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601. SRIVATSAVAKSAH..One on whose chest there is a mark called Srivatsa.

602. SRIVASAH..One on whose chest Sridevi always dwells.

603. SRIPATIH..One whom at the time of the churning of the Milk ocean Sridevi chose as her consort, rejecting all other Devas and Asuras. Or 'Sri' means supreme Cosmic Power. The Lord is the master of that Power. Sve. Up. 6.8 says 'Parasya saktir vividha'iva is heard that the Lord's supreme power is many sided.'

604. SRIMATAM VARAH..One who is supreme over all deities like Brahma who are endowed with power and wealth of the Vedas..Rk, Yajus, and Sama. The Sruti says..'Rcah samani yajumsi, sa hi Srir amrta satam..the undecaying wealth of good men consists in Rk, Sama and Yajus.

605. SRIDAH..One who bestows prosperity on devotees.

606. SRISAH..One who is Lord of the Goddess Sri.

607. SRINIVASAH..'Sri' here denotes men with 'Sri', that is, virtue and power. He who dwells in such men is Srinivasa.

608. SRINIDHIH..One who is the seat of all Sri, that is, virtues and powers.

609. SRIVIBHAVANAH..One who grants every form of prosperity and virtue according to their Karma.

610. SRIDHARAH..One who bears on His chest Sri who is the mother of all.

611. SRIKARAH..One who makes devotees..those who praise, think about Him and worship Him..into virtuous and powerful beings.

612. SREYAH..'Sreyas' means the attainment of what is undecaying good and happiness. Such a state is the nature of the Lord.

613. SRIMAN..One in whom there are all forms of Sri, that is power, virtue, beauty etc.

614. LOKATRAYASRAYAH..One who is the support of all the three worlds.

615. SVAKSAH..One whose Aksas, eyes, are handsome like lotus flowers.

616. SVANGAH..One whose limbs are beautiful.

617. SATANANDAH..One who is nondual and is of the nature of supreme bliss, but who by adopting various Upadhis, adjuncts, appears as many. Br. Up. 4.3.32 says..'Etasya'iva'nandasya'nyani bhutani matram upajivanti..other creatures live depending on a particle of that bliss.'

618. NANDIH..One who is the nature of supreme Bliss.

619. JYOTIR GANESVARAH..One who is the Lord of the stars, that is, Jyotirgana. Ka. Up 2.2.15 says 'Tam eva bhantam anubhati sarvam..all brilliant objects shine depending on His brilliance.' The Gita 15.12 says..'Yad adityagatam tejah..that brilliance which is in the sun.'

620. VIJITATMA..One who has conquered the Atma, that is, the mind.

621. AVIDHEYATMA..One whose form or nature cannot be determined as 'only this.'

622. SATKIRTIH..One whose fame is of the nature of truth.

623. CHINNA SAMSAYAH..One who has no doubts, as everything is clear to him like a fruit in the palm.

624. UDIRNAH..He who is superior to all beings.

625. SARVATASCAKSUH..One who, being of the nature of pure consciousness, can see everything in all directions. Sve. Up. 3.3. says..'Visvatas caksuh..The Lord has eyes on all sides.'

626. ANISAH..One who cannot have anyone to lord over him. Nar. Up. 2. says..'Na tasy'ese kascana .. there is no one who is His master.'

627. SASVATAH STHIRAH..One, who though eternal, is also unchanging.

628. BHUSAYAH..One who, while seeking the means to cross over to Lanka, had to sleep on the ground of the sea beach.

629. BHUSANAH..One who adorned the earth by manifesting as various incarnations.

630. BHUTIH..One who is the abode or the essence of everything, or is the source of all glorious manifestations, Vibhutis.

631. VISOKAH..One who, being of the nature of bliss, is free from all sorrow.

632. SOKANASANAH..One who effaces the sorrows of devotees even by mere remembrance.

633. ARCISMAN..He by whose rays of light, Arcis, the sun, the moon and other bodies are endowed with rays of light.

634. ARCITAH..One who is worshipped by Brahma and other Devas who are themselves the objects of worship in all the worlds.

635.KUMBHAH..He who contains in Himself every thing as in a pot, Kumbha.

636. VISUDDHATMA..Being above the three Gunas, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, the Lord is pure spirit and is also free from all impurities.

