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401 VIRAH..One who is valorous.

402 SAKTIMATAM SRESTHAH..One is the most powerful among all powerful beings like Brahma.

403 DHARMAH..One who supports all beings. Kath. Up.[1.1.2] says..Anuresa dharmahthis Dharma is Extremely subtle. Or One who is adored by means of All Dharmas.

404 DHARMA VIDUTTAMAH..The greatest of knowers of Dharma. He is called so because all the scriptures consisting of Srutis and Smrtis form His commandments.

405 VAIKUNTHAH..The bringing together of the diversified categories is Vikuntha. He who is the agent of it is Vaikunthah. There is following verse..

Maya samslesita bhumir adbhir vyoma ca vayuna
Vayus ca tejasa sardham vaikunthatvam tato mama

I united earth with water, the sky with air and the air with fire. So I have got the status of Vaikuntha. The word can also mean one who is without any limitation or opposing factor.

406 PURUSAH..One who existed before everything. Or one who can efface all sins. Brh.Up.[1.4.1.] says..
Sa yat purvosmat sarvasmat sarvan papmana ausat tasmat purusah..He existed before everything. He reduces all sins to ashes. So he is Purusa. Or it may mean one who resides in the body, Pura. Brh.Up.
[2.5.18] says..Sa va ayam purusah sarvasu pursu purisayah..He lies in all Puras or bodies.

407 PRANAH..One who lives as Ksetrajna [Knower in the body]. Or one who functions in the form of vital force called Prana. Visnu Puruna says.. cestam karoti svasana rupi..He functions in the form of life giving force called Prana.

408 PRANADAH..One who destroys the Prana of beings at the time of Pralaya.

409 PRANAVAH..One who is praised or to whom prostration is made with Om. Om iti pranauti.. so prostration is made with Om. Further Sanatkumara says..Pranamantiha vai vedas tasmat pranava ucyate.. Vedas do prostrations to Him, so He is called Pranava.

410 PRTHUH..One who has expanded himself as the world [Prapanca].

411 HIRANYAGARBHAH..He who was the cause of the golden coloured egg out of which Brahma [Hiranyagarbhah] was born.

412 SATRUGHNAH..One who destroys the enemies of the Devas.

413 VYAPTAH..One who as the cause pervades all effects.

414 VAYUH..One who is the cause of smell. The Gita [7.9] says..Punyo gandhah Prthivyam ca..I am the purifying smell in the earth.

415 ADHOKSAJAH..Mahabharata Uttara Parva [70.10] says..Adho na ksiyate jatu yasmat tasmat adhoksajah..He is Adhoksajah because he undergoes no degeneration from His original nature. Or who manifests as the Virat [cosmic Being] between sky [Akasa or Aksa] and the region below [Prthivi] Or one who is perceived if the sense organs [Aksas] are made inward looking. There is a verse..

adhobhute hy aksagane pratyag rupa pravahite.
Jayate tasya vai jnanam tena dhoksaja ucyate

when the sense organs made inward looking, the knowledge of the Lord arises. Therefore, He is called Adhoksaja.

416 RTUH..One who is the nature of Kala, time which is indicated by the word Rtu or season.

417 SUDARSANAH..One whose Darsana or vision that is knowledge, bestows the most auspicious
fruit Moksa. Or one whose eyes are long and pure as the petals of a lotus. Or One who is easily seen
by devotees.

418 KALAH..One who measures and sets a limit to everything. The Gita, 10.30 says..Kalah kalayatam aham..among measures, I am time.

419 PARAMESTHI..One who dwells in His supreme greatness in the sky of the heart. The Veda says.. Paramesthi vibhrajate..He shines intensely as Paramesthi.

420 PARIGRAHAH..One who, being everywhere, is grasped on all sides by those who seek refuge in Him. Or one who grasps or receives the offerings made by devotees.

421 UGRAH..One who is the cause of fear even to beings like sun. Tai.Up.[2.8] says..Bhisodeti suryah..out of fear of Him, the sun rises.

422 SAMVATSARAH..One in whom all beings reside.

423 DAKSAH..One who augments in the form of the world. Or who accomplishes everthing quickly.

424 VISRAMAH..One who bestows Visrama or liberation to aspirants who seek relief from the ocean of Samsara with its waves of various tribulations in the form of hunger, thirst etc., and difficulties like Avidya, pride, infatuation etc.

425 VISVADAKSINAH..One who is more skilled, Daksa, than every one. Or one who is proficient in everything.

426 VISTARAH..One in whom all the worlds have attained manifestation, vistara.

427 STHAVARA STHANUH..One who is firmly established is Sthavara, and in whom longlasting entities like earth are established is Sthanu. The Lord is both these.

428 PRAMANAM..One who is of the nature of pure consciousness, Samvit svarupa.

429 BIJAMAVYAM..One who is the seed or cause of Samsara without Himself undergoing any change.

430 ARTHAH..One who is sought, Arthita, by all, as He is of the nature of bliss.

431 ANARTHAH..One who, being self fulfilled, has no other Artha or end to seek.

432 MAHAKOSAH..One who has got as His covering the great Kosas, sheaths, like Annamaya, Paranamaya etc.

433 MAHABHOGAH..One who has Bliss as the great source of enjoyment.

434 MAHADHANAH..One who has got the whole universe as the wealth, Dhana, for His enjoyment.

435 ANIRVINNAH..One who is never heedless, because He is ever self fulfilled.

436 STHAVISTHAH..One of huge proportions, because He is in the form of cosmic person, Virat. Sruti says..Agnir murdha caksusi candra suryau.. Agni is His head, the moon and sun are His eyes.

437 ABHUH..One without birth. Or one who has existence.

438 DHARMA YUPAH..The sacrificial post for Dharmas, that is, one to whom all the forms of Dharma, which are His own form of worship, are attached, just as a sacrificial animal is attached to a Yupa or sacrificial post.

439 MAHAMAKHAH..One by offering sacrifices to whom, those sacrifices deserve to be called great, because they will give the fruit of Nirvana.

440 NAKSATRA NEMIH..There is the following verse..

Naksatra tarakaih sardham candra suryadayo grahah
Vayupasa mayair bandhair nibaddha dhruva Samjnite.

Heavenly bodies like moon and sun along with All Naksatras and Tarakas are tied to Dhruva with bonds constituted of air. According to this statement all these heavenly bodies are included in the tail of Dhruva or Sisumara Cakra. In the heart of Sisumara Cakra, the Lord dwells as its operator. The Veda says describing Sisumara.. Visnur hrdayam..Visnu is its heart.

441 NAKSATRI.. He is the form of the Naksatra, Moon. The Gita [10.21] says..Naksatranam aham sasi..among Naksatras, I am the moon.

442 KSAMAH.. One who is clever in everything. Or one who is patient. Val.Ramayana [1.1.18] says..Ksamaya prthivi samah..Rama is like the earth in patience.

443 KSAMAH.. One who remains in the state of pure self after all the modifications of the mind have dwindled.

444 SAMIHANAH..One who exerts well for creation etc.

445. YAJNAH..One who is allknowing. Or One who in the form of Yajna gives joy to all Devas. Tait. Sam. 1.7.4. says..'Yajno vai visnuh..Visnu is verily Brahman.'

446. IJYAH..One who is fit to be worshipped in sacrifices. Harivamsa 3.40.27 says..

Ye yajanti makhair punyair devat'adin pitrnapi
Atmanam atmana nityam visnum eva yajanti te

Those who adore divinities and Pitrs with holy sacrifices are verily adoring Visnu who is the self of all.

447. MAHEJYAH..He who, of all deities worshipped, is alone capable of giving the blessing of liberation.

448. KRATUH..A Yajna in which there is a sacrificial post is Kratu. The Lord is called Kratu because He is of the form of such sacrifices.

449. SATRAM..One who is of the nature of ordained Dharma. Or He who saves one from Sat i.e. effects in the form of Karma.

450. SATAM GATIH..One who is the sole support for holy men who are seekers of Moksa.

451. SARVA DARSI..One who by His inborn insight is able to see all good and evil actions of living beings.

452. VIMUKTATMA..One who is naturally free. Or one who is free and the soul of all. Katha. Up. 2.5.1. says..'Vimukta's ca vimucyate..Himself free, he liberates others.'

453. SARVAJNAH..One who is all, Sarva, and also the knower of all. Brh. Up. 2.4.6. says..'Idam sarvam yad ayam atma..all that is seen is Atma.

454. JNANAM UTTAMAM..That consciousness, Jnana, which is superior to all, birthless, unlimited by time and space and the cause of all achievements. Tait. Up. 2.1. says..'Satyam jnanam anantam brahma..Brahman is Truth, Knowledge and Infinitude.'

