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Lestat de Liouncourt licked the red stain from his lips, he had enjoyed the blood of the young girl, A positive was his favorite. He tossed the body to the dog looking at him with pure hunger. Annabella Doth had been one of the more prestigious members of society before Lestat had made her a midnight snack. He moved from his perch in the Doth family cemetery and smiled at the name plastered on his former post he glanced back at Annabella’s body and with a hint of the charm that wooed her to him he said “Strange how your death would be so close to the heart of your father.” Lestat laughed as the dog gnawed at the flesh of the girl. Lestat returned to the party that he had been enjoying prior to the hunger pangs. “Monsieur de Liouncourt have you seen Madam Doth?” Markus Whitman asked with a strained panic darkening his face. Markus, Lestat decided, was very attractive. “Why of course I have just been with her walking in the garden, she said something about visiting her fathers grave only moments ago.” Lestat explained calmly his accent faded slightly as he spoke. His eyes were grey and almost a smoke hazes rather then a true shade. His face was hard as stone and attractive, his hair was the colour of cole, dark and tied back taught to perfection, every piece in it’s place, his body was built and muscular the suite he wore emphasized his masculine figure. Markus found himself admiring the man, he found himself unable to fight the urges welling inside of him. “Thank you Monsieur de Liouncourt I shall check there first.” he shook Lestat’s hand and headed out the double french doors straight for the family graveyard. Markus neared the plot of Damion James Doth the fifth, a man whose death still pained Markus. Damion was like a father the Markus showing him everything the world of politics had to offer. Markus’s own father was taken suddenly of a heart attack, when Markus was only a child. The void was easily filled by Damion, his family would spend their summers with the Doth’s, his mother would dress in her favourite garb and would occasionally smile, not that she would ever admit to enjoying her life after Damion had passed on. Not that she would ever let herself live after her husband had been taken from her. Markus had been an only child and since Annabella was born he ravished in the game of having a sibling.