637. VISODHANAH..One who destroys all sins by mere remembrance.

638. ANIRUDDHAH..The last one of the four Vyuhas..Vasudeva, Samkarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. Or one who cannot be obstructed by enemies.

639. APRATIRATHAH..One who has no Pratiratha or an equal antagonist to confront.

640. PRADYUMNAH..One whose Dyumna or wealth is of a superior and sacred order. Or one of the four Vyuhas.

641. AMITAVIKRAMAH..One of unlimited prowess. Or one whose prowess cannot be obstructed by anyone.

642. KALANEMI NIHA..One who destroyed the Asura named Kalanemi.

643. VIRAH..One who is courageous.

644. SAURIH..One who was born in the clan of Sura as Krsna.

645. SURAJANESVARAH..One who by his ovewhelming prowess controls even great powers like Indra and others.

646. TRILOKATMA..One who in his capacity as the inner pervader is the soul for the three worlds. Or one from whom all the three worlds are non different.

647. TRILOKESAH..One under whose guidance and command everything in the three worlds is functioning.

648. KESAVAH..By 'Kesa' is meant the rays of light spreading within the orbit of the sun. One who is endowed with this is Kesava. Maha. Bha. Santi. 341..48 says....

"Amsavo ye prakasante mama te kesa samjnitah
Sarvajnah Kesavam tasman mam ahur dvijasattamah"

"Whatever rays of Mine are shining, they are called Kesas. So the all knowing holy men call me Kesava." Or Brahma, Visnu and Siva are divine powers and therefore called Kesas. One who is endowed with these Saktis is Kesava. The Sruti says..'Trayah Kesinah'..the three are with Kesa. Vis. Pur. 5.1.61 says..'Mat kesau vasudhatale' meaning my two Kesas or Saktis are in the world. In the light of this, Kesa is a synonym of Sakti, Power. Harivamsa 3.88.48 syas..

"Ko brahme'ti samakhyata iso'ham sarvadehinam
avam tavamsa sambhutau tasmat kesava namavan

'Ka' means Brahma and 'Isa' means the Lord of all. We two are born of your parts, so Thou art known as Kesava."

649. KESIHA..One who destroyed the Asura named Kesi.

650. HARIH..One who destroys Samsara, that is, entanglement in the cycle of birth and death along with ignorance, its cause.

651. KAMADEVAH..One who is desired by persons in quest of the four values of life..Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksa.

652. KAMAPALAH..One who protects or assures the desired ends of people endowed with desires.

653. KAMI..One who by nature has all his desires satisfied.

654. KANTAH..One whose form is endowed with great beauty. Or one who effects the 'Anta' or dissolution of 'Ka' or Brahma at the end of a Dviparardha, the period of Brahma's life time extending over a hundred divine years.

655. KRITAGAMAH..He who produced scriptures like Sruti, Smrti, and Agama, as stated in the Lord's words..'SrutiSmrti mama'iva'jne.' It will be declared hereafter in this Visnu sahasranama verse 10, P. 39 that 'Vedah sastrani vijnanam etat sarvam Janardanat..The Veda, Sastras and spiritual enlightenment..all manifested from Janardana.'

656. ANIRDESYAVAPUH..He is called so, because, being above the Gunas, His form cannot be determined as this or that.

657. VISNUH..One whose brilliance has spread over the sky and over the earth. Maha. Bha. Santi 341.42..43 says..

Vyapya me rodasi partha kantir abhyadhika sthita
Kramanad va'pyaham Partha Visnur ity abhisamjnitah

"O Arjuna My immense brilliance spreads all over the sky and the world. For this reason, as also because I pervade everything, I am called Visnu."

658. VIRAH..One who has power of Gati or movement. The root 'vi' is used with several meanings as movement, extension, birth, lustre, throwing, eating, etc.

659. ANANTAH..One who pervades everthing, who is eternal, who is the soul of all, and who cannot be limited by space, time, location etc. Tait. Up. 2.1. says..'Satyam jnanam anantam brahma..Brahma is Truth, Knowledge and Ananta.' Vis. Pur. 2.5.24 says..

Gandharva'psarasah siddhah kinnaro'ragacaranah
nantam gunanam gacchanti tenananto'yam avyayah

'The Lord is Ananta because all beings including Gandharvas, Apsaras, Siddhas, Kinnaras, Sarpas and Caranas cannot find the end of the attributes of the Indestructible Being, the Lord, Ananta.'

660. DHANANJAYAH..Arjuna is called so because by his conquest of the kingdoms in the four quarters he acquired great wealth. Arjun is a Vibhuti, a glorious manifestation of the Lord, according to the statement of the Gita 10.57 'Pandavanam dhananjayah..among the Pandavas, I am Dhananjaya.'

661. BRAHMANYAH..There is a statement 'Tapo vedas ca vipras ca jnanam ca brahmasamjnitam'.. austerity, the Vedas, Brahmanas and knowledge are indicated by the word Brahma.' As the Lord promotes these, He is called Brahmanya.

662. BRAHMAKRT..One who performs Brahma or Tapas, austerity.

663. BRAHMA..One who creates everything as the creator Brahma.

664. BRAHMA..Being big and expanding, the Lord, who is known from indications like Satya, Truth, is called Brahma. Tait. Up. 2.1. says..'Satyam jnanam anantam brahma..Brahma is Truth, Knowledge and Infinity

Visnu Purana 6.7.53 says..

"Pratyastamita bhedam yat sattamatram agocaram
Vacasam atmasamvedyam tat jnanam brahma samjnitam

'That knowledge is Brahman, which is without any kind of difference, which is pure existence, which is beyond the power of words to express and which is selfknowing.'

665. BRAHMAVIVARDHANAH..One who promotes Tapas, austerity etc.

666. BRAHMAVIT..One who knows the Vedas and their real meaning.

667. BRAHMANAH..One who, in the form of Brahmana, instructs the whole world, saying, 'It is commanded so and so in the Veda.'

668. BRAHMI..One in whom is established such entities as Tapas, Veda, mind, Prana etc., which are parts of Brahma and which are also called Brahma.

669. BRAHMAJNAH..One who knows the Vedas which are born of Himself.

670. BRAHMANAPRIYAH..One to whom holy men are devoted.

671. MAHAKRAMAH..One with enormous strides. Sukla Yajur Veda 36.9 says..'Sam no Visnur urukramah..May Visnu with enormous strides bestow on us happiness.'

672. MAHAKARMAH..One who is performing great works like the creation of the world.

673. MAHATEJAH..He from whose brilliance, sun and other luminaries derive their brilliance. Tait. Up. says ' Yena suryas tapati tejaseddhah.. He by whose brilliance the sun derives light and becomes hot,'

The Gita 15.12 says..
"Yad aditya gatam tejo jagat bhasayate' khilam
Yac candramasi yac ca' gnau tat tejo viddhi mamakam

"Whatever brilliance of the sun illumines the whole world and so also whatever brilliance there is in the moon and the fire, know that to be Mine." Or one who is endowed with the brilliance of various excellences.

674. MAHORAGAH..He is also the great serpent. The Gita 10.29 says..'Sarpanam asmi vasukih..Among serpents I am Vasuki.'

675. MAHAKRATUH..He is the great Kratu or sacrifice. Manu 11.260 says 'Yadha svamedhah kraturat..just as Asvamedha is the king of sacrifices, in the same way........'

676. MAHAYAJVA..One who is great and performs sacrifices for the good of the world.

677. MAHAYAJNAH..He who is the great sacrifice. The Gita 10.25 says 'Yajnanam japa yajno'smi..among Yajnas, I am Japayajna or the sacrifice consisting of silent repetition of Mantras.

678. MAHAHAVIH..The whole universe conceived as Brahman and offered as sacrificial offering, Havis into the fire of the Self which is Brahman. This and the names from 675 can be interpreted as 'He to whom great Havis, Yajna etc., are offered.'

679. STAVYAH..One who is the object of laudations of everyone but who never praises any other being.

680. STAVA PRIYAH..One who is pleased with hymns.

681. STOTRAM..A Stotra means a hymn proclaiming the glory, attributes and names of the Lord. These Stotras or hymns exalting the attributes of Hari are Hari Himself.

682. STUTIH..A praise.

683. STOTA..One who, being allformed, is also the person who sings a hymn of praise.

684. RANAPRIYAH..One who is fond of fight for the protection of the world, and for the purpose always sports in His hands the five weapons, the discus Sudarsana, the mace Kaumodaki, the bow Sarnga and the sword Nandaka besides the conch Pancajanya.

685. PURNAH..One who is self fulfilled, being the source of all powers and excellences.

686. PURAYITA..One who is not only self fulfilled but gives all fulfilments to others.

687. PUNYAH..One by only hearing about whom all sins are erased.

688. PUNYAKIRTIH..One of holy fame. His excellences are capable of conferring great merit on others.

689. ANAMAYAH..One who is not afflicted by any disease that is born of causes, internal and external.

690. MANOJAVAH..One who, being allpervading, is said to be endowed with speed like that of the mind.

691. TIRTHAKARAH..Tirtha means Vidya, a particular branch of knowledge or skill. The Lord is called so because He is the source of fourteen Vidyas sanctioned by the Veda as also of Vidyas outside the pale of Veda. According to the Puranas, in the early stages of the creative cycle the Lord took the form of Hayagriva and destroyed the two Asuras, Madhu and Kaitabha. He then imparted all the Vedas to Brahma, and in order to deceive the Asuras, who are enemies of the Devas, imparted to them the Vidyas that are outside the pale of the Vedas.

692. VASU RETAH..He whose Retas, semen, is gold, Vasu. There is following verse of Vyasa..

"Devah purvam apah srstva tasu viryam apasrjat
tat andam abhavat haimam brahmanah karanam param

"The Divine in the beginning created water and in it He cast His Virya, semen. It became the Golden Egg, Hiranyagarbha, out of which Brahma was born.

693. VASUPRADAH..One who gladly bestows wealth in abundance. He is really the master of all wealth, and others who seem to be so are in those positions only because of His grace.

694. VASUPRADAH..One who bestows on devotees the highest of all wealth, namely Moksa. Brh. Up. 3.9.28 says..'Vijnanam anandam brahma, ratir datuh parayanam tisthamanasya tadvidah..Brahma is of the nature of Knowledge and Bliss. It is the support of all, of one who gives wealth, of one who is devoted to action due to ignorance and the knowing one who dwells in Brahman.' Or it may mean one who destroys the wealth of the enemies of Devas.

695. VASUDEVAH..The son of Vasudeva.

696. VASUH..He in whom all creation dwells. Or He who dwells in all creations.

697. VASUMANAH..One whose mind dwells equally in all things.

698. HAVIH..Havis or sacrificial offering as said in Bhagavad Gita, 4.24. 'Brahmarpanam brahma havih.'

699. SADGATIH..Tait. Up. 2.6. says..'Asti brahmeti ched veda santam enam tato viduh..One who knows Brahman as existing is called Sat or the holy man.' So the name means one who is attained by such persons. Or who in endowed with intelligence of great excellence.

700. SATKRTIH..One whose achievements are for the protection of the world.

701. SATTA..Experience that is without any difference of an external nature from similar objects or dissimilar objects as also internal differences, is called Satta. Ch. Up. 6.21 says..Ekam eva' without a second alone existed.'

702. SAD BHUTIH..The Paramatman who is pure existence and consciousness, who is unsublatable and who manifests Himself in many ways. An experienced object cannot be determined as existing or nonexisting, because it is subject both to experience and sublation. What is here contemplated is the sublation by Vedic sentences or by reason.

703. SATPARAYANAH..He who is the highest Status attainable by holy men who have realised the Truth.

704. SURASENAH..One having an army of heroic wariors like Hanuman.

705. YADUSRESTHAH..One who is greatest among the Yadus.

706. SANNIVASAH..One who is the resort of holy knowing ones.

707. SUYAMUNAH..One who is surrounded by many illustrious persons associated with the river Yamuna like Devaki, Vasudeva, Nandagopa, Yasoda, Balabhadra, Subhadra etc. Or one who was adored by Brahma and others while He stayed with the inhabitants on the banks of the Yamuna in the form of a cowherd.

708. BHUTAVASAH..He in whom all the beings dwell. Harivamsa, 3.88.53 says..'Vasanti tvayi bhutani bhutavasas tato bhavan..all beings dwell in Three. So Thou art Bhutavasa, dwelling place of all.

