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Ben stood at the exit door, he was ready to leave and his friends were taking their sweet time. He checked his watch for the third time as he looked up he saw her, she'd been there before but he'd never seen her like this. Her hair framed her face and her smile tonight seemed to light the room. She looked at him and waved, as she always did but tonight was different. Tonight he could feel her eyes looking through him, as if he wasn't there. He started towards her as she took her coat from Scott. "Hey Sasha." he said looking again to his friends who hadn't moved. "Hi Ben." she smiled at him, his knees got weak as he remembered the first time he really met her, she has been beautiful that night, but sad looking. He took advantage of her looking unhappy and ended up feeling like an ass-hole after. She gave great head but he wasn't prepared for her to leave the way she did, or to hear that she had been sick that night and not herself. After she had apologized but he was the jerk, he ignored her and now he wanted more. "Where are you off to?" He asked her with the sudden urge to strip her naked and fuck her on the floor of the mens room. "Home." she said looking for her friend. "She's over with Brice" he motioned to Jade, Sasha's friend talking with a guy they both knew. "So she is." "Can we go somewhere and talk?" he asked politely. "Talk or really talk?" she teased. "Either or." he smiled, she barely knew him but she knew him too well. Ben took her hand and led her up the stairs, he was for the first time thankful that he had worked in the club, he had the ability to go anywhere at anytime. Today he was going to abuse that privilege. Sasha called to her friend that she would be a while and Jade laughed at her nodding. Ben stopped at one of the office doors and opened it with a code, he held it open for her as she moved in front of him. "So, how's life?" he asked sitting on the couch. "Nice little place in here." she ignored his question and admired the small office. It had only a desk, chair and couch, the desk was full of paper work and the chair was very shabby but the couch looked comfy. "Ya, it's Kerem's office I think." "Oh really, well Tex would just die if we messed anything up." She gave an evil grin and threw all of the paper work on the floor, hopped up on the desk and slightly spread her legs. "Ooops." Ben smiled as his gaze traveled over her, he stopped at her breasts and again at the crease between her legs, he couldn't quiet see up her skirt and that was arousing. "You've messed his desk, naughty girl." he stood and walked over to her, standing in front of her he placed his hands on her knees and spread her legs far apart, putting his pelvis and pulsing cock between her legs. "I've been so bad." she looked up at him innocently. Ben nearly lost control. She took his hands and moved them from her legs to the desk, then she slowly stood infront of him. "What are you planning to do about it?" she moved around him and sat on the couch, her legs crossed and her smile wide. "I'll have to teach you a lesson, for Tex." he turned around. She could see his hardness pushing against his jeans. "Nice assets" she mocked unbuttoning a few of her buttons. "How do you plan to teach me from there?" she asked. "I don't." he smiled at her moving quickly to sit next to her, his hands holding himself over her on the couch. Sasha smiled to herself and began unbuttoning Ben's pants. He looked shocked but couldn't move without falling on her. She took his throbbing penis into her hands and started working it slowly at first and then more quickly, watching Ben loose control was fun for her. Finally he let go of the couch and took Sasha's hands. "Stop." he said breathlessly. "I don't wanna cum yet." Sasha stopped and looked at him, she wasn't sure what he meant by that. Ben finished unbuttoning Sasha's shirt and threw it on the papers scattered on the floor. He unfastened her bra and dropped it next to her shirt. "Lovely." he smiled bending to take a plump breast into his mouth. Sasha shuttered as he licked and sucked her hard nipple. She resumed massaging his penis and he sucked her breasts and caressed her back. "I said stop that." he mumbled his mouth half full. "What did you want me to do?" she asked "Don't move." he smiled pulling her so she lay on the couch, he moved to straddle over her and pushed her skirt up to her hips. He slid his hands up her outer thighs and gripped her underwear. "Nice thong." he grinned as he added it to the pile of clothing on the floor. "Thanks." she said trying not to blush. He moved two fingers to her throbbing clit and rubbed it softly. He listen to her breathing get harder as he moved his tongue around her nipples and played with her clit. "Much better." he looked at her and kissed her lips hard at first then more softly as his tongue explored her mouth. His hand moved to her breast and took over for his tongue, pinching and caressing her nipple as he rubbed and tickled her cunt. He moved her leg off the couch with he knee, opening her cunt to him. He stopped kissing her and moved his mouth to her wet pussy. He kissed her thigh before his tongue flicked her clit, he took it in his mouth and sucked hard, causing her to shutter. As he sucked her clit his finger teased her not quiet entering her but moving in circles around her. Finally he let two fingers dive inside of her hard as his tongue teased her hard clit. She was dripping wet for him as he worked his fingers in and out of her, letting the wetness consume him fingers, he moved his tongue inside her tasting the sex of her and enjoying it. She moaned in lust as shivers of heat waved over her, she was just about there. He let his fingers linger out of her a moment as he enjoyed the taste of her his tongue working her in and out. "Tell me when." he teased kissing her cunt as he dove his fingers back into her hitting the g stop as she exploded with orgasm. "Or now works." he smiled at her. "Jerk." she breathed. "Oh you'll get your chance. But ladies first." He sat up and let her do the same. She quickly pounced on him, straddling her legs over his pelvis. She could see he was still hard and wondered if he had cum any. She moved her hand into his shorts and felt the wetness of them. She smiled. "Well I am human." he looked at her. "What did you expect?" she smiled and moved her mouth to the hardened cock. Taking it all in and sucking softly. She ran her hands to his balls and massaged them as she worked her mouth over his solidness. Ben clasped his hands around his neck and relaxed, he already knew she was good at this. Sasha looked up at him and moved her hands to remove the shorts, she threw them behind the desk. "I'll need those later." he protested. "Later yes." she gripped his shaft with her left hand and worked his balls with her right licking the tip of his penis as she maneuvered. She licked him from top to bottom then sucked the tip before moving her mouth to his balls, she did the same there sucking and nibbling softly. Ben started moaning and his shaft got harder and the pre cum was starting. Sasha knew it wouldn't be long but he needed him inside her. She moved one hand to her cunt and she slid his cock into her mouth she worked herself feeling the wetness of herself and the taste of his pre cum was sending her to the moon. Ben ran his hands through her hair and pulled slightly so she looked at him. "Please." he asked, more like begging then requesting. She moved to her knees as Ben stood behind her and entered her doggy style. They both moaned as his hard cock found the wetness of her pussy. Ben moaned fucking her hard pulling her hips into him as he did. But he didn't want to cum yet, he didn't want it to be over. He with drew from her and tried to think of things that didn't involve her naked body or her waiting cunt. "Don't stop." she begged. Ben dove his fingers into her cunt as he let his cock slid into her ass feeling the pressure and tightness of it nearly put him to the limit. She screamed in delight as he pulled her deeper. He fingered her hard using his thumb to rub her clit as he fucked her in the ass. She was feeling it all his pulsing cock was torture outside of her cunt. "I can't wait." Ben said taking his cock from her anus and forcing it into her cunt cumming almost as soon as he entered. Sasha collapsed in orgasm as Ben fell on the couch his cock now sore and getting soft. "Jesus you're good." he breathed. "Thanks."Sasha smiled putting her clothes back on and grabbing his shorts. "You're not bad yourself." she put his shorts in her purse and opened the door. "See you around Ben." she smiled "Hey wait." "You have my number, call me." she closed the door and headed down the stairs the look of satisfaction on her face. "Have fun?" Jade asked. "Sure did." Sasha answered as they got in a cab and headed for home...... (Written By Trixxie Sept 29 2003) New Story Home