To Netscape Download
We're glad ya stopped by!!! My name is Cindy..aka Whiniphoo
I like to play on the puter, I'm taking some puter classes. and spend all my spare time playing acro. I have a wonderful husband and am very proud of my son. I also love my acro family and am working on getting there pic's here. I enjoy meeting different people and I love to watch movies.
Jeff (my Hubby) aka, Tigger....Electroman......Rooster. Cant make up his mind what he wants to be called. LOL Has been Rooster for long time but I made him start the Tigger thing. He's an IBEW Journeyman Electrician, Teaches at the Local 116 Apprenticeship
Bobby (our son) aka Taz1542..... Loves to play football. Is an A and B honor roll student. He's in all kinds of clubs and my fingers would bleed typing all that in. Before this turns in to bragging I'm gonna stop here. LOL
Oh yea almost forgot one..... Amber is my little rat dog!!!! aka Amber..... we dont let the dawg on here much but we're not sure what she does when we leave LOL
This is us after one of Tiggers Christmas presents!!!!
We're working on setting up sepearate areas for our links around the Web world. We hope you enjoy the pic's and the links.
So kick your shoes off. Sit back and relax and enjoy the web Texas Style!!!
P.S. We're new at this, so give us some time to screw this up GOOD!!!!
(NEW!!!)Happy Valentines Page
(NEW!!!) Adopted A Bear Page
Tigger or Rooster's Page
Bunny Fuzz Page ( pics of friends)
Cool Things To Send Friends
My Whini the Pooh Page (NEW!!!) Pooh pics
Gotta go here to see my Cyber Pets! Their so cute : )
You have to go here !! This is our SPIRIT page
Our Awards that we are Proud of! Go check them out
My Crazy Web Freinds Pages
Babi Bluze Page
Xenas Horse World
My DrBens Page
Mystyeyes Page
Skyebos page
Skyebos husbands page
Beer4Lifes Page
MojoDarts Page
Mystique22 Page
Thank You Heartbeat's One & Two
Click on this award they have such a awsome page I know you will like it
This Fuzzy Bunny Ring Of Friends site owned by Whiniphoo. |
Music "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" by The Tokens