Whini and Tiggers Valentines

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Welcome to our Valentine's Page.
This time of year seems to bring out the Romantic in us all.
Its that time to show the one you Love just how much they mean to you.
Also to let your friends know how much you are glad to have them as friends.
Hope this page will give you some Ideas to make that Day very Special.
Also try to put some things here for you to enjoy and have fun with.

A day for hearts and flower
The time to say you care
A chance to tell your loved ones
You're glad that they are there.
But wonder why we wait
Until this certain day
To do those "special" things
And say those things we say
Why not tell mate or lover
Each day the whole year through,
"Valentine, I'm glad you're mine,
And I surely do love you."
-- By Abe (Copyright 1989)

May A Teddy Bear Give you all the warmth you need..

Heres a Poem to All my Friends

Across the miles
you've brought me smiles
you've wiped my tears
by lending an ear,
although my voice you have not heard
you've listened carefully to my
my feelings
my words.
And I want you to know,
I'm glad we met
over the net,
'cause my heart is
deep down inside
and you're a treasure,
my friend
and that's no lie!
Thanks for your friendship!
Thanks for being YOU!

Wishing You and Yours a Very Very Happy Valentines Day

Links to pages I made

Dedication to my Husband!
Dedication to my #1 Son!!!
Cards,Things to do,LINKS

Some Adoptions

Email: whiniphoo@aol.com

Midi... I Just Called to say I Love You
By..Stevie Wonder