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1. VISVAM..The ALl, He whom the Upanisads indicate by the passage 'Yatah sarvani bhutani' as the cause of the generation, sustentation and dissolution of the universe. He is Brahman, the Non dual Supreme Being. The term Visvam meaning 'the all or the whole manifested universe' indicates Him, both in relation to this adjunct of the universe and without it. As the effect can indicate the cause, He is called by the name VISVAM the Universe of manifestation having its source in Him and thus forming His effect.

Or alternatively, as the universe has no existence apart from Him, He can be called VISVAM, the Universe. In support of it are the Upanisadic statements "Brahma ev'edam visvam idam varistham..this universe is verily the supreme Brahman .. Mu. Up. 2 2 11. Purusa ev'edam visvam..all this universe is the Purusa Himself..Mu. Up. 2110.

According to the root meaning also Visvam can mean Brahman or the Supreme Being. Its root VISATI means enter or interpenetrate. Brahman, interpenetrates everything, according to the Upanisadic passage..Tat srstva tad evanupravisat..having projected the Universe , He entered into it..Tait. Up. 2.6. Also..Yat prayanty abhisamvisanti..that into which all beings enter at the time of dissolution..Tait. Up. 3.1. Thus Brahman enters into its effect, the Universe, and the Universe enters or dissolves in Him. Thus in both these senses He is VISVAM.

2. VISNUH..When the question arises who is it that has become VISVAM, the All, the answer is given that it is VISNUH. As He pervades everything, VEVESTI, He is called VISNUH. The term VISNUH is derived from the root VIS..indicating presence everywhere..combined with the suffix NUK. SO the Visnu Purana 3.1.45 says..

Yasmai vistam idam sarvam tasya saktya mahatmanah
tasmad evo'cyate Visnur viser datoh pravesanat

.The power of that Supreme Being has entered within the universe. The root VIS means enter into.

The following Rgvedic Mantra 2.2.26 also advocates the adoration of Visnu for the attainment of spiritual enlightenment..
Tamu stotarah purvyam yathavida
Rtasya garbham janusa pipartana
Asya jananto nama cidvivaktana
Mahas te Visno sumatim bhajamahe

It means..O hymnists Put an end to your recurring births by attaining the real knowledge of that Ancient Being who is eternal and true. Understanding these names of VISNU, repeat them always. Let other people repeat Thy Holy names .. we, O Visnu, shall adore Thy charming effulgence.

This is only a summary of Sanakara's Commentary, which is largely an elaboration with quotations from various other sources also to substantiate the points mentioned above.

3 VASATKARAH..He in respect of whom Vasat is performed in Yajnas. Vasat is an exclamation uttered by the Hotr priest in a Yajna at the end of a sacrificial verse, hearing which the Adhvaryu priest casts the oblation for the deity in the fire. As Vasat thus invariably preceded the oblation, which is the chief rite of a Yajna, Yajna itself can be called vasat karah. And Yajna is identified as Visnu in the Vedic passage..Yajno vai Visnuh..Tai. Sam.1.7.4.

4 BHUTABHAVYABHAVATPRABHUH The Master of the past, future and present. As He is beyond the sway of time in its three aspects, He is eternal being, and thus His majesty is undecaying. He is therefore the real Prabhuthe Lord.

5 BHUTAKRT The creator and destroyer of all existences in the universe. Assuming Rajoguna, He as Brahma, is generator of all objects. Krt can also be interpreted as Krntana or destruction. The name can therefore also mean one, who, as Rudra, destroys the worlds, assuming the Guna of Tamas.

6 BHUTABHRT One who supports or sustains or governs the universe. Assuming the Sattva Guna, He sustains the worlds.

7 BHAVAH Pure existence. It can also mean one who manifests Himself as the universe.

8 BHUTATMA The essence of all beings. He is the indweller, Antaryamin, of all objects individually and collectively. Esa ta atm'antaryamy amrtah..this Thy atma is the inner pervader and the immortal..Br. U.

9 BHUTABHAVANAH He who originates and develops all Elements.

10 PUTATMA One whose nature is purity or one who is purity and the essence of all things. According to the Sruti 'Kevalo nirgunas ca', He is nondual being untouched by Gunas, Sve.Up.6.11. The Purusa only assumes a relation with the Gunas of Prakrti, but His essential nature is not affected by it. So He is ever pure.

11 PARAMATMA He who is the supreme one and the Atman. He does not come within the cause and effect relationship, and He is by nature ever free, pure, and wakeful.

12 MUKTANAM PARAMA GATIH The highest goal of the liberated ones. For one who attains to Him, there is neither rebirth nor attaining to any thing higher, there being nothing higher than Him.