455. SUVRATAH..One who has taken the magnanimous vow to save all refugeseekers. Val. Ramayana 6.18.33 says..

Sakrd eva prapannaya tava'smiti ca yacate
abhayan sarvabhutebhyo dadamy etat vratam mama

"I offer protection from all beings to one who seeks refuge in Me by even once saying 'I am Thine.' "

456. SUMUKHAH..One with pleasant face. Visnu Purana 6.7.80 says..'Prasanna vadanam carupadma with a calm face and beautiful eyes, wide like a lotus petal., Or it may mean also one who gives instructions in all forms of knowledge. Sve. Up. 6.18 says..Yo brahmanam vidadhati purvam yo vai vedams ca prahinoti tasmai..who first created Brahma and imparted the Veda to Him.' Or He who, as Rama, bore a pleasant and contended face even when exiled to the forest. Val. Ramayana. 2.24.17 and 2.19.33.

457. SUKSMAH..One who is subtle because He is without any gross causes like sound etc. The causes of the grossness of the succeeding elements from Akasa downwards is sound and the other objects. The Lord is without these. Mu. Up. 1.1.6 says..'sarvagatam susuksmam..He is very subtle and has entered into everything.'

458. SUGHOSAH..One whose auspicious sound is the Veda. Or one who has got a deep and sonorous sound like the clouds.

459. SUKHADAH..One who gives happiness to good people. Or one who destroys, dyati, the happiness of evil ones.

460. SUHRT..One who helps without looking for any return.

461. MANOHARAH..One who attracts the mind by His incomparable blissful nature. Cha. Up. 7.23.1 says..'Yo vai bhuma tat sukham na'lpe sukham asti..what is vast is the blissful there is no happiness in what is small.'

462. JITAKRODHAH..One who has overcome anger for if He kills Asuras it is only to establish the Vedic order of life and not out of anger. The Asuras are the enemies of the Vedic order.

463. VIRABAHUH..One whose arms are capable of heroic deeds as demonstrated in his destruction of Asuras for establishing Vedic Dharma.

464. VIDARANAH..One who destroys those who live contrary to Dharma.

465. SVAPANAH..One who enfolds the Jivas in the sleep of Ajnana.

466. SVAVASAH..One who is dominated by oneself and not anything else, as He is the cause of the whole cosmic process.

467. VYAPI..One who interpenetrates everything like Akasa. The Sruti says..'Akasavat sarvagatas ca Akasa, He pervades everywhere and is eternal.' Or being the material cause of everything He is spoken of also as all pervading. For, all effects subsist in the causal substance.

468. NAIKATMA..One who manifests in different forms as the subsidiary agencies causing the various cosmic processes.

469. NAIKAKARMAKRT..One who engages in innumerable activities in the process of creation, sustentation etc.

470. VATSARAH..One in whom everything dwells.

471. VATSALAH..One who has love for His devotees.

472. VATSI..One who protects those who are dear to Him. Being the father of the worlds all His creations are dear to Him. So He is called one surrounded by dear ones.

473. RATNAGARBHAH..The ocean is called because gems are found in its depths. As the Lord has taken the form of the ocean, He is called by this name.

474. DHANESVARAH..One who is the Lord of all wealth.

475. DHARMAGUP..One who protects Dharma.

476. DHARMAKRT..Though above Dharma and Adharma, He performs Dharma in order to keep up the traditions in respect of it.

477. DHARMI..One who upholds Dharma.

478. SAT..The Parabrahman who is of the nature of truth. Cha. Up. 6.2.1. says..'Sadeva somy'edam..O Dear one This Reality existed first.'

479. ASAT..As the Aparabrahma has manifested as the world He is called Asat, not having reality. Cha. Up. 6.1.4. says..'Vaca'rambhanam vikaro namadheyam..the manifold exists only in name as a mere play of words.

480. KSARAM..All beings subjected to change.

481. AKSARAM..The changeless one. He is also called Kutastha. The Gita 15.16 says..'Ksarah sarvani bhutani kutastho' ksara ucyate..all beings are Ksara, the Kutastha is Aksara.

482. AVIJNATA..One who is without the attributes of a Jiva or Vijnata like sense of agency etc. The Jiva is called Vijnata, because he is covered with tendencies born of fleeting thoughts.

