ordering a shot. “actually just keep them coming.” He told the waitress. She smiled at him and went off to the bar, he looked at Danny and raised and eye brow. “What they need is better out fielders.” Martin explained grabbing a hand full of nuts from the table and tossing them into his mouth. “Well I’m going home, Samantha you want a ride?” Vivian asked standing.
“No I’m going to walk, I’ll need the air. I don’t live far.” She said looking at her empty glass. “I don’t know about that Sam.” Vivian said looking concerned. “We’ll make sure she’s ok.” Danny smiled at Vivian. “I’ll take a ride Viv.” Elena said standing next to Vivian. “Sorry boys, I’m exhausted.” Danny shot her a look but she ignored it and followed Vivian out the door. Jack soon returned to the table, grabbed his coat and without a word headed for a cab waiting outside. It was then that Martin realized, this was the night, either he was dreaming or the whole baby thing had been a nightmare. Danny was still rambeling about the Mets, Martin nodded occasionally. The waitress had brought him four shots and he downed them all quickly.
“Slow down man.” Danny said suddenly. “Aren’t you medicated?” ”What?” Martin asked not catching what Danny had said. “Medicated?” ”Oh, no, you know me Danny I can’t take that stuff. I shouldn’t be taking this.” He flipped the shot glasses on their head and asked the waitress for a soda water with cranberry. ‘don’t flirt with the waitress’ he told himself. Martin sipped his soda water watching Samantha down another martini, she was rambeling about the case to Danny, Martin watched them together. His dream seemed so real. He closed his eyes, his head was starting to pound, was it the shots? He wondered placing the back of his hand against his forhead.
“Ya oka?” Samantha asked breaking Martins thoughts “Yes, fine just a bit of a head ache.” ”Getting shot in the back will do that I hear.” She laughed at herself. What was she talking about, Martin asked himself. “Martin maybe we should take you home.” Danny said concern building. “I’m fine Danny. Really.” “Martin is amazing at recovery Danny. He gets shot in the abdomen and is back to work a month later. He gets shot in the back three weeks ago and here he’s out with us.”
“Sam!” Danny warned. “He’s being smart this time, he’s taking some good time off. Don’t be like that.” Danny turned to Martin and lowered his voice “She feels guilty.” “Why?” Martin asked, his voice also lower so Samantha couldn’t hear them. “Wouldn’t you?” Danny asked “Danny, humor me. I’m honestly having a problem remembering what happened.” Danny looked his friend over, of course the doctors warned them about this. ”Sorry, I didn’t realize. Martin you got shot just about a month ago. You and Samantha were apprehending a kidnaper and his wife went crazy, she grabbed the boy from Samantha and you turned to run back to the kid, Samantha was already fireing when you turned.”
”She shot me!” Martin gasped. “Shhh!” “Sorry.” ”Yes, and she’s destroyed about it. It was an accident Martin.” ”Well obviously she wouldn’t just shoot me for fun.” Martin looked at Samantha who was very drunk at this point. “No, she wouldn’t. But you’ve been recovering alright, this is kinda the first time we’ve seen you.” “Gotcha.” “Can we go now?” Samantha asked from the back of the table, rather loudly.
“Yes.” The boys answered in unison. “Oh, lucky me, two hot guys.” Samantha smiled picking up her empty glass and tipping the drops into her mouth. Danny and Martin shot each other a look then started laughing. Danny took Samantha by the arm and assisted her into the street, Martin paid the remaining tab. The waitress smiled at him ‘leaving so soon?’ she asked sweetly “Yea, gotta get home before I turn into a pumpkin.” She laughed he waved to her then followed Danny and Samantha into the street. “You know where you’re going?” he asked Samantha.
“Sure. This way.” She pointed to the direction they were walking. Danny looked to Martin for confirmation. “Really honey because you live the other way.” Martin answered Danny laughed, he still had Samantha propped up under his weight, he turned in the direction Martin pointed and the trio began walking. “So you and Elena.” Samantha started “Wow.” “So you and Jack again.” Danny replied. Sam shot him a look.
”No, we’re not.” She stopped and walked a few steps ahead of Danny, turned then faced the boys. Martin kept quiet. “The rumors are that you are.” Danny offered stepping closer to Samantha. “He’s with Anne. He’s better off.” Samantha answered a tear forming, she brushed it away then smiled. “Plus, he’s at home and I’m here with you.” She wrapped her arms around Danny. He looked down at her, then removed her arms from around him. “Wrong guy.” He said looking at Martin. Sam pouted “I don’t deserve him.” She said starting to walk again. The rest of the walk to Samantha’s apartment was long and quiet. Once there she invited Danny and Martin in, Danny declined but Martin wanted to sit a while before he called a cab take him home. “Have fun you too.”
”She’s drunk Danny.” ”I know.” Danny laughed “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Martin followed Samantha into her place, removing his shoes at the door and taking his phone out of his jacket, he dialed a cab, the attendant promised a driver within the hour. “You don’t have to go you know.” Sam said grabbing a glass and filling it with the tap. “I know I don’t Sam. But I’m going to.” He looked at her, his heart warming, his body reacting the way it always did when he was with Samantha. She moved closer to him, knowingly. He breathed her in, a mix of lavender and booze. She stood on her tip toes reaching her lips to his. Martin turned his face just in time. “I can’t Sam.” He said resisting every urge his body was begging for.
“Why not Martin?” She asked stroking his face. “Because. I want more then just this.” He kissed her softly, his mouth warm and inviting, him tongue graced her lips she parted them letting the kiss deepen, his tongue massaged hers, drinking her in, then suddenly he stepped away from her his dream becoming more vivid. “I’m sorry. I can’t.” he kicked his feet back into his shoes and headed out the door.
Martin’s head was spinning when he awoke the next morning, he was in his apartment, in his bed, and he was alone. He looked at the clock, the date was right, the time was late. He grabbed his palm pilot and checked his plans for the day, doctor’s appointment at two, psychologist at three, physio at one, meeting with a trainer six. He slid out of bed and wandered into the bathroom, he took out a bottle of aspirin and popped out two small white pills, he filled a cup with water and swallowed the pills. His head was pounding, he didn’t remember drinking all that much, he staggered into the living room and fell into his couch, grabbing the remote he turned the T.V. straight to the news. Nothing interesting, he changed to the sports channel and left it on while he went to shower.