Welcome To My Whinni The Pooh Page
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Welcome To My Whini The Pooh Page

We'll as you all should guess I love Whinni The Pooh since my nickname on here is Whiniphoo. I love to collect things of the Pooh Bear. I think He is so cute and cuddly. So I've tried to put this page together to show how much I Love that Darn ole Bear . Hope you enjoy this as much as I've enjoyed putting it together..

(NEW!!!) Poohs Picture Page
Go here for Some cool Pooh waves and songs
Heres a Coloring Book of Pooh characters.!!!
Heres a place you can play Pooh games...!!!!
Hunnybee's page has great graphics and stuff!
Jessie's Page has Lots and Lots of Pooh Links
Only Pooh!!!This is a great site of Pooh Bear!
Ever wonder how Pooh got his name?

Email: whiniphoo@aol.com

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