483. SAHASRAMSUH..One with numerous rays, that is the sun. But as these rays of light really belong to the Lord, this epithet indicates Him. Tait. Brah. says..'Yena suryas tapati tejaseddhah..lighted by whose brilliance, the sun shines.' The Gita 85.12 says..'Yad adityagatam tejah..whatever brilliance there is in the sun that belongs to the Paramatman.'

484. VIDHATA..One who is the unique support of all agencies like Ananta who bear the whole universe.

485. KRTALAKSANAH..One who is of the nature of consciousness. Or one who gave out the Laksanas or Sastras, scriptures. It is said..'Vedah sastrani vijnanam etat sarvam Janardanat..all the Veda and other scriptural texts have originated from Janardana who is of the nature of perfect consciousness.' Or the Bhagavan has made the Laksanas or indications necessary for the internal and external distinctions of all species of knowledge. Or He bears on His chest the Srivatsa which constitutes His distinctive feature and indicating mark.

486. GABHASTINEMIH..He who dwells in the middle of Gabhasti or rays as the sun.

487. SATTVASTHAH..One who dwells specially in Sattvaguna which is luminous by nature. Or one who dwells in all beings, Sattvas.

488. SIMHAH..One who has irresistible power like a lion. Or the name is identical with the Nrsimha incarnation.

489. BHUTAMAHESVARAH..The supreme Lord of all beings. Or He, the supreme Lord, is the great Being who presents Himself in the form of all Bhutas or Beings.

490. ADIDEVAH..He who is the first of all beings. Or He who draws all beings to Himself.

491. MAHADEVAH..One whose greatness consists in His supreme self knowledge.

492. DEVESAH..One who is the Lord of all Devas, being the most important among them.

493. DEVABHRD GURUH..Indra who governs the Devas is Devabhrt. The Lord is even that Indra's controller, Guru. Or the word may mean one who is the support of the Devas, or promulgator of all Vidyas.

494. UTTARAH..One who is Uttirna or liberated from Samsara. Or one who is supreme over all. The Sruti says..'Visvasmad Indra uttarah..Indra and Paramatma is superior to all.'

495. GOPATIH..Krsna who tends the cattle in the form of a Gopa. One who is the master of the earth.

496. GOPTA..One who is the protector of all beings.

497. JNANAGAMYAH..The Lord cannot be known through Karma or a combination of Karma and Jnana. He can be known only through pure Jnana. So He is Jnanagamya.

498. PURATANAH..One who is not limited by time and who existed before anything else.

499. SARIRABHUTABHRT..One who is the master of the five Bhutas, elements, of which the body is made.

500. BHOKTA..One who protects. Or one who is the enjoyer of infinite bliss.

501. KAPINDRAH..Kapi means Varaha, boar. The word means, the Lord who is the Indra and also one who manifested as Varaha or the Boar in one of the incarnations. Or it signifies His rama incarnation in which He played the role of the master of the monkeys.

502. BHURIDAKSINAH..One to whom numerous Daksinas or votive offerings are made in Yajnas.

503. SOMAPAH..One who drinks the Soma in all Yajnas in the form of the Devata, Deity. Or one who takes the Soma as the master of sacrifice for the sake of Dharma.

504. AMRTAPAH..One who drinks the drink of immortal Bliss which is of one's own nature. Or one who recovered the Amrta from the Asuras and made the Devas, including Himself, partake of it.

505. SOMAH..One who as the moon invigorates the plants. Or one who is with Uma.

506. PURUJIT..One who gains victory over numerous people.

507. PURUSATTAMAH..As His form is of cosmic dimension He is Puru or great, and as He is the most important of all, He is sattama.

508. VINAYAH..One who inflicts Vinaya or punishment on evil ones.

509. JAYAH..One who is victorious over all beings.

510. SATYASANDHAH..One whose 'Sandha' or resolve becomes always true.'

511. DASARHAH..'Dasa' means charitable offering. Therefore, He to whom charitable offerings deserve to be made. Or one who in His krsna incarnation was born in the clan of Dasarha.

512. SATVATAM PATIH.. 'Satvatam' is the name of a Tantra. So the one who gave it out or commented upon it. Or one who is in His Krsna incarnation was born in the clan of Dasarha.

512. SATVATAM PATIH..'Satvatam' is the name of a Tantra. So the one who gave it out or commented upon it. Or one who is the leader of the Satvata clan. Or the Lord of all Vaisnavas.

