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201 SANDHATA..One who unites the Jivas with the fruits of their actions.

202 SANDHIMAN..One who is Himself the enjoyer of the fruits of actions.

203 STHIRAH..One who is always of the same nature.

204 AJAH..The root Aj has got as meanings both go and throw. So the name means One who goes into the hearts of devotees or One who throws the evil Asuras to a distance, that is, destroys them.

205 DURMARSANAH..One whose might the Asuras cannot bear.

206 SASTA..One who instructs and directs all through the sciptures.

207 VISRUTATMA..One who is specially known through signifying terms like Truth, Knowledge, etc.

208 SURARIHA..One who destroys the enemies of Suras or Devas.

209 GURUH..One who is the teacher of all forms of knowledge.

210 GURUTAMAH..One who give the knowledge of Brahman even to divinities like Brahma. Sve. Up. [6.18] says..Yo Brahmanam vidadhati purvam..One who brought Brahma into existence and imparted the Veda to him.

211 DHAMA..It means brilliance. Nar. Up. Says..Narayana paro jyotih..Narayana is the supreme brilliance. Or the ultimate support of all values. Says the Gita [10.12] Param Brahma param dhama..the Brahman is the ultimate support.

212 SATYAH..One who is embodied as virtue of truth specially. The Sruti says.. Tasmat satyam paramam vadanti..Truth is therefore said to be supreme. Or as Br.Up.[2.3.6] says..Prana vai satyam, tesam esa satyam..Pranas are true. The Paramatman is the truth even behind them.

213 SATYAPARAKRAMAH..One of unfailing valour.

214 NIMISAH..One whose eye lids are closed in Yoga nidra.

215 ANIMISAH..One who is ever awake. Or One who is winkless as fish in His Fish incarnation, or as Atman.

216 SRAGVI..One who has on Him the necklace called Vaijayanti, which is strung with the subtle aspects [Tanmatras] of the five elements.

217 VACASPATIR UDARADHIH..Being the master of Vak or word, that is, knowledge, He is called so. As His intellect perceives everything, He is Udaradhih. Both these epithets together constitute one name.

218 AGRANIH..One who leads all liberation seekers to the highest status.

219 GRAMANIH..One who has the command over Bhutagrama or the collectivity of all beings.

220 SRIMAN..One more resplendent than everything.

221 NYAYAH..The consistency which runs through all ways of knowing and which leads one to the truth of Non duality.

222 NETA..One who moves this world of becoming.

223 SAMIRANAH..One who in the form of breath keeps all living beings functioning.

224 SAHASRAMURDHA..One with a thousand, that is, innumerable, heads.

225 VISVATMA..The soul of the universe.

226 SAHASRAKSAH..One with a thousand or innumerable eyes.

227 SAHASRAPAT..One with a thousand, that is, innumerable legs. Purusa sukta says..Sahasra sirsah purusah sahasraksah sahasrapat..the Purusa with a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand legs, etc.

228 AVARTANAH..One who whirls round and round the Samsara Cakra, the wheel of Samsara or worldly existence.

229 NIVRTTATMA..One whose being is free or untouched by the bondage of Samsara.

230 SAMVRTAH..One who is covered by all covering Avidya or ignorance.

231 SAMPRAMARDANAH..One who delivers destructive blows on all beings through His Vibhutis [power manifestation like Rudra, Yama etc.].

232 AHAH SAMVARTAKAH..The Lord who, as the sun, ragulates the succession of day and night.

233 VAHNIH..One who as fire carries the offerings made to the Devas in sacrifices.

234 ANILAH..One who has no fixed residence [anilayah]. Or one without a beginning. Or one who moves.

235 DHARANI DHARAH..One who supports the worlds sa Adisesa, elephants of the quarters, etc.

236 SUPRASADAH..One whose Prasada or mercy is uniquely wonderful, because He gives salvation to Sisupala and others who tried to harm Him.

237 PRASANNATMA..One whose mind is never contaminated by Rajas or Tamas [passion or inertia]. Or One who is extremely merciful by nature. Or one who is selfsatisfied.

