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What I've Done And When

December 25th- It's been a loong time since Ive updated this. No news really..nothing to add. I updated the schedule..thats all I can really do. Oh, and I updated my message to my Georgie.
October 8th- I added the new sections..TS Greeting Cards and a new P&P Mailing List as well as PoGo and Penny's Reviews and Quotes. I also updated the schedule.(no upcoming shows..sorry Subbies..)
August 29th- I touched up on the schedule and I added the "book" of the life and times of the Toy Subs in the "How they came to be" section. Take a look!.
August 26th- I got rid of that horrible pic of me in the tire. It just didn't post right so it looked all funk-d-fied. I also updated the schedule and fixed a lot of mistakes in the list.
July 29th- I fixed all the links on the index page that wern't working, I added a new section of links,I deleted the chat(yeah, like anyone was ever in it anyways)and I'm in the process of adding a quotes page.
July 20th- Just added another song to the Sounds page. "The Cat Saw Everything".
July 19th- Not much today, just added to new links to Greg's page. Nothing speciel.
July 18th- There's an all new sounds page. Not all the sounds (you want all the sounds? Visit the offical page!) What I added are just the top picks from Penny and I. I also added the guys signatures. Now you can see just want Jamie,Alex and Greg's penmanship is like!*grin*
July 17th- Well, Megs had to update all the links to the offical page thanks to the awesome new updates. I also updated the now long long list of Toy Sub where-abouts and I added the new banner for the new CD and a link to the offical page.
July 15th- I added new stuff to Penny's page, and I updated my own. I also added a schedule page because someone wrote me saying it would be better if it was there. Who sent it...I have no idea...but thanks for the suggestion!
July 9th- I added cool new sounds to a bunch of the pages..everything from The Beatles, to Oasis, to XTC, NO DOUBT!! Too bad I don't have any Toy Sub MIDIs...oh well. These will have to do. Oh yeah. Please note that the songs playing on each of the band members pages are by bands advocated by the band member themself. Yep. Pretty neat huh? Megs stayed up pretty late searching through MIDI files for them. Oh yeah! Check out Pogo's cool new section. She (I) got bored with what I had. Whatcha think? A sneak peek of what I do and what I like.
July 6th- YESSS Pogo got the links working!! Every give me a BIG round of applause. LOL. Go check out the band links. I've got a bunch up!
July 5th- I updated the guys pages a bit more. I also updated the pages for myself and Penny. I STILL can't get the links to the bands pages to work. If you wanna see em, go here-Band Links
July 3rd-I added LOTS of new bands links...wierd links and links to friends are still to come. I added 2 new things to the "thanks" page, because we really do appreciate them! =o) I updated the info about the Houston Press Award on the index page, and ooh look pretty, big new words on Jamie, Alex and Greg's pages describing what they do..oooooooh
June 27th- I updated Jamie, Alex and Gregs pages finally. I know they still suck. I gotta get more info from them. I also added a tiny bit to the News section.
June 17th-OK, so it's been a while, but I finally updated some. I added a links page, cleared out someof the useless things I had on the index page, so it doesn't take a couple months to load up. LOL. Anyways, I fixed some of my grammatical errors....I'm so bad at that. I can't even spell weird...wierd...aah, whatever
May 7th- I added the cool new menu bar on the index page and I updated some thank yous on the....well..thank you page. I also fixed the Chinese Zodiac page...gee..who ever heard of a Chinese Chicken..LOL
May 6th- I changed the index background, updated the news, added this section, and am working on some backgrounds for the rest of this. I also added a Chinese Zodiac section just for the hell of it.
The song playing in the background is Don't Speak by No Doubt