513. JIVAH..One who as the Ksetrajna or knower of the field or the body, is associated with Pranas.

514. VINAYITA SAKSI..One who witnesses the Vinayita or worshipful attitude of all devotees. It can also be interpreted to mean one who does not witness anything except as Self.

515. MUKUNDAH..One who bestows Mukto or Liberation.

516. AMITAVIKRAMAH..One whose three strides were limitless. It refers to Vamana measuring away the whole universe with three strides.

517. AMBHONIDHIH..One in whom the Ambas or all beings from Devas down dwell. The Sruti says..'Tani va etani catvari ambhamsi devah manusyah pitaro' surah..Devas, men, Pitrs, Asuras..these are the four Ambhas.' It can mean what is said in the Gita 10.24 'Sarasam asmi sagarah..of water receptacles, Saras, I am the ocean.'

518. ANANT'ATMA..One who cannot be determined by space, time and causation.

519. MAHODADHI SAYAH..One who lies in the water of Cosmic Dissolution into which all entities in the universe have been dissolved.

520. ANTAKAH..One who brings about the end of all beings.

521. AJAH..'A' means Mahavisnu. So the word means one who is born of Visnu that is, Kama Deva.

522. MAHARHAH..One who is fit for worship, mahah.

523. SVABHAVYAH..Being eternally perfect He is naturally without a beginning.

524. JITAMITRAH..One who has conquered the inner enemies like attachment, anger etc., as also external enemies like Ravana, Kumbhakarna etc.

525. PRAMODANAH..One who is always joyous as He is absorbed in immortal Bliss. Or one who fills with joy the minds of those who meditate upon Him.

526. ANANDAH..One whose form is Anada or Bliss. Brh. Up. 4.3.32 says..'Etasy'aiv'anadasy'anyani bhutani matram upajivanti..all creatures live depending on particles of that Ananda.'

527. NANDANAH..One who gives delight.

528. NANDAH..One who endowed with all perfections. Or the word can be Anandah meaning that in the Lord there are no joys born of sense contacts Cha. Up. 7.23.1 says..'Yo vai bhuma tat sukham, na'lpe sukham asti.. what is full that is happiness in what is small there is no happiness.'

529. SATYADHARMA..One whose knowledge and other attributes are true.

530. TRIVIKRAMAH..One whose three strides covered the whole world. Sruti says..'Trini pada vicakrame..By His feet, He covered three measures.' About His covering the three worlds by three strides, Harivamsa 3.88.51 says..

Trir ity'eva trayo lokah kirtita munisattamaih
Kramate tams tridha sarvams trivikrama iti srutah

"By the sound 'tri' the sages mean the three worlds. The Lord crossed them three times. So He is famous as Trivikrama."

531. MAHARSI KAPILA'CARYAH..Kapila is called Maharsi because he was master of all the Vedas. Others are called Rsis because they knew the Vedas only partly. He is Acarya because he was the teacher of pure truth leading to Enlightment in the form of Samkhya. The Smrti says 'Suddhatma tattva vijnanam samkhyam ity abhidhiyate..knowledge of pure Atman is called Samkhya. Sv. Up. 5.2. says..Rsim prasutam Kapilam .. Kapila who was born as a Rsi.' The Gita 10.26 says..'Siddhanam Kapilo munih..among the perfected ones, I am the sage Kapila.'

532. KRTAJNAH..'Krtam' means the world because it is of the nature of an effect. 'Jnah', knower, means the Atman. so the epithet means the universe and Atman, its knower.

533. MEDINIPATIH..One who is the Lord of the earth.

534. TRIPADAH..One having three strides. The Sruti says..'Trini pada vicakrame'

535. TRIDASADHYAKSAH..One who is the witness of the three states of waking, dream, and sleep, which spring from the influence of the Gunas.

536. MAHASRNGAH..One with a great antenna. The Lord is called so because when He took the form of a Fish, He played in the cosmic waters with a boat tied on its antenna.

537. KRTANTAKRT..One who brings about the destruction of the Krta or the manifested condition of the universe.

538..MAHAVARAHAH..The great Cosmic Boar.

539..GOVINDAH..'Go' means words, that is, the Vedic sentences. he who is known by them is Govindah. Visnutilaka says, Gobhir eva yato vedyo govindah samudahrtah..because He is known by, Vedic, words alone, He is called Govinda.'

