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Greg Mayfield

Pssst-He's the one in the middle....

Bass player, vocals, goofball, firebreather

Greg is one big goofball. He's a nice guy too. (Do I have to say this for all of them??) He also sings some of the Toy Subs songs. (and does a damn good job too I might add) When not jamming on the bass in the Subs or sporting the newest "fashion", Greg enjoys microwaving cats and drinking chocolate milk
Penny's words on Greggie Poo... He's got to be one of the most... umm... err... open people I've met... Very intellegent **lol**... He seems to disappear and reappear at random times of his choosing. Not too sure about the microwaving cats thing, myself... but if it's Greg, who knows? Anyways... if you enjoy a good goof... you and Sir GreggiePoo will get along just great... :O)

Greg owns baby-tees

What the hell, give Greg a "no-shirt" pic too...


Deep Purple



Back! Back! Take me back to where I started!!


Alex! Alex! Alex!

What happened to that Kevin guy?

The song playing in the background is Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis :::cringe:::