709. VASUDEVAH..The Divinity who convers the whole universe by Maya. Mah. Bha. Santi Parva, 341.41 says 'Chadayami jagad visvam bhutya surya iva'msubhih..just as the sun covers the whole earth with his rays, I cover this world by the manifestation of My power.'

710. SARVASUNILAYAH..He in whose form as the Jiva all the vital energy or Prana of all living beings dissolve.

711. ANALAH..One whose wealth or power has no limits.

712. DARPAHA..One who puts down the pride of persons who walk along the unrighteous path.

713. DARPADAH..One who endows those who walk the path of righteousness with a sense of self respect regarding their way of life.

714. DRPTAH..One who is ever satisfied by the enjoyment of His own inherent bliss.

715. DURDHARAH..One who is very difficult to be borne or contained in the heart in meditation. As He is without any adjuncts or fields of manifestations, it is almost impossible to fix one's mind on Him. Yet some, out of His grace, and because of their effort during countless lives, at last succeed in doing so. The Gita says..

"Kleso'dhikaras tesam avyakta sakta cetasam
Avyakta hi gatir dukham dehavadbhir avapyate

"The difficulty of those who fix their minds on Avyakta is great for, the path of the Avyakta is very difficult for those who are bodyconscious."

716. APARAJITAH..One who is never conquered by internal enemies like attachment and by external enemies like Asuras.

717. VISVAMURTIH..One who, being the soul of all, has the whole universe as His body.

718. MAHAMURTIH..One with an enormous form stretched on a bedstead constituted of the serpent Adisesa.

719. DIPTAMURTIH..One with a luminous form of knowledge. Or one who, as the Hiranyagarbha, has assumed a brilliant form.

720. AMURTIMAN..He who is without a body born of Karma.

721. ANEKAMURTIH..One who assumes several bodies in His incarnations as it pleases Him in order to help the world.

722. AVYAKTAH..One who cannot be clearly described as 'This' even though He has many forms.

723. SATAMURTIH..One who, though He is of the nature of Pure Consciousness, assumes different forms for temporary purposes.

724. SATANANAH..He is called one with a hundred faces to indicate that He has several forms. 'Visvam', this whole universe, also is His form with countless faces.

725. EKAH..One without any kind of differences that are internal or that relate to similar objects external, or to dissimilar objects. Ch. Up. 6.2.1. says..'Ekam eva'dvitiyam..there is only one, there is no second.'

726. NAIKAH.. One who has numerous bodies born of Maya. Br. Up. 2.5.9 says..'Indro mayabhih pururupa iyate..Indra, that is, Isvara, is on account of Maya seen as one with many forms.'

727. SAVAH..That Yajna in which Soma is made.

728. KAH..The syllable 'Ka' indicates joy or happiness. So it means one who is hymned as constituted of joy. Ch. Up. 4.10.5 says..'Kam brahma..Brahman is of the nature of joy.'

729. KIM..One who is fit to be contemplated upon, because He is the summation of all values.

730. YAT..One who is by nature existent. The word 'Yat' indicates a selfsubsisting entity. The Sruti says..'Yato va imani bhutani jayante..That from which all beings are born.'

731. TAT..Brahma is so called because He 'expands, tanoti,. The Gita 17.23 says..'Om tat sad iti nirdeso brahmanas trividhah smrtah..Om, Tat, Sat..these are three words indicating Brahman.'

732. PADAMANUTTAMAM..Braman is 'Pada' or Status, because He is the goal of all Moksaseekers. It is Anuttama, because it is that beyond which there is nothing else to be attained.

733. LOKABANDHUH..He in whom all the worlds are linked, Baddha, because He is the support of them all. Or because He is the Father of the world and there is no relative to one closer than the father. Or one who has done towards the world what a wellwisher or a relative should do by revealing the Sruti, Smrti etc. which show what is good and what is bad.

734. LOKANATHAH..One to whom all the worlds pray. Or one who regulates, comforts, and rules over the whole world.

735. MADHAVAH..One who was born in the clan of Madhu.

736. BHAKTAVATSALAH..One who has got love for devotees.

737. SUVARNAVARNAH..One who has got the colour of gold. Says Mund. Up. 3.1.3. 'Yada pasyah pasyate rukma varnam..when the seer perceives Him whose colour is that of gold.'

738. HEMANGAH..One whose form is like that of gold. Ch. Up. 1.6.6. says..'Ya eso'ntar'aditye hiranmayah purusah..the golden hued person who dwells within the sun.

739. VARANGAH..He the parts of whose form are brilliant.

740. CANDANANGADI..One who is adorned with armlets, Angada, that generate joy.

741. VIRAHA..One who destroyed heroes, Viras, like Hiranyakasipu for protecting Dharma.

742. VISAMAH..One to whom there is no equal because nothing is comparable to Him by any characteristic. The Gita 11.43 says..'Na tvat samo'stya bhyadhikah kuto'nyah..there is none equal to Thee, then how can one be greater"

743. SUNYAH..One who, being without any attributes, apprears as Sunya, emptiness.

744. GHRTASIH..One whose blessings are unfailing.

745. ACALAH..One who cannot be deprived of His real nature as Truth, Intelligence, and Infinity.

746. CALAH..One who moves in the form of air.

747. AMANI..He who, being of the nature of Pure Consciousness, has no sense of identification with anything that is not Atman.

748. MANADAH..One who by His power of Maya induces the sense of self in nonself. Or one who destroys in the knowing ones the sense of identification with the nonself.

749. MANYAH..One who is to be adored by all, because He is the God of all.

750. LOKASVAMI..One who is the Lord of all the fourteen spheres.

751. TRILOKADHRK..One who supports all the three worlds.

752. SUMEDHAH..One with great and beneficent intelligence.

753. MEDHAJAH..One who arose from yaga, a kind of sacrifice.

754. DHANYAH..One who has attained all His ends and therefore is selfsatisfied.

755. SATYAMEDHAH..One whose intelligence is fruitful.

756. DHARADHARAH..One who supports the worlds by His fractions, Amsas, like Adisesa.

757. TEJOVRSAH..One who in the form of the sun causes rainfall at all times.

758. DYUTIDHARAH..One whose form is always brilliant.

759. SARVA SASTRA BHRTAM VARAH..One who is superior to all bearing arms.

760. PRAGRAHAH..One who accepts the offerings of devotees with great delight. Or one who is like the reins in controlling the senses which are like wild horses.

761. NIGRAHAH..One who controls and destroys everything.

762. VYAGRAH..One who has no Agra or end. Or one who is very attentive, Vyagra, in granting the prayers of devotees.

763. NAIKASRINGAH..One with four horns. Tait. Aran. 1.10.17 says..

"Catvari srnga trayo'sya pada
Dve sirse sapta hastaso'sya
Tridha baddho vrsabho roraviti
Mahadevo martyan avivesa."

"The Great Lord of the form of Vrsabha, ox with four horns, three legs and seven arms and tied in three places, has entered into human beings making sound."

764. GADAGRAJAH..One who is revealed first by Mantra, Nigada. Or one who is the elder brother of Gada.

765. CATURMURTIH..One with four aspects as Virat, Sutratma, Avyakrta and Turiya. Or one with four horns with colours white, red, yellow and black.

766. CATURBAHUH..One with four arms, as Vasudeva is always described.

767. CATURVYUHAH..One having four manifestations, Vyuhas, as stated in Ait. Ar. 3.4.2. 'Sarira purusah, chandahpuruso veda puruso maha purusah.'

768. CATUR GATIH..One who is sought as the end by the four Orders of life and four Varnas ordained by the scriptures.

769. CATURATMA..One whose self is specially endowed with puissance, because it is without any attachment, antagonism etc. Or one who has got the four functions of the internal organs..mind, intellect, 'I' sense and Citta.

770. CATURBHAVAH..One from whom has originated the four human values..Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksa, morality, wealth desire and liberation.

771. CATUR VEDAVIT..One who understands the true meaning of the four Vedas.

772. EKAPAT..One with a single Pada, part or leg. Or one with a single foot or manifestation. Purusa Sukta 3 says..'Pado'sya visva bhutani..all beings constitute one of his manifestations.' The Gita 10.42 says..'vistabhya'ham idam krtsnam ekamsena sthito jagat. By one fraction of mine, I pervade this whole universe.'

773. SAMAVARTAH..One who effectively whirls the wheel of Samsara.

774. ANIVRTTATMA..One who is not Nivrtta, separated from, anything or anywhere, because He is all pervading. Or if it is taken as "Nivrttatma", it means one whose mind is turned back from all sense objects.

775. DURJAYAH..One who cannot be conquered.

776. DURATIKRAMAH..One out of fear of whom, even heavenly objects like sun do not dare to oppose Him command. Kath. Up. 2.3.3. says..

"Bhayad asya'gnis tapati bhayat tapati suryah
Bhayad indras ca vayus ca mrtyur dhavati pancamah

"Out of fear of Him, fire burns and sun shines out of fear of Him alone, Indra, Vayu and death the fifth category move about." Katha. Up. 2.3.2. says..'Mahad bhayam vajram udyatam..the great terror striking thunderbolt weapon is held aloft.'

777. DURLABHAH..One who can be attained by Bhakti, which is difficult for a person to be endowed with. Vyasa says..

"Janmantara sahasresu tapo jnana samadhibhih
Naranam ksina papanam Krsne bhaktih prajayate

"By means of Tapas, Jnana and Samadhi practised in many births, men's sins are destroyed, and they get devotion to Krsna." Further the Gita 10.21 says..'Bhaktya labhyas tu ananyaya.. by whole hearted and unwavering devotion, I am attainable.

778. DURGAMAH..One whom it is difficult to attain.

779. DURGAH..One the attainment of whom is rendered difficult by various obstructions.

780. DURAVASAH..He whom the Yogis with very great difficulty bring to reside in their hearts in Samadhi.

781. DURARIHA..One who destroys beings like Asuras who tread the path of evil.

782. SUBHANGAH..One whose form is very auspicious to meditate upon.

783. LOKASARANGAH..One who like the Saranga, honey beetle, grasps the essence of the world. The Sruti says..'Prajapatir lokan abhyatapat..Prajapati, the Lord of all, heated the worlds, that is, absorbed the essence of the worlds.' Or one who is to be known through the Pranava, the sound symbol 'Om', which is called the Lokasara, the essence of the worlds.

784. SUTANTUH..As this universe of infinite extension belongs to Him, the Lord is called Sutantu.

785. TANTU VARDHANAH..One who can augment or contract the web of this world.

786. INDRA KARMA..One whose actions are like that of Indra, that is, are of highly commendable nature.

787. MAHAKARMA..One of whom the great elements like Akasa are effects.

788. KRTAKARMA..One who has fulfilled everthing and has nothing more to accomplish. Or one who has performed the Karma in the form of Dharma.

789. KRTAGAMAH..One who has given out the Agama in the shape of the Veda. Brh. Up. 2.4.10 says..'Asya mahato bhutasya nisvasitam etad rgvedah..The Rg Veda is what has been breathed out by this great Being.'

790. UDBHAVAH..One who assumes great and noble embodiments out of His own will. Or one who, being the cause all, has Himself no birth.

791. SUNDARAH..One who has a graceful attractiveness that surprises everyone.

792. SUNDAH..One who is noted for extreme tenderness, Undanam. It means the same as Karunakara.

793. RATNA NABHAH..Ratna indicates beauty so one whose navel is very beautiful.

794. SULOCANAH..One who has brilliant eyes, that is, knowledge of everything.

795. ARKAH..One who is being worshipped even by beings like Brahma who are themselves objects of worship.

796. VAJASANAH..One who gives Vajam, food, to those who entreat Him.

797. SRNGI..One who at the time of Pralaya, cosmic dissolution, assumed the form of a fish having prominent antenna.

798. JAYANTAH..One who conquers enemies easily. Or one who is the cause of such victories over enemies.

799. SARVAVIJJAYI..The Lord is 'Sarvavit', as He has knowledge of everything. He is 'Jayi' because He is the conqueror of all the inner forces like attachment, anger etc., as also of external foes like Hiranyaksa.

800. SUVARNABINDUH..One whose 'Bindus', that is, limbs, are equal to gold in brilliance. Ch. Up. 1.6.6. says.."Apranakhat sarva eva suvarnah..everything, the whole being from the toe nail to the head, is golden." Or one who is of the nature of the sound symbol "Om" for in that Mantra are included all the choicest of Varnas or alphabets, Bindus etc.

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