13 AVYAYAH One for whom there is no decay. He is described inthe Sruti as 'ajaro' maro'vyayah'..unaging, undying and undecaying.

14 PURUSAH One who abides in the body or pura. Mahabharata, Santi 21.37 says

Navadvaram puram punyam etair bhavaih samanvitam
Vyapya sete mahatma yah tasmat purusa ucyate.

"The great being resides in and pervades the mansion of the body, having all the features described before and provided with nine gateways because of this He is called Purusa". Or by interpreting the word as pura asit, the word can be given the meaning of "one who existed always". Or it can mean one who is Purana, perfect or one who makes all things PURITA that is, filled by pervading them.

The Mahabharata, Udyoga 7.11, says "puranat sadanat ca'iva tato'sau purusottamah'.. He is called Purusottama, because he infills everything and sustains them all."

15 SAKSI One who witnesses everything, without any aid or instruments, by virtue of His inherent nature alone.

16 KSETRAJNAH The knower of the field or body. The Bhagavadgita says "Ksetrajnam ca'pi mam viddhi..know Me to be the knower of the Ksetra or the field i.e. the body." Says Santi Parva 351.6 "These bodies are the fields, in which seeds consisting of man's good and bad acts yield their fruits as enjoyments and sufferings. As the dwelling spirit is the Knower of all these, He is called Ksetrajna.

17 AKSARAH EVA CA He who is without destruction i.e.the Supreme Spirit. The word is formed by adding the suffix 'sara' at the end of the root 'as'. Eva and ca in the text show respectively that according to the great dictum 'Tat tvam asi' Ksetrajna and Aksara are identical metaphysically and that their difference is relevant only relatively.

18 YOGAH One attainable thorugh Yoga. And Yoga is defined as follows jnan'endriyani sarvani nirudhya manasa saha Ekatvabhavana yogah ksetrajnaparamatmanoh. That is The contemplation of the unity of the Jivatma and the Paramatma, with the organs of knowledge and the mind witheld, is Yoga.

19 YOGAVIDAM NETA The master of those who are established in the abovementioned Yoga. For the Lord says in Bhagavad Gita 9.22 Tesam nityabhiyuktanam yogaksemam vahamy aham.

"Of those who are ever united with Me in communion, I bear their YogaKsema..preservation of their worldly and spiritual interests."

20 PRADHANAPURUS'ESVARAH The master of Pradhana, otherwise known as Prakrti and Maya, as well as of Purusa or Jiva.

21 NARASIMHAVAPUH One in whom the bodies of a man and a lion are combined. The reference is to the incarnation as manlion or Nrsimha.

22 SRIMAN One on whose chest the goddess Sri always dwells.

23 KESAVAH One whose Kesa or locks are beautiful. Or one who is himself the three..kah Brahma ah Visnu and Isa Siva. Or one who destroyed the Asura Kesi in the Krsna incarnation.

24 PURUSOTTAMAH The greatest among all Purusas..spirits. Or one greater than all individual spirits. In the Gita 15.18 it is said

Yasmad ksaram atito'ham aksarad api co'ttamah
Ato'smi loke vede ca prathitah Purusottamah

"As I transcend the Ksara the changeful and Aksara the unchanging, I am called Purusottama in the Veda and in the common language."

25 SARVAH The omniscient source of all existence Mahabharata Ud. 70.11 says

Asatas ca satas ca'iva sarvasya prabhavapyayat
sarvasya sarvada jnanat sarvamenam pracaksate.

"As He is the source of all things gross and subtle, and as He knows all things at all times He is called SARVA".

26 SARVAH Destroyer. He destroys the whole universe at the time of Pralaya or cosmic dissolution.

27 SIVAH Pure One. For He is not affected by the three Gunas of Prakriti..Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. The Kaivalya Upanishad 1.8. says.."Sa Brhama sa Sivah..He is both Brahma and Siva". In the light of this statement of nondifference between Siva and Visnu, it is Visnu himself that is exalted by praise and worship of Siva.

28 STHANUH One who is steady, immovable and changeless.

29 BHUTADIH Source of all elements or existing things.

30 AVYAYAH NIDHIH The changeless and indestructible Being in whom the whole universe becomes merged and remains in seminal condition at the time of Pralaya or cosmic dissolution.

31 SAMBHAVAH One born out of His own will as incarnation. Gita 4.8. says 'Dharmasamsthapanarthaya
sambhavami yuge yuge..for the establishment of Dharma I am born, sambhavami, in every age'.