238 VISVADHRK..One who holds the universe by his power.

239 VISVABHUK..One who eats up or enjoys or protects the worlds.

240 VIBHUH..One who becomes many from Hiranyagarbha downwards Mu. Up. [1.5.6] says..Nityam vibhum.

241 SATKARTA..One who offers benefits.

242 SATKRTAH..One who is adored even by those who deserve adoration.

243 SADHUH..One who acts according to justice. Or One who achieves all Sadhyas, that is, objects of achievement. Or one who is the material cause for everything.

244 JAHNUH..One who dissolves all beings in oneself at time of dissolution. Or one who abandons the evil doers and leads the devotees to salvation.

245 NARAYANAH..Nara means Atman. Akasa and other categories that are born of it are Naras. Because He pervades these above mentioned categories as their cause, He is called Narayana, that is, one having His residence in all beings. Na. Up. [13.2] says..

Yac ca kincit jagat sarvam drsyate sruyatepi va
Antar bahis ca tat sarvam vyapya Narayanah sthitah

Narayana remains pervading within and without this whole universe that is seen and heard.
The Mahabharata says..

Narat jatani tattvani naraniti tato viduh
Tany eva cayanam tasya tena narayanah smrtah

All categories are born of Nara, therefore, the are called Naras. They also constitute the residence of the Lord. So He is Narayana. He is called Narayana also because He is Ayana or the residence Of all beings at the time of dissolution. Says Tait. Up.[3.1.] Yat prayanti, abhisamvisanti..that into which all Jivas enter
after death. Says Manu [1.1.10]

Apo nara iti prokta apo vai narasunavah
Ta yad asyayanam purvam tena Narayanah smritah

Water is called Nara because it is the offspring of Nara or Paramatman. That water was formerly the lying place of the Paramatman. Therefore He is called Narayana

Says Narasimha Purana..

Narayanaya nama ity ayam eva satyah
samsara ghora visa samharanaya mantrah
Srnvantu bhavyamatayo yatayostaragah
Uccaistaram upadisamy aham urdhva bahuh

O ascetics of virtous mind and endowed with the spirit of Renunciation. Listen to me. With hands uplifted I declare Aloud that Narayanaya namah [salutation to Narayana] is The true Mantra for overcoming the terrible poison of the Serpent of Samsara.

246 NARAH..According to Vyasas words Nayatiti narah proktah paramatma He directs everything, the eternal Paramatma is called Nara.

247 ASANKHYEYAH..One who has no Sankhya or differences of name and form.

248 APRAMEYATMA..One whose nature cannot be grasped by any of the means of knowledge.

249 VISISTAH..One who excels everything.

250 SISTAKRT..Sistam means commandment. So one who commands everything. Or one who protects Sistas or good men.

251 SUCIH..One without any impurity.

252 SIDDHARTHAH..One whose object is always fulfilled. The words of Ch. Up. [8.7.1.] Satyakamah.. One whose desires are true indicate this attribute of the Lord.

253 SIDDHASANKALPAH..One whose resolutions are always fulfilled. The words of Ch. Up. [8.7.1.] Satya samkalpah indicate this attribute of the Lord.

254 SIDDHIDAH..One who bestows Siddhi or fulfilment on all who practise disciplines, in accordance with their eligibility.

255 SIDDHISADHANAH..One who brings fulfilment to works that deserve the same.

256 VRSAHI..Vrsa means Dharma or merit. As brilliance in a way resembles it, it may be called Ahas or day time. So Yajnas like Dvadasaha are called Vrsaham. As a Lord of these Yajnas, Mahavisnu is called Vrsahi.

257 VRSABHAH..One who showers on the devotees all that they pray for.

258 VISNUH..One who pervades everything. Says Maha. Udyoga [70.13] Visnur vikramanat.

259 VRSAPARVA..One who has given as steps [parvas], observances of the nature of Dharma [Vrsa], to those who want to attain the supreme state.

260 VRSODARAH..One whose abdomen showers offspring.

261 VARDHANAH..One who augments.

262 VARDHAMANAH..One who multiplies in the form of the universe.

263 VIVIKTAH..One who is untouched and unaffected. One who keeps unaffected in spite of multiplying as mentioned above.

264 SRUTISAGARAH..One to whom all the Sruti or Vedic words and sentences flow [that is, have as their purport just as all water flows to the ocean].

265 SUBHUJAH..One possessing excellent arms that protect the worlds.

266 DURDHARAH..One who holds up the universe..a work for which none else can do. Or one who cannot be held up by any other. Or one who is held in the mind with great difficulty during meditation by the seekers of Moksa.