540. SUSENAH..One who has got about Him an armed guard in the shape of His eternal associates.

541. KANAKANGADI..One who has Angadas, armlets, made of gold.

542. GUHYAH..One who is to be known by the Guhya or the esoteric knowledge conveyed by the Upanishads. Or one who is hidden in the Guha or heart.

543. GABHIRAH..One who is of profound majesty because of attributes like omniscience, lordliness, stength, prowess etc.

544. GAHANAH..One who could be entered into only with great difficulty. One who is the witness of the three states of waking, dream and sleep as also their absence.

545. GUPTAH..One who is not an object of words, thought etc. Says Ka. Up. 1.3.132..'esa sarvesu bhutesu gudho'tma na prakasate..being hidden in all objects, this Atman does not shine.'

546. CAKRA GADA DHARAH..One who has discus and Gada in hand. It is said..

Manas tattv'atmakam cakram
buddhi tattv'atmikam gadam
Dharayan lokaraksartham
uktas cakragada dharah..

'The Lord is called Cakragadadhara' because for the protection of the world He holds in His hand the discus representing the category of mind and Gada representing Buddhi.'

547. VEDHAH..One who does Vidhana or regulation.

548. SVANGAH..One who is oneself the participant in accomplishing works.

549. AJITAH..One who has not been conquered by anyone in His various incarnations.

550. KRSNAH..One who is known as Krsnadvaipayana. Says..Visnu Purana 3.4.5.

Krsna dvaipayanam vyasam viddhi narayanam prabhum
ko hy anyah pundarikaksan Mahabharata krt bhavet..

"Know that the Vyasa known as krsna Dvaipayana was the Lord Narayana Himself. Who except the lotuseyed Lord can produce a work like the Mahabharata"

551. DRDHAH..One whose nature and capacity know no decay.

552. SANKARSANO'CYUTAH..Sankarsana is one who attracts to oneself all beings at the time of cosmic Dissolution and Acyuta is one who knows no fall from His real nature. They form one word with the first as the qualification..Acyuta who is Sankarsana.

553. VARUNAH..The evening sun is called Varuna, because he withdraws his rays into himself. The Sruti says..'Imam me Varuna srudhi havam..O Varuna Hear this hymn of mine.'

554. VARUNAH..Vasista or Agastya, the sons of Varuna.

555. VRKSAH..One who is unshakeble like a tree. Sve. Up. 3.9. says.. 'Vrksa iva stabdho divi tisthaty' the spiritual dimension the Paramatma stands alone, unmoving like a tree.'

556. PUSKARAKSAH..One who shines as the light of consciousness when meditated upon in the lotus of the heart. Or one who has eyes resembling the lotus.

557. MAHAMANAH..One who fulfils the three functions of creation, sustentation and dissolution of the universe by the mind alone. Visnu Purana says 'Manas'aiva jagat srstim samharam ca karoti yah.. He who with his mind alone creates and dissolves the universe.

558. BHAGAVAN..Visnu Purana 6.5.74 says..

Aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya yasasah sriyah
jnanavairagyayos ca'iva sannam bhaga itirana

Lordliness, prowess, fame, beauty, knowledge, nonattachment..the combination of all these six attributes is Bhaga. One who possesses these six attributes is Bhagavan.

It is also said..
Utpattim pralayam ca'iva bhutanam agatim gatim
vetti vidyam avidyam ca sa vacyo bhagavan iti

The origin, dissolution, the bondage and salvation of creatures, knowledge, who knows all these is Bhagavan.

559. BHAGAHA..One who withdraws the Bhagas, beginning with lordliness, into Himself at the time of dissolution.

560. ANANDI..One whose nature is Ananda, Bliss. Or one who is attended by all prosperity and therefore is ever blissful.

561. VANAMALI..One who wears the floral wreath, Vanamala, called Vaijayanti, which consists of the categories of five Elements.

562. HALAYUDHAH..One who is His incarnation as Balabhadra had Hala or ploughshare as His weapon.

563. ADITYAH..One who was born of Aditi in His incarnation as Vamana.

564. JYOTIR ADITYAH..One who dwells in the brilliance of the sun's orb.

565. SAHISNUH..One who puts up with the contraries like heat and cold.

566. GATISATTMAH..One who is the ultimate resort and support of all, and the greatest of all beings.

567. SUDHANVA..One who has got as His weapon the bow named Sarnga of great excellence.

568. KHANDA PARASUH..The battle axe that destroys enemies. The reference is to the incarnation of the Lord as Jamadagni's son Parasurama or Rama with the battle axe as his weapon, with which destroyed enemies.

