Jerry Dozier, Author Extrodinair

Welcome to the page of Jerry's newest creation. Future's End: Falcon's Redemption.
Just a little about myself and my work. My name is Jerry Dozier and i am an aspiring Science-Fiction and Fantasy Author. I have finally gotten my first book published.
Future's End: Falcon Redemption is a story line i have been working on for quite some time.If you are looking for action, adventure, and an entertaining romp through the Solar System and beyond then you have come to the right page!
Greed, Betrayal and Assasination are usually the path to follow to become a CEO in the vast Mega-Corporations of the far future. This has been the way since the Mega-Corporations were formed in the reconstