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My Friends

Hello.. and welcome to my friends page... Well here I will be telling all my friends thanks for everything they have done for me as a friend... but first I will tell you thanks for taking the time out to see evrything mommy has put together.. THANK YOU!


Nikole~ thanks for all you have done.. you have got me out of alot of spanking.. and you have also taught me alot of good things.. and I really do thank you alot...

Vornica~thanks for being a friend....and thanks for keeping me company when our parents go out*s*

Alley~hey girl... thanks for your friendship.. and thanks for all of the fun time at the parks...

Baily~thanks for all that you have done for me and being nice to me when i was mean to you.. thank you..

~*My Male Friends*~

Presley~well hmm I should say Uncle Presley.. Thanks for all you have done...hmm you have always kept me out of trouble.. you have always taken care of me.. and made sure i stayed out of that cat food*s* thank you so much*BIG HUGS*

Justin~hey buddy... thanks for everything.. even though you were mean to me at time.. i thank you for being there when i had noone to play with*l*

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