267 VAGMI..One from whom the words constituting the Veda come out.

268 MAHENDRAH..The great Lord, that is, the Supreme Being, who is the God of all gods.

269 VASUDAH..One who bestows riches. Br.Up.[4.4.24] says.. Annado vasudanah..the eater of food and the bestower of riches.

270 VASUH..One who is Himself the Vasu [riches that He bestows]. Or one who veils His real nature through Maya. Or one who as air moves about having ones exclusive Residence [vasa] in the Akasa. Ka.Up.[2.5.2] says.. Vasur antariksasat..Vasu who lives in the Antariksa or sky.

271 NAIKARUPAH..One who is without an exclusive form. Br.Up.[2.5.19] says..Indro mayabhih puru rupa iyate.. Indra or Paramatma works adopting several forms by His Power Maya. Visnu Purana [2.12.38] says..Jyotimsi Visnuh..all brilliance of Visnu.

272 BRHADRUPAH..One who has adopted mysterious forms like that of a Boar.

273 SIPIVISTAH..Sipi means cow. One who resides in cows as Yajna. That is, Yajnamurti. Tai.Samhita [1.7.4] says.. Yajno vai visnuh, pasavah sipih. Yajna eva pasusu pratitisthati ..Yajna is verily Visnu. Sipi is cow. Yajna is established in cows. One who has entered into them, is Sipivista..There is the following Verse..

Saityac chayana yogacca
Siti vari pracaksate
Tat panad raksanad caiva
Sipayo rasmayo matah
Tesu pravesad visvesah sipivista iho cyate

Water is called..Si because it is cold and because Visnu lay on it. Rays Of sunlight are called..Sipi, because they consume this water and Preserve it. Because Visnu, the Lord of the worlds, has entered into Them, Visnu is called..sipivista in this world.

274 PRAKASANAH..One who illumines everything.

275 OJAS TEJO DYUTI DHARAH..Ojas means inherent vitality. Tejas means puissance and such qualities. Dyuti means radiance. So the word means one who possesses all these qualities. Or each Of these words can be taken as a separate name. The Gita [7.11] says..Balam bala vatam ca ham ..I am the strength of the strong. Also, Tejas tejasvinam..I am the puissance of the puissant. He is Dyutidharah. Because he has the radiance of knowledge.

276 PRAKASATMA..One whose form is radiant.

277 PRATAPANAH..One who warms the world through the power manifestations like the Sun.

278 RDDHAH..One who is rich in excellences like Dharma, Jnana [knowledge], Vairagya [renunciation] etc.

279 SPASTAKSARAH..He is called because Omkara, the manifesting sound of the Lord, is Spasta, or high pitched.

280 MANTRAH..One who manifests as the Mantras of Rk, Sama, Yajus etc., Or one who is known through Mantras.

281 CANDRAMSUH..He is called Candramsuh or moonlight because just as the moonlight gives relief to men burnt in the heat of the sun, He gives relief and shelter to those who are subjected to the heat of Samsara.

282 BHASKARA DYUTIH..One who is likened to the light of the Sun.

283 AMRTAMSUDBHAVAH..The Paramatman from whom Amrtamsu or the Moon originated at the time of the churning Of the Milk ocean.

284 BHANUH..One who shines. Says Kath.Up. [2.5.15] Tam eva bhantam anubhati sarvam..when it shines everthing else shines.

285 SASABINDUH..The word means one who has the mark of the hare, that is, the moon. The Lord is called so because like the moon, He augments all creatures. The Gita [15.13] says..Pusnami causadhih sarvah somo bhutva rasatmakah the watery moon I nourish all herbs.

286 SURESVARAH..One who is the Lord of all Devas and those who do good.

287 AUSADHAM..One who is the Ausadha or medicine for the great disease of Samsara.

288 JAGATAH SETUH..One who is the aid to go across the ocean of Samsara. Or one who like a Setu or a bund preserves the social order. Says Br. Up.[4.4.22] Esa setur vidharana esam lokanam asambhedaya..He is verily the Setu, the bund, that saves the worlds from the chaos of intermingling.

289 SATYA DHARMA PARAKRAMAH..One whose excellences like righteousness, omniscience, puissance, etc., are all true.

290 BHUTA BHAVYA BHAVAN NATHAH..One who is the master for all beings of the past, future and present. He is the object of their prayers. He Subjects them to ordeals and He is their master. Or He is the one who exercises discipline, control, etc., over them.

