Vomitchrist's Black & Death Metal Video Trading Site

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Hello and welcome to my site. The only purpose of this site is to post my trade list for anyone who is interested. Any traders or buyers should feel free to send me an email . Below are the links to my lists.

[Black/Death Metal Video List] [Punk, Emo and Other Assorted Weenie Music Video List]

[Gradation] [Prices] [Trades]


The grading system for the shows on this site follows a simple 0-5 number scale. For example:

Satyricon-Vosselar, Belgium-4/13/96-55min-4/4...19

is graded at 4/4. The first number refers to the picture quality and the second to the sound quality.


5 - Perfect or near perfect picture/sound. It may have been balcony shot (or crowd shot with minimal crowd blockage) or the camera may have been plugged into the soundboard. Usually low generation (generation refers to the amount of times the tape has been copied; ie a copy of a copy of a copy will look like shit whereas a first gen dub of a good show will usually be graded a five.) The lower the generation, the better the quality.

4 - An excellent recording. Possibly slightly grainy or generated but not to the point where it is distracting. A rating of four in the sound may result from an inferior mix at the board but not usually from high generation or a shitty camera mic.

3 - A good video. This rating usually results from a very grainy picture, low stage lighting, or bad bad bad head obstructions. Watchable but usually not the first pick of most traders (or fans unless you are a real die-hard.) A three on the sound is about as good as you can get without it being totally pointless to listen to.

2 - Pretty bad. These are usually old, generated shows that were once good but have seen better days. The picture is damn near unwatchable (you can see the band but it may be tough to distinguish subtle things like facial expressions or individual notes on a close-up of a guitar solo)and usually only for the REAL collectors. Shows with sound gradings of two are not really worth listening to. Even if you know every song, it will take some time to figure out which one it is.

1 - Totally unwatchable. Usually little or no picture at all. Could be mostly darkness, static, or unbelievably bad shots (the kind of shots that make you want to send the filmer a tripod, or a mailbomb, or an application to the Betty Ford clinic.) You probably will not be able to distinguish the individual songs if the sound is this bad. Go ahead and leave the volume off on these.

0 - Like watching TV snow while pretending to be watching a band. You will need to drop a LOT of acid for there shows to make sense. So far I have not listed anything this bad but maybe if I get an 85th gen copy of Euronymous fucking Count Grishnackh I'll list it.



Since most people only buy one tape at a time, the standard price is $15 for 2 hours. If you want to make a deal on more than 2 hours just email me. I always use Maxell tapes (the best) and dub in SP mode. This is why I only record 2 hours per tape. Shipping is included in N. America but will be extra for overseas. I ship anywhere in the world.



I am always interested in trading and have an excellent reputation from people all over the world. I only have a few rules for traders:

+ Always use Maxell or Sony tapes. Fuck what anybody tells you, brand does matter.

+ Always record in SP. If it doesn't fit, use another tape. I have had many problems with this in the past and will not accept the excuse that "there was only one more minute left". Don't be a lazy ass with me.

+ I will always use the same shipping method as the person I'm trading with. It is only fair that if I send a trade priority mail I don't have to wait 10 days for 4th class.

+ I will trade for just about anything. Shirts, CD's, posters, vinyl, demos, and of couse, other shows.

Any of the content of this site may not be reproduced, misrepresented, or distributed without my permission. Questions or comments should be directed to the address below.

This page was last updated on 1/6/02. The counter was reset on 1/6/02.