32 BHAVANAH One who generates the fruits of Karmas of all Jivas for them to enjoy. The Brahma Sutra
3.2.28 'Phalamatah upapatteh' speaks of the Lord's function as the bestower of the fruits of all actions of the Jivas.

33 BHARTA One who supports the universe as its substratum.

34 PRABHAVAH One from whom all the great elements have their birth. Or one who has exalted births as incarnations.

35 PRABHUH One who is an adept in all rites.

36 ISVARAH One who has unlimited lordliness or power over all things.
'Esa sarvesvarah', says Mand. Up 6

37 SVAYAMBHUH One who exists by Himself, uncaused by any other. Says Manu 1.7 'Sa eva svayamudbabhau' . 'He manifested Himself'. He is so called because He existed before everything, and over everything. He is the supreme.

38 SAMBHUH One who bestows happiness on devotees.

39 ADITYAH The goldenhued person in the sun's orb. In Gita 10.21 it is said, 'Adityanam aham Visnuh ..among the Adityas I am Visnuh. There are twelve Adityas and Visnu is one of them. Or it may imply the meaning that just as one sun reflects as many in different water receptacles, it is the one Spirit that is reflecting as many Jivas in numerous bodyminds.

40 PUSKARAKSAH One who has eyes resembling the petals of Puskara or lotus.

41 MAHASVANAH One from whom comes the great sound..the Veda. There is the Vedic saying, 'Asya mahato
bhutasya nisvasitam etad rgvedo yajurvedah'..the Rgveda and Yajurveda are the breath of that great Being.' Brhad. Up. 2.4.10

42 ANADINIDHANAH The one existence that has neither birth nor death.

43 DHATA One who is the support of the universe.

44 VIDHATA He who generates Karmas and their fruits.

45 DHATURUTTAMAH The ultimate support of every thing. Or He, being Caitanya or Pure Consciousness, is superior to all other Dhatus or substances. Or it can be interpreted as follows He is Dhatu, because He bears everything, and He is also Uttama, the greatest of all beings.

46 APRAMEYAH..One who is not measurable or understandable by any of the accepted means of knowledge like sense perception, inference, etc. Even the scriptures cannot reveal Him directly. What the scriptures do is only to eliminate the appearance of the universe which stands in the way of intuiting Him. Or not being an object but only the ultimate witness or knower, He is outside the purview of all the means of knowledge, which can reveal only the things of the objective world.

47 HRSIKESAH..The master of the senses Hrsikas or He under whose control the senses subsist. Another meaning is He whose kesa, hair, consisting of the rays of the sun and the moon, give joy, harsa,to the world. the Sruti says 'Surya rasmir Harikesah purastat'the rays of the sun, which is Harikesah, the hair of Hari.

48 PADMANABHAH..He in whose navel, nabhih, the lotus, padma, the source of the universe, stands. The Sruti says 'Ajasya nabh'avadhyekam arpitamin the navel of the Unborn One, a lotus is placed.'

49 AMARA PRABHUH..The master of Amaras or the deathless ones, i.e., the Devas.

50 VISVAKARMA..He whose Karma, work, has resulted in all that exists, Visvam. Or He whose power of creation is unique and wonderful.

51 MANUH..He who thinks. The Br.Up. 3.7.23 says..'Nanyo'to'sti manta' There is no thinker other than He. Or He is called Manu, because He manifests in the form of Mantra and of Manu, the Patriarch.

52 TVASTA..He who makes all beings shrunken, tanukarana, at the time of cosmic dissolution.

53 STAVISTAH..He who excels in everything in bulk or substantiality.

54 STHAVIRAH DHRUVAH.. Eternal One, being the most ancient. It is taken as a single phrase, the name along with its qualification.

55 AGRAHYAH..One who cannot be grasped by the organs of knowledge or conceived by the mind. To this effect there is the following Sruti..'Yato vaco nivar tante aprapya manasa saha.. That without grasping which speech along with the mind turns back'. Tai. Up. 2.9.

56 SASVATAH..One who exists at all times, Sasvat. Says the Sruti..'Sasvatam sivam acyutam..He is eternal, auspicious and undecaying.' Nar.Up.13.1.

57 KRSNAH..The Existence Knowledge Bliss. Says Mahabharata, Udyoga parva 70.5

Krsir bhuvacakah sabdo nas ca nirvrti vacakah
Visnus tad bhava yogac ca Krsno bhavati sasvatah

"The syllable 'kr' denotes existence. The syllable 'na' denotes bliss. Visnu is both these. So He is always Krsna."

58 LOHITAKSAH..One whose eyes are tinged red.

59 PRATARDANAH..Destroyer of all at the time of cosmic dissolution.

60 PRABHUTAH..Great because of unique qualities like omnipotence, omniscience etc.

61 TRI KAKUB DHAMA.. He who is the support, dhama, of the three regions above, below
and in the middle.

62 PAVITRAM..That which purifies everything.

63 MANGALAM PARAM.. Supremely auspicious. Visnu Purana says..

Asubhani niracaste tanoti subha santatim
Smrti matrena yat pumsam Brahma tan mangalam viduh.

"That whose very remembrance removes the inauspicious and bestows the auspicious in abundance that Brahman is called 'mangalam' by the wise". With the qualification 'param', supremely, 'mangalam' forms one single name.

64 ISANAH..He who controls and regulates everything.

65 PRANADAH..One who bestows or activates the Prana, the vital energy. Says Tait. Up. 2.7. 'Ko hy' evanyat, kah pranyat..if there were not the Lord, who is then to activate the Prana' It can also be interpreted as one who destroys, dyati, the Pranas. Thus the name can mean the One who both gives the Prana and destroys the Prana.

66 PRANAH..The Supreme Being. The Sruti Br.Up. 4.4.18 speaks of 'Pranasya pranah..the life force behind the life force.' The second life force is the Jiva, the living soul of the individual. The Supreme Being is the life force even behind it. In this context He is called the Mukhya Prana, the chief Prana. It is also applied to that aspect of life energy, which takes in breath and expels it.

67 JYESTHAH..The eldest of all for there is nothing before Him.

68 SRESTHAH..One deserving the highest praise, prasamsa. 'Prano vava jyesthas ca sresthas ca.. Prana alone is the eldest and the greatest, Ch.Up.5.1.1. The reference here is to the concept of Mukhya prana. Or being the first cause and thus elder to all, He is Jyesthah, and being the highest Being excelling others, He is Sresthah.

69 PRAJAPATIH..The master of all living beings, because He is Isvara.

70 HIRANYA GARBHAH. One who is Atman of even Brahma the creator, who is otherwise known as Hiranya garbhah. the luminous globe that contains the whole universe in the seminal form, Brahmanda. Rg Veda 10.121.1 says .. 'Hiranya garbhah samavartat'agre .. at first Hiranya garbha alone existed.'

71 BHUGARBHAH..One who has got the world within Himself.

72 MADHAVAH..The Consort of 'ma' or Mahalaksmi. Or one who is fit to be known through Madhu Vidya. 'Maunad dhyanad ca yogac ca viddhi Bharata Madhavam..O Bharata Know Madhava through Mauna, silence, dhyana, meditation and Yoga.' Maha.Udyo. 70.4.

73 MADHUSUDANAH..The destroyer of the demon Madhu.

74 ISVARAH..The Omnipotent Being.

75 VIKRAMI..The courageous One.

76 DHANVI..One armed with bow. The Gita , 10.31 says..'Ramah sastrabhrtam atham..I am Rama among those who bear weapons.'

77 MEDHAVI..He who has great intelligence capable of grasping all texts.

78 VIKRAMAH..He who crosses, Kramana, that is, transcends samsara. Or one who has 'Vih', bird that is, Garuda as His mount.

79 KRAMAH..Visnu is called 'Kramah', because is the cause of 'Kramana' or crossing of the ocean of samsara by devotees, or because from Him all 'Krama' or manifestation of the universe, has taken place.

80 ANUTTAMAH..He than whom there is none greater. Nar.Up.12.3 says..'Yasmat param naparam asti kincid..He whom there is none to excel.' Gita 11.4 says..'Na tvat samo'sty'abhyadhikah kuto'nyah ..there is none equal to Thee. Where can there be any one greater'

81 DURADHARSAH..One whom none, Asuras, can overcome.

82 KRTAJNAH..One who knows everything about what has been done, Krta, by Jivas. Also one who is pleased even with those who offer such simple offerings as leaves, flowers, fruits and water, as said in Gita.

83 KRTIH..The word means what is achieved through all human efforts or works. The Lord is indicated by this word because He, being the soul of all souls, is the support of all actions.

84 ATMAVAN..One established in his own greatness, that is, requiring no other support than Himself. 'Sa bhagavah kasmin pratisthita iti, sve mahimni..what is that in which, O Bhagavan, That is
established In HIs own greatness itself. Ch.Up.7.24.1.'

85 SURESAH..The Lord of the suras or Devas. It can also mean the greatest of those who bestow good. Surah can be split as suh good, ra bestow gift.