291 PAVANAH..One who is the purifier. Says the Gita [10.31] Pavanah pavatam asmi..I am Pavana or wind among purifying agents.

292 PAVANAH..One who causes movement. Says Tait.Up. [2.8] Bhis asmad vatah pavate..out of fear of Him, wind blows.

293 ANALAH..The Jivatma is called Anala because it recognizes Ana or Prana as Himself. As Anala comes from the root, Nal, it denotes smell. So in the light of Vedic sentences like..Agandham arasam, the
Paramatma is without smell, Anala. Or as the Paramatma is without Alam, that is, end, He is Anala.

294 KAMAHA..One who destroys the desire nature in seekers after liberation.

295 KAMAKRT..One who fulfils the wants of pure minded devotees. Or one who is the father of Kama,
or Pradyumna. Or one who erases desires.

296 KANTAH..One who is extremely beautiful.

297 KAMAH..One who is sought after by those who desire to attain the four supreme values of life. Another derived meaning, is KA, meaning Brahma, A, Visnu and MA, Siva. So the word can mean one who is the Trimurti mentioned above.

298 KAMAPRADAH..One who liberally fulfils the desires of devotees.

299 PRABHUH..One who surpasses all.

300 YUGADIKRT..One who is the cause of periods of time like Yuga. Or one who gives the start to a Yuga.

301 YUGAVARTAH..One who as time causes the repetition of the four Yugas beginning with Satya Yuga.

302 NAIKAMAYAH..One who can assume numerous forms of Maya, not one only.

303 MAHASANAH..One who consumes everything the end of a kalpa.

304 ADRSYAH..One who cannot be grasped by any of the five organs of knowledge.

305 VYAKTARUPAH..He is so called because His gross form as universe can be clearly perceived. Or one who, being self luminous, is clearly perceived by the Yogis.

306 SAHASRAJIT..One who is victorious over innumerable enemies of the Devas in battle.

307 ANANTAJIT..One who, being endowed with all powers, is victorious at all times over every thing.

308 ISTAH..One who is dear to all because He is of the nature of supreme Bliss. Or one who is worshipped in isti or sacrifice, Yajna.

309 AVISISTAH..One who resides within all.

310 SISTESTAH..One who is dear to sistas or Knowing Ones. Or one to whom the Knowing Ones are dear. The Gita [7.17] says..

Priyo hi jnanino tyartham
aham sa ca mama priyah

I am dear to the Jnani and to me that Jnani is very dear. Or one who adored by Sistas or Knowing Ones.

311 SIKHANDI..Sikhanda..means feather of a peacock. One who used it as a decoration for His crown when he adopted the form of a cowherd, Gopa.

312 NAHUSAH..One who binds all beings by Maya.. the root, nah, means bondage.

313 VRSAH..One who is of the form of Dharma, Mah.Bha.Sant [342.88] says..

Vrso hi bhagavan dharmah smrto lokesu bharata
Naighanduka pad akhyanair viddhi mam vrsam uttamam

According to the meaning given in dictionaries the worshipful Dharma is called Vrsa. Therefore
know Me as the noblest Vrsa.

314 KRODHAHA..One who eradicates anger in virtuous people.

315 KRODHAKRT KARTA..One who generates Krodha or anger in evil people. Or one who is the Karta or creator of the universe. Or one who is the karta or destroyer of Asuras who are evildoers.

316 VISVABAHUH..One who is the support of all or one who has got all beings as His arms. That is, one whose arms are everywhere. Sve.Up. [3.3] says..Visvabahuh visvatobahuh.

317 MAHIDHARAH..Mahi, means both earth and worship. So the name means one who supports the earth or receives all forms of worship.

318 ACYUTAH..One who is without the six transformations beginning with birth. Nar.Up.[13.1] says..

Sasvatam sivam who is eternally auspicious and undecaying.

