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The clicking sound of 7 inch stiletto heels echoed the halls as Grace hurried to her meeting. Jake would kill her if she were late again. She creaked to door open and shimmied to his side. “This is my wife, Grace.” He motioned to her as if she’d been there the whole time. Grace smiled as she looked up to the man she was being introduced to. “Aaron.” She choked. “Hi Grace.” He replied. “You two already know each other?” Jake asked with mild surprise. “We’ve met.” Aaron said briskly. Met, sure Grace thought, we’ve met. If you call the most erotic weekend of her life we’ve met. She could conjure up the memory any second she needed a release. His hands, her body she shivered thinking about it. Jake put his hand on her lower back and moved her to the side of the room; she kept her focus on Aaron. “How do you know him?” “We met a while ago, I don’t really remember how.” “He’s going to be my boss Grace, is there going to be a problem?” Grace thought for a moment and smiled at Jake. “No, no problem.” She excused herself and headed for the bathroom. Shit she thought to herself splashing water on her face hoping to cool down from the thoughts of Aaron. She could never forget those nights, now she’d have to play nice for her husband’s sake. Grace heard the door to the bathroom open and she grabbed some paper towel to dry her face. “I never thought I’d see you again.” Aaron’s voice filled the air. “Aaron. We can’t.” she protested half hearted. He took another step toward her. “Grace, why can’t we?” she considered the question, if no one saw him come into the bathroom, there was no reason that they’d get caught. Her mind shifted to Jake. “I’m married.” She whispered. “You were then too.” He reminded her, brushing his fingers across her cleavage. She wasn’t about the stop him. “Oh Aaron.” She moaned despite herself. “Yes Grace.” He replied pushing his soft hand into her dress and cupping her breast. His lips lowered to cover hers. She moaned against them, and put her hand against his chest she pushed. “No.” she breathed not even convincing herself. “Yes.” His reply came as he puckered her hard nipple into his fingers. Grace could feel herself loosening up as Aaron pinched and flicked the hard bud beneath the silk of her dress. Suddenly there was nothing as Aaron shifted himself to the door and flicked the lock. “No interruptions.” He commanded returning to her side. He pushed himself against her replacing his hand on her breast as his lips found her neck his remaining hand sliding the hem of her skirt over her hips revealing her purple lace thong. “Oh naughty’ he licked her neck following his tongue along the groove of her until it found a home in her mouth. His free hand found its way to her thong, tracing the light fabric over her hardening clit and pulling the dampness away from its source. The coolness of air between her legs gave Grace a shiver of lust as it quickly disappeared with Aaron’s fingers circling her clit. His hard shaft was pushing against Grace begging for attention, she moved her hands from their place holding her up on the bathroom counter, she took the button of his pants and with one swift motion undid his pants and hand them on the floor. “Never any.” She breathed taking his swelling into her hand and working it slowly up and down. Grace loved that Aaron never wore underwear, it meant no matter where they were he could have her quick and easy. Aaron pushed a finger into Grace and she whimpered with delight increasing the speed in which she moved her hand. Aaron lifted Grace onto the counter; he pushed her legs as far apart as they would go and dropped to his knees, Grace leaned back resting her elbows on the ledge of the mirror. Her hands moving to her breasts as Aaron’s mouth found her wetness. Grace pulled at her hard nipples as Aarons tongue flicked the taught clit, his index finger running circles around her dripping hole. Grace licked her fingers and played with her jiggling breasts as she nearly screamed with ecstasy. Softly Aaron nibbled at her pink lips separating them with his tongue and diving into her sucking and licking. He spread her out before him and worked her with his knuckles before she was wet enough and ready for his fist, he inserted it fast and hard licking her bud as he worked her harder and harder she cried and whimpered with bliss. He removed his hand using the moister as a lubricant while he fingered her anus. Grace was over whelmed as she arched herself towards him, losing control. Finally Aaron drove his finger deep into her anus and his hard pulsing penis into her waiting cunt. He plunged harder pushing himself into her and using his finger in the come hither motion until Grace couldn’t take anymore and let out a scream of orgasm. Aaron was soon to follow cumming into her with a final pound. He removed himself from her washed his hands and zipped up his pants. “Whore.” He smiled and flicked the lock on the door. Grace darted into the stall of the bathroom and cleaned herself up. She returned to the party a few minutes’ later. “Where were you?” Jake asked. “I had a female emergency.” She lied and smiled coyly at Aaron. He ignored her and that was fine. She’d gotten what she wanted. Home