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Where it all began, to some the world is a place built by god to house his creations, to others the world is a speck of dust in the atmosphere, my religion sees the world was created as such: Before there was an earth, before the dinosaurs and much before the beginning of time there was limbo- limbo is where the gods reigned high and mighty for all. No one was left out and anyone around at this time was very important and otherwise a god in his/her own right. Although the forms that these gods took was hardly close to human, more in the form of gasses and light. These gods all represented something, wind, water, fire, and body, in different forms of course. At one point the god of body ‘Zipherious” questioned his reason of being. He searched the solar system in search of a place he could call his own home, a place he could merely be. What he discovered was earth. The other gods agreed that having a home of their own was a decent idea and took to claiming other planets as their own. Zipherious had ideas of his own and took along the gods of water, fire and wind to create something on his ‘rock’. The goddess of water Aenia created the oceans and the rivers, the god of wind Cesinus created the air that we breath and the goddess of fire, Percus summoned the light from the star now known as the sun. Zipherious grew bored with the earth and decided he liked living in limbo better and since now the gods had their own homes / planets he was mostly alone. Aenia and Cesinus began to grow fonder of each other and wanted to be left alone on earth as to enact together as one. Percus became jealous of this as she too was in love with Cesinus. One day after a very lengthy fight between the two goddess’s Zipherious summoned Cesinus to make a choice. The goddess’s feeling that they had put their beloved into a compromising position made the decision for him. Giving him the world, Percus dove to the center of the rock filling it with molten lava, Aenia countered the warmth of the lava with her cool oceans and called upon the rain to bring about change. Cesinus felt the goddess’s both deserved him and he spread himself thin for all to enjoy. Today Percus confesses her still love for Cesinus with burst of volcano’s while Aenia tells of her love with rain and cooling rivers, waterfalls and streams. Cesinus plays both ladies by feeding the world they confess upon. Before the world was as we know it, before the ice age, the cave men, the dinosaurs and even before the biblical Adam and Eve, the spirit was alive. Each spirit had it’s own calling, a power to it that made it’s exsistance crucial. In later years these spirits were worshiped and placed into god status. Three such spirits are the reason we are here and alive today. Eara, Luna and Solar. Eara was a strong motherly beauty a healer and teacher, a giver and a lush. Eara strived on the happyness around her, she longed for peace among her brothers and an end to conflict. Her only vice was her love of Solar. Solar, a strong firely force of manhood adored Eara. He lived for only her, showering her with affection and love. He longed to make Eara his queen there was only one reason he could not. Nothing about luna screamed beauty, she was plain and boring. Luna was an intelect, birthing scolars and guiding lost souls. One thing Luna could never comprehend was her love of Solar.