86 SARANAM..One who removes the sorrows of those in distress, arthah.

87 SARMA..One who is of the nature of supreme bliss.

88 VISVA RETAH.. The seed of the universe.

89 PRAJABHAVAH..He from whom all beings have originated.

90 AHAH..Luminous one.

91 SAMVATSARAH..As Time is a form of Visnu, He is called Samvatsara or year.

92 VYALAH..Being ungraspable like a serpent, He is called Vyalah.

93 PRATYAYAH..One who is of the nature of Pratiti or Prajna, consciousness, 'prajnanam Brahma.. Brahman is Prajnana or pure consciousness.' Ait. Up. 3.5.3.

94 SARVA DARSANAH..One with eyes everywhere. As the Lord has assumed all forms, the eye sight of all beings is His. Svet. Up. 3.3. describes Him as Visvatas caksuh..One with eyes everywhere. Nar.Up. 13.1 speaks of him as 'Visvaksam'..One endowed with all senses.

95 AJAH..One who has no birth. The Sruti says..'Na jato, na janisyate..One who is unborn and would never be born.'

96 SARVESVARAH..The Lord of all Lords or the supreme Lord. The Ma. Up.6 says.'Esa sarvesvarah..He is the Lord of all.'

97 SIDDHAH..One ever established in one's own nature.

98 SIDDHIH..One who is of the nature of Consciousness, Samvit svarupah, in all. Or one whose form excels that of all others. Or one who is the fruit of all endeavours.

99 SARVADIH..One who is the first cause of all elements.

100 ACYUTAH..One who never lost and will never lose his inherent nature and powers. Nar.Up. 13.1 says. 'Sasvatam sivam who is ever existent, of auspicious nature and has never a fall from His inherent nature. Again it is said, 'Yasman na cyuta purvo ham acyutas tena karmana.. as I never had a fall, cyuti, I am Acyuta'.

101 VRSAKAPIH..One who shower all objects of desire. Another meaning is, Vrsah, means Dharma and 'Kam' means water. Apat signifies uplifting. In the Varahavatara, Boar incarnation, Visnu uplifted the earth from the Pralaya waters. Thus He is of the nature of Dharma, Vrsa, and Kapi,Varaha or Boar..says Mah.Bh.Santi..342.89

Kapir varahah sresthas ca dharmas ca vrsa ucyate
tasmat vrsakapim praha kasyapo mam prajapatih

"Kapi means Varaha, a boar, and also the 'Superior one', Sresthat. Therefore Kasyapa Prajapati calls Him Vrsa Kapi."

102 AMEYATAMA..One whose form or nature cannot be measured and determined.

103 SARVAYOGA VINIHSRTAH..One who stands aside completely from all bondage. Br.Up. 4.3.15 says 'Asango hi ayam purusah..this purusa is without any attachment. Or it can mean one who is known through all the Yogas or spiritual disciplines taught in the scriptures.

104 VASUH..One in whom al beings dwell and one who dwells in all beings. Or as Gita, 10.23 says..'Vasunam pavakas c'asmi..Among Vasus I am fire, Pavaka.'

105 VASUMANAH..The term 'Vasu' means wealth or riches. Here it indicates greatness. So it means one possessed of a great mind, that is, a mind free from attachments, anger and other evil qualities.

106 SATYAH..One whose nature is Truth. Tait.Up.2.1.1. says..'Satyam jnanam anantam Brahma.. Brahman is Truth, Knowledge and infinite.' Again Tait.Up. 2.6.1. says..'Sac ca tyac ca..sat meaning manifest as effect and tyac, unmanifested causal condition. Thus as He is all that exists in the manifest and unmanifest conditions He is called Satyah, the True. According to Ait, Aran. "Sad iti pranas ti'tyannam yam ity asavadityah..Sat means Pranas, ti means anna, food and Yam means Sun, Surya. So He is the nature of Prana, Anna, and Aditya."

107 SAMATMA.. One whose mind is Sama, without partiality or anger and thus the same towards all beings. Or according to the Sruti "Sama atm'eti vidyat'..He is present alike in all beings."

108 SAMMITAH..This name and the previous, samatma, occuring together, can be split two ways.. as samatma and sammitah and as samatma and asammitah. In the former case it means 'determined by all existing entities' and in the latter 'unlimited by any entity'.

109 SAMAH..One unperturbed at all times. Or One united with 'ma', Mahalaksmi, the Consort of Visnu.

110 AMOGHAH..One whose worship will never go in vain, but will bear ample fruits. That One who is 'Satya samkalpah' that is, whose resolution always becomes true. Bh.Up.8.7.1.

111 PUNDARIKAKSAH..One who has pervaded, that is, is realised in , the lotus of the heart. Or One whose eyes resemble the petals of a lotus.