569. DARUNAH..One who is harsh and merciless to those who are on the evil path.

570. DRAVINAPRADAH..One who bestows the desired wealth on devotees.

571. DIVAH SPRK..One who touches the heavens.

572. SARVADRG VYASAH..One whose comprehension includes everything in its ambit. Or allcomprehensive knowledge is sarvadrk. Or one who is the Drk or the power of comprehension in all. Or the sage Vyasa, who was allknowing and identical with Brahma, and who could therefore divide the Vedas into four books. He further divided the first of these, Rgveda into 24 recensions, the second Yajur Veda into 101 recensions, the third Sama Veda into 1000 recensions, and the fourth Atharva Veda into 9 recensions. Further he compiled many Puranas too.

573. VACASPATIRAYONIJAH..The Lord is Vacaspati because He is the master of all learning. He is Ayonija because He was not born of a mother. This forms a noun in combination with the attribute.

574. TRISAMA..One who is praised by the chanters of Sama gana through the three Samas known as Devavratam.

575. SAMAGAH..One who chants the Sama gana.

576. SAMA..The Bhagavad Gita, 10.22 says..'Vedanam Sama vedo'smi..among the Vedas, I am Sama Veda.'

577. NIRVANAM..That in which all miseries cease and which is of the nature of supreme bliss.

578. BHESAJAM..The medicine for the disease of Samsara.

579. BHISAK..The Lord is called Bhisak or physician, because through the Bhagavad Gita, He has administered the supreme knowledge which is the medicine that cures one of the disease of Samsara. The Sruti says..'Bhisak tamam tva bhisajam srnomi..I hear that Thou art the greatest among the physicians."

580. SANYASAKRT..One who instituted the fourth Asrama of Sanyasa for the attainment of Moksa.

581. SAMAH..One who has ordained the pacification of the mind as the most important discipline for Sannyasins, ascetics. The Smrti says..

Yatinam prasamo dharmo niyamo vanavasinam
danameva grhasthanam susrusa brahmacarinam

..The Dharma of the Sannyasin is pacification of the mind of the forest dweller it is austerity of the house holder it is charity and of the Brahmacarin, it is service.

582. SANTAH..The peaceful, being without interest in pleasures of the world. The Sruti says..'Niskalam niskriyam santam..The Parabrahman is timeless, actionless and Santa.'

583. NISTHA..One in whom all beings remain in abeyance at the time of Pralaya.

584. SANTIH..One in whom there is complete erasing of Avidya or ignorance. That is Brahman.

585. PARAYANAM..The state which is the highest and from which there is no return to lower states.

586. SUBHANGAH..One with a handsome form.

587. SANTIDAH..One who bestows Santi, that is, a state of freedom from attachment, antagonism, etc.

588. SRASTA..One who brought forth everything at the start of the creative cycle.

589. KUMUDAH..'Ku' means the earth. One who delights in it.

590. KUVALESAYAH..'Ku' means earth. That which surrounds it is water, so 'Kuvala' means water. One who lies is water is Kuvalesaya. 'Kuvala' also means the underside of serpents. One who lies on a serpent, known as Adisesa, is Kuvalesaya.

591. GOHITAH..One who protected the cows by uplifting the mount Govardhana in His incarnation as Krsna. 'Go' also means the earth. One who embodies Himself to do good to the earth by ridding it of the weight of the evil ones.

592. GOPATIH..'Go' means the earth. The Lord of the earth is Visnu.

593. GOPTA..One who is the protector of the earth, Or one who hides Himself by His Maya.

594. VRSABHAKSAH..One whose eyes can rain all desirable objects on devotees. Or 'Vrsabha' means Dharma and so one whose look is Dharma.

595. VRSAPRIYAH..One to whom Vrsa or Dharma is dear. Or one who is both, 'Vrsa', that is, Dharma and 'Priyah', that is, dear to all.

596. ANIVARTI..One who never retreats in the battle with Asuras. Or one who, being devoted to Dharma, never abondons it.

597. NIVRTTATMA..One whose mind is naturally withdrawn from the objects of senses.

598. SAMKSEPTA..One who at the time of cosmic dissolution contracts the expansive universe into a subtle state.

599. KSEMAKRT..One who gives Ksema or protection to those that go to him.

600. SIVAH..One who purifies everyone by the very utterance of His name.

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