319 PRATHITAH..One who is famous because of His works like creation of the worlds etc.

320 PRANAH..One who as Hiranyagarbha endows all beings with Prana. the Sruti says.. Prano va aham asmi..I am Prana.

321 PRANADAH..One who bestows Prana, that is, strength, on Devas and Asuras and also destroys them by withdrawing it.

322 VASAVANUJAH..One who was born as younger brother of Indra, Vasava, in His incarnation as Vamana.

323 APAM NIDHIH..The word means collectivity of water or the ocean. The Gita [10.24] says.. Sarasam asmi sagarah..among all pools of water, I am Samudra or ocean. The Lord is called by that name because the ocean is one of His special manifestations.

324 AHISTHANAM..The seat or support for every thing. Brahman, as the material cause of everything, is their substance and support. The Gita [9.4] says..Matsthani sarva bhutani.. all beings dwell in Me.

325 APRAMATTAH..One who is always vigilent in awarding the fruits of actions to those who are entitled to them.

326 PRATISTHITAH..One who is supported and established in His own greatness. Cha.Up. [7.24.1] says..Sa bhagavah kasmin pratisthita iti, sve mahimni..O Lord, where does He stand In His own greatness.

327 SKANDAH..One who flows[skandana] as Amtra. Or one who drives everything as air.

328 SKANDA DHARAH..One who supports Skanda or the righteous path.

329 DHURYAH..One who bears the weight of the burden of all beings in the form of birth etc.

330 VARADAH..One who gives boons. Or one who, as master of sacrifice, offers as gifts, Varas or cows. The Sruti says..Gaur vai varah..Cow is verily Vara.

331 VAYUVAHANAH..One who vibrates the seven Vayus or atmospheres beginning with Avaha.

332 VASUDEVAH..One who is both Vasu and Deva. Vasu means one who dwells in everything or one who covers everything. Div means play, desire to conquer, shine. Says Maha.Bhar. Santi Parva [341.41]..

Chadayami jagat sarvam bhutva surya ivamsubhih
Sarva bhutadivasas ca vasudevas tatah smrtah

..becoming like sun, I cover the whole world with rays. I am also resident in all beings. So I am called Vasudeva. Mah. Bhar. Ud. Par. [70.3] says..

Vasanat sarva bhutanam vasutvat devayonitah
vasudevas tato vedyah..........

..The Lord should be known as Vasudeva because He covers all beings and because He is the source of all Divinities.

Visnu Pur. [1.2.12] says..

Sarvatra sau samastam ca vasaty atreti vai yatah
Tatah sa vasudev eti vidvadbhih paripathyate

..The supreme Self dwells everywhere and in all things. So wise men call Him Vasudeva.

Visnu. Pur. [6.5.80] says..

Sarvani tatra bhutani vasanti paramatmani
Bhutesu ca sa sarvatma vasudevas tatah smrtah

..The Paramatma is called Vasudeva because all beings live in Him and because He lives in all beings.

333 BRHADBHANUH..The great brilliance. There is the following verse..

Brhanto bhanavo yasya candra suryadi gaminah
Tair visvam bhasayati yah sa brhadbhanur ucyate.

..He to whom the brilliant rays of the sun and moon belong, and He who illumines the whole world with those rays is called Brhadbhanu.

334 ADIDEVAH..The Divinity who is the source of all Devas.

335 PURANDARAH..One who destroys the cities of the enemies of Devas.

336 ASOKAH..One without the six defects..sorrow, infatuation, hunger, thirst, birth and death.

337 TARANAH..One who uplifts beings from the ocean of Samsara.

338 TARAH..One who liberates beings from the fear of residence in the womb, birth, old age, death etc.

339 SURAH..One of great prowess, that is, who fulfils the four supreme satisfaction of life.. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksa.

340 SAURIH..One woh as Krsna was the son of Sura, that is Vasudeva.

341 JANESVARAH..The Lord of all beings.

342 ANUKULAH..One who, being the Atman of all beings, is favourable to all, for no one will act against oneself.

343 SATAVARTAH..One who has had several Avataras or incarnations. Or one who functions [avartati] as Prana through the hundred vessels [Nadis] proceeding from the heart.