112 VRSAKARMA..One whose actions are according to Vrsa, that is, Dharma.

113 VRSAKRITIH..One who takes form for the sake of Vrsa or Dharma. Gita, 4.8. says..'Dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavani yuge yuge..I body Myself forth from age to age for the preservation of Dharma.'

114 RUDRAH..One who makes all beings cry at the time of cosmic dissolution. Or one who gives 'rud' or speech. Or one who drives away 'ru' or sorrows. Siva purana 6.9.14 says..

Rur duhkham duhkha hetum va
tad dravayati yah prubhuh
rudra ityucyate tasmat
Sivah paramakaranam.

"Ru' means sorrow. As the Lord removes all sorrows and their causes, Siva, the ultimate cause, is called Rudra."

115 BAHUSIRAH..One with innumerable heads. Purusa Sukta says.. "Sahasra sirsa purusah..the Purusa is with innumerable heads."

116 BABHRUH..One who governs the world.

117 VISVAYONIH..One who is the cause of the world.

118 SUCISRAVAH..One whose names and glories are very holy and purifying to be heard.

119 AMRTAH..One who is deathless. 'Ajaro'marah..unaging and deathless'. Br.Up.4.4.25.

120 SASVATA STHANUH..One who is both eternal and firmly established, unchanging.

121 VARAROHAH..He whose lap, aroham, gives the highest blessing. Or He attaining whom is the greatest good fortune. For a Jiva who is blessed that way has no more birth in the lower worlds. Ch.Up. 8.15.1 says..'Na ca punaravartate..they do not return.' And the Gita 15.6 says..'Yad gatva na nivartante tad dhama paramam mama..My supreme status is that by attaining which one will never return.'

122 MAHATAPAH..The austerity connected with creation, which is of the nature of knowledge, Jnana mayam tapah is of great potency. So he is Mahatapah. 'Yasya Jnanamayam tapah..whose Tapas is of the nature of knowledge.' Mu.Up. 1.1.9. Or it may mean that His Tapas, which partakes of the nature of Omnipotence, is great and sublime.

123 SARVAGAH..One who pervades everything, being of the nature of their material cause. Or He who goes everywhere.

124 SARVAVID BHANUH..One who is omniscient and illumines everything. Kath.Up.2.2.15 says..'Tam eva bhantam anubhati sarvam..all others shine because It shines.' Also the Gita, 15.12 says.."Yad aditya gatam tejo jagat bhasayate'khilam..that lustre which has entered into the sun, Aditya it illumines the whole world."

125 VISVAKSENAH..He before whom all, Visvaka, Asura armies, senah get scattered.

126 JANARDANAH..One who inflicts suffering on evil men. Or He to whom all devotees pray for worldly success and liberation.

127 VEDAH..He who is of the form of the Veda. Or one who bestows Jnana on Jivas. The Gita 10.11 says..

Tesam ev'anukamp'artham aham ajnanajam tamah
Nasayamy atma bhavastho jnana dipena bhasvata

'Out of compassion for them, I as the innermost Spirit, destroy the darkness of ignorance by the light of knowledge.'

128 VEDAVIT..One who knows the Veda and its meaning. The Gita 15.15 says.."Vedantakrt vadavid eva ca'ham..I am the author of the Vedanta and the knower of the Veda."

129 AVYANGAH..One who is self fulfilled by knowledge and other great attributes and is free from every defect. Or one who is not manifest to the senses. Says the Gita, 2.25 "Avyakto'yam..He is not manifest to the senses or the mind."

130 VEDANGAH..He to whom the Vedas stand as organs.

131 VEDAVIT..One who knows all the Vedas.

132 KAVIH..One who sees everything. Brh.Up. 3.7.23 says.."Nanyo'to sti drasta..there is no seer other than Him." Isa. Up. 8 says.. "Kavir manisi..He is all knowing and intelligent."

133 LOKADHYAKSAH..He who witnesses the whole universe. That is, one who sees all as involved in Pradhana or Prakrti, Nature.

134 SUR'ADHYAKSAH..One who is the overlord of the protecting Divinities of all regions.

135 DHARM'ADHYAKSAH..One who directly sees the merits, Dharma, and demerits, Adharma, of beings by bestowing their due rewards on all beings.

136 KRT'AKRTAH..One who is an effect in the form of the worlds and also a noneffect as their cause.

137 CATURATMA..One who for the sake of creation, sustentation and dissolution assumes forms, in each of which there are four groups

Brahma Daksadayah kalas tatha'iva'khila jantavah
vibhutayo Harer etah jagatah srsti hetavah.

Visnor manv'adayah kalah sarvabhutani ca dvija
sthiter nimitta bhutasya Visnor eta vibhutayah.

Rudrah kalo'ntkadyas ca samastas ca'iva jantavah
caturdha pralayaya'ita Janardana vibhutayah.


"Brahma, Prajapatis like Daksa, Kala, time, and Jivas..these are the powers of Visnu for the purpose of creation. Visnu, the Manus, Kala, time and living beings..these are the powers of Visnu for the purpose of sustentation. Rudra, Time, Death, Mrtyu, and living beings..these are Visnu's powers for purpose of dissolution."

138 CATURVYUHAH..One who adopts a fourfold manifestation, Vyuhas.
Vyasa says..

'Vyuhatmanam caturdha vai Vasudev'adi murtibhih
Srstyadin prakaro'tyesa visrut'atma Janardanah.

"The all famed Janardana Himself, assuming the four manifestations known as Vyuhas like Vasudeva Samkarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, performs the work of creation etc., with those forms."

139 CATUR DAMSTRAH..One with four fangs in His Incarnation as Nrsimha.

140 CATUR BHUJAH..One with four arms.

141 BHRAJISNUH..One who is pure luminosity.

142 BHOJANAM..Prakrti or Maya is called Bhojanam or what is enjoyed by the Lord. But as the Lord Himself is Prakrti, He is called Bhojanam or the object of enjoyment also.

143 BHOKTA..As He, as Purusa, enjoys the Prakrti, He is called the enjoyer or Bhokta.

144 SAHISNUH..As He supresses Asuras like Hiranyaksa, He is Sahisnu.

145 JAGADADIJAH..One who manifested as Hiranyagarbha by Himself at the beginning of creation.

146 ANAGHAH..The sinless One. Cha. Up. 8.7.1. says.."Apahata papma.. He is without sin."

147 VIJAYAH..One who has mastery over the whole universe by virtue of his six special excellences like omnipotence, omniscience, etc., known as Bhagas.

148 JETA..One who is naturally victorious over beings, that is, superior to all beings.

149 VISVAYONIH..The source of the universe.

150 PUNARVASUH..One who dwells again and again in the bodies as the Jivas.

151 UPENDRAH..One born as the younger brother of Indra. Or one who is greater than Indra. Harivamsa 2.19.46 says..

Mam'opari yathendras tvam sthapito gobhir isvarah
Upendra iti krsna tvam gasyanti bhuvi devatah

"The cows have established Thee superior to me as my master. Therefore, O Krsna, the Devas will sing about Thee, addressing Thee as Upendra."

152 VAMANAH..One who, in the form of Vamana, dwarf, went begging to Bali. Or One who has to be devoutly worshipped. Katha. Up. 2.5.3. says.."Madhye vamanam asinam visve deva upasate..the Visve devas devoutly worship the Vamana who is established in the middle."

153 PRAMSUH..One of great height. Appearing as a dwarf at first before Mahabali, He rose to heights transcending all the worlds. Says Harivamsa 3.71.43 44

Toye tu patite haste Vamano'bhud avamanah
Sarva deva mayam rupam darsayamasa vai prabhuh
bhuh padau dyauh siras c'asya candr'adityau ca caksusi.

"Immediately after Bali poured water in his hands with the resolve, to give the gift asked for, the dwarf, Vamana, became the opposite of a dwarf, Avamana. The Lord then revealed His form which includes in it all divinities. He revealed His cosmic form, having the earth as His feet, the sky His head, and the sun and moon His eyes."

154 AMOGHAH..One whose acts do not go in vain.

155 SUCIH..One who purifies those who adore and praise Him. There is a sacred text to this effect. "Asya sparsas ca mahan sucih..His very contact is purifying."

156 URJITAH..One of infinite strength.

157 ATINDRAH..One who is superior to Indra by His inherent attributes like omnipotence, omniscience, etc.

158 SAMGRAHAH..One who reduces everything into their subtle condition and holds them within Himself.

159 SARGAH..One who is of the subtle form of the universe to be created. Or one who is the cause of creation.

160 DHRTATMA..One who is ever in His inherent form or nature, without the transformation involved in birth and death.

161 NIYAMAH..One who appoints His creatures in particular stations.

162 YAMAH..One who regulates all, remaining within them.

163 VEDYAH..One who has to be known by those who aspire for Moksa.

164 VAIDYAH..One who knows all Vidyas or branches of knowledge.

165 SADAYOGI..One who is ever experienceble, being ever existent.

166 VIRAHA..One who destroys heroic Asuras for the protection of Dharma.

167 MADHAVAH..One who is the Lord or Master of 'MA or knowledge. Says Harivamsa 3.8.49.

Ma vidya ca Hareh prokta tasya iso yato bhavan
tasman Madhava namasi dhavah svam'iti sabditah

"The Vidya or knowledge or Hari is denoted by 'Ma'. Thou art the master of that Vidya. So thou hast got the name Madhava. For the suffix 'dhava' means Master."

168 MADHUH..Honey, because the Lord gives joy, just like honey.

169 ATINDRIYAH..One who is not knowable by the senses. Ka. Up. 3.15 says.."Asabdam asparsam.. without or beyond sound and touch."

170 MAHAMAYAH..One who can cause illusion even over other great illusionists. The Gita, 7.14 says.. 'Mama maya duratyaya..My Maya is difficult to cross.

171 MAHOTSAHAH..One who is ever busy in the work of creation, sustentation and dissolution.

172 MAHABALAH..The strongest among all who have strength.

173 MAHABUDDHIH..The wisest among the wise.

174 MAHAVIRYAH..The most powerful one, because Ignorance which is the cause of Samsara is His great power.

175 MAHASAKTIH..One with great resources of strength and skill.

176 MAHADYUDTIH..One who is intensely brilliant both within and without. Br. Up. 4.3.9 says.. "Svayam jyotih..One who is self illumined" also, Brh. Up. 4.4.16 "Jyotisam Jyotih..One who illumines the brilliance of all brilliant entities."

177 ANIRDESYA VAPUH..One who cannot be indicated to another as..'He is this', because He cannot be objectively known.

178 SRIMAN..One endowed with greatness of every kind.

179 AMEYATMA..The Spirit with intelligence that cannot be measured by any one.

180 MAHADRIDHRK..One who held up the great mountain 'Mandara' at the time of the churning of the Mild Ocean and also Govardhana in His Krsna incarnation.

181 MAHESVASAH..One equipped with the great bow.

182 MAHIBHARTA..One who held up the earth submerged in Pralaya waters.

183 SRINIVASAH..One on whose chest the Goddess Sri, eternal in nature, dwells.

184 SATAMGATIH..One who bestows the highest destiny attainable, to all holy men.

185 ANIRUDDHAH..One who has never been obstructed by any one or anything from manifesting in various forms.

186 SURANANDAH..One who bestows joy on all divinities.

187 GOVINDAH..Maha.Bh. Santi, 342.70 says..

Nastam vai dharanim purvam avindad yad guhagatam
Govinda iti tenaham devair vagbhir abhistutah

In ancient times, I restored the earth that had sunk, down into Patala, So all Devas praised Me as Govinda. Harivamsa, 2.19.45 says..

Aham kilendro devanam tvam gavam indratam gatah
Govinda iti lokas tvam stosyanti bhuvi sasvatam

I am Indira or leader of Devas. Thou hast attained to the leadership of cows. So in this world men praise Thee always addressing as Govinda. Harivamsa, 3.88.50 says..

Gaur esa tu yato vani tam ca vindayate bhavan
Govindas tu tato deva munibhih kathyate bhavan

Gau means words. Thou pervadest all words, giving them power. Therefore sages call Thee Govinda.

188 GOVIDAM PATIH..Gau means words. One who knows tham in Govid. He who is the master of words is indicated by this name.

189 MARICIH..The supreme power and impressiveness seen in persons endowed with such qualities. Tejas tejasvinam aham..I am the power in those endowed with power. Gita 10.36

190 DAMANAH..One who in the form of Yama inflicts punishments on those who tread the path of unrighteousness.

191 HAMSAH..One who removes the fear of Samsara from those who practise the sense of identity with Aham sah..I am He. Or it may mean one who moves in every body. Katha Up. 2.5.2. says..Hamsah sucisat..the sun moving in the skies. Here Hamsa means moving.

192 SUPARNAH..One who has two wings in the shape of Dharma and Adharma. Mu. Up. 3.1.1. says..Dva suparna.

193 BHUJAGOTTAMAH..One who is the greatest among those who move on Bhujas or arms, that is, serpents. The great serpents like Ananta and Vasuki are the Powers of Visnu, So He has come to have this name.

194 HIRANYANABHAH..One whose navel is auspicious like Hiranya or gold.

195 SUTAPAH..One who performs rigorous austerities at Badarikasrama as Nara and Narayana.

196 PADMANABHAH..One whose navel is beautifully shaped like lotus. Or one who shines in the Nabhi or middle or the heart lotus of all.

197 PRAJAPATIH..The father of all beings, who are His children.

198 AMRTYUH..One who is without death or its cause.

199 SARVADRK..One who sees the Karmas of all Jivas through His inherent wisdom.

200 SIMHAH..One who does Himsa or destruction.

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