344 PADMI..One having Padma or lotus in His hands.

345 PADMA NIBHEKSANAH..One with eyes resembling lotus.

346 PADMA NABHAH..One who resides in the Nabhi or the central part of the heart lotus.

347 ARAVINDAKSAH..One whose eyes resemble Aravinda or the lotus.

348 PADMA GARBHAH..One who is fit to be worshipped in the middle of the heart lotus.

349 SARIRA BHRT..One who supports the bodies of beings, strengthening them in the form of Anna, food, and Prana.

350 MAHARDHIH..One who has enormous Rddhi or prosperity.

351 RDDHAH..One who is seen as standing in the form of the world.

352 VRDDHATMA..One whose Atma or body is Vrddha or ancient.

353 MAHAKSA..One who has got two or many glorious eyes.

354 GARUDA DHVAJAH..One who has got Garuda as His flag.

355 ATULAH..One who cannot be compared to anything else. Sve.Up[4.19] says.. Na tasya pratima sti yasya nama mahad yasah.. There is none equal to Paramatman whose name is most glorious. The Gita [11.43] says.. Na tvat samosty abhyadhikah kutonyah..There is none equal to Thee, not to speak then of any one greater.

356 SARABHAH..The body is called Sara, as it is perishable [Siryamanah]. As the Lord shines in the body as the indwelling Self, He called Sarabhah.

357 BHIMAH..One of whom everyone is afraid. Or it can be interpreted as abhimah meaning one whom those following the righteous path do not fear.

358 SAMAYAJNAH..One who knows the time for creation, sustentation and dissolution. Or One who knows the six Samayas or seasons. Or one to whom the most worthy form of worship consists in the attitude of Sama, equality, towards all beings. Visnu Pur. [1.17.90] says..Samatvam aradhanam acyutasya..The perception of equality of all beings is the worship of Acyuta.

359 HAVIR HARIH..One who takes the portion of offerings [Havis] in Yajnas. Says the Gita [9.24] Aham hi sarva yajnanam bhokta ca prabhur eva ca.. I am the enjoyer and the Lord of all sacrifices.
Or it can mean one who is made into Havis, or object for offering and sacrificed. Purusa sukta [15] says..Abadhnan purusam pasum..They tied the animal in the shape of Purusa. Thus He Himself is called Havis. And to this is added Harih, which means, He whose remembrance removes man's involvement in Samsara consisting of endless series of births and deaths. Or Hari can mean one who is blue in complexion. There is a verse given out by Bhagavan..

Haramy agham ca smartrnam havir bhagam kratusvaham
Varnas ca me harih sresthas tasmad harir aham smrtah

..I destroy away the sins of those who remember Me. I take away also the portion of rice in sacrifices. My complexion is the delightfully beautiful blue. I am therefore called Hari.

360 SARVA LAKSANA LAKSANYAH..The supreme knowledge [laksana] obtained through all critera of knowledge [Pramana] i.e. Paramatma.

361 LAKSMIVAN..One on whose chest the Goddess Laksmi is always residing.

362 SAMITINJAYAH..One who is victorious in Samiti or war.

363 VIKSARAH..One who is without Ksara or destruction.

364 ROHITAH..One who assumes at His will a body that is Rohita in complexion. Or one who assumed the form of a kind of fish called Rohita.

365 MARGAH..One who is sought after [Margana] by persons seeking Moksa or Liberation. Or one who
is the way [Marga] for the attainment of supreme Bliss.

366 HETUH..One who is both the instrumental and the material cause of the universe.

367 DAMODARAH..One who has very benevolent [Udara] mind because of disciplines like self control [Dama]. Says Udyoga Parva [70.8]

Damad damodara vibhuh..The Lord is Damodara because He has Dama [self control]. Or one round whose waist [Udara] Yasoda tied a rope [dama]. Brhmanda Purana [76.13.14] says..

Dadarsa calpa dant asyam, smita hasam ca balakam
tayor madhya gatam baddham damna gadham tathodare
Tatas ca Damodaratam sa yayau dama bandhanat

The inhabitants of Gokula saw the boy smiling with tiny teeth, passing between two trees with the rope tied tightly round his waist. As He was thus tied up with [dama], He got the name Damodara from that time. There are the following verses of Vyasa.. Damani loka namani tani yasyodarantare tena damodara devah sridharah sri samasritah.

Dama means the worlds. He in whose abdomen these worlds have their existence, that Lord, known also as Srinivasa and Sridhara, is Damodara.

368 SAHAH..One who subordinates everything. Or one who bears everything.

369 MAHIDHARAH..One who props up the earth in the form of mountain. Visnu Purana [2.12.38] says.. Vanani Visnur girayo disas ca..forests, mountains, quarters, all these are Visnu Himself.

370 MAHABHAGAH..He who, taking a body by His own will, enjoys supreme felicities.

371 VEGAVAN..One of tremendous speed. Isa Up. [4] says..Anejat ekam manaso javiyah..the Atman moves not. It is one, but it is far more quick than the mind.

372 AMITASANAH..He who consumes all the worlds at the time of Dissolution.

373 UDBHAVAH..One who is the material cause of creation. Or one who remains aloof [Udgama] from transmigratory existence [Bhava].

374 KSOBHANAH..One who at the time of creation entered into the Purusa and Prakrti and caused agitation. Says Visnu Purana..[1.2.29]

Prakrtim Purasm caiva pravisyatmecchaya Harih
Pravisya ksobhayamasa sarga kale vyaya vyayau

..The eternal Lord Hari, at the time of creation, entered at His own will the changeful Prakrti and the changeless Purusa and created agitation in them.

375 DEVAH..Divyati means sports oneself through creation and other cosmic activities. He is Deva because [1] He desires to be victorious over all Asuras [2] He dwells in all beings [3] He shines as innermost self of all beings [4] He is praised even by all praise worthy ones and [5] He pervades all beings. Sv. Up. [6.11] says..Eko devah..God is only One. The nature of that Deva is thus described.

376 SRIGARBHAH..One in whose abdomen [Garbha] Sri or His unique manifestation as Samsara has its

377 PARAMESVARAH..Parama means the supreme. Isana means one who hold sway over all beings. The Gita [13.27] says..Samam sarvesu bhutesu tistantam paramesvaram..the supreme Being who dwells alike in
all beings.

378 KARANAM..He who is the most important factor in the generation of this universe.

379 KARANAM..One who is both the instrumental and the material cause of creation.

380 KARTA..One who is free and is therefore ones own master.

381 VIKARTA..One who makes this unique [vicitram] universe.

382 GAHANAH..One whose nature, greatness and actions cannot be known by anybody.

383 GUHAH..One who hides [guhana] ones own nature with the help of His power of Maya. Gita [7.25] says.. Naham prakasah sarvasya yoga maya sama I am hidden by My Yoga Maya, all do not experience

384 VYAVASAYAH..One who is wholly of the nature of knowledge, Jnana.

385 VYAVASTHANAH..He in whom the orderly regulation of the universe rests. He is called regulator, because He brought into existence the Divinities, societies of men, brute creations etc., and regulates their orderly functioning.

386 SAMSTHANAH..One in whom all beings dwell in the states of dissolution. Or one who is the ultimate

387 STHANADAH..One who gives their particular status to persons like Dhruva according to their Karma.

388 DHRUVAH..One who is indestructible.

389 PARARDHIH..One who possesses lordliness of this most exalted type.

390 PARAMASPASTAH..One in thom, Para, or supremely glorious, Ma, or Laksmi dwells. Or one who is the greatest of all beings without any others help. Or one who is Parama supreme and Spasta, that is, one whose nature is knowledge.

391 TUSTAH..One who is of the nature of supreme bliss.

392 PUSTAH..One who infills everything.

393 SUBHEKSANAH..One whose Iksanam or vision bestows good on all beings..that is, gives liberation to those who want Moksa, and enjoyments to those who are after it, and also cuts asunder the knots of the heart by eliminating all doubts.

394 RAMAH..The eternally blissful one in whom the Yogis find delight. Padma Purana says..Ramante yogino yasmin nityanande cidatmani. Iti Ramapadena etat param brahmabhidhiyate. The word Rama denotes supreme Brahman who is the eternally blissful spiritual self in whom Yogis delight. Or the word can mean one who of his own will assumed the enchanting form of Rama, the son of Dasaratha.

395 VIRAMAH..One in whom the Virama or end of all beings takes place.

396 VIRATAH..One in whom the desire for enjoyments has ceased.

397 MARGAH..That path by knowing which the liberation seeking ascetics attain to immortality. Sve.Up. [6.15]says..Nanyah pantha vidyate yanaya ..there is no path to liberation other than the knowledge of the Atman.

398 NEYAH..One who directs or leads the Jiva to the supreme Being through spiriual realisation.

399 NAYAH..One who leads, that is, who is the leader in the form of spiritual illumination. The Lord is here conceived in these three forms.. Margah, Neyah, and Nayah.

400 ANAYAH..One for whom there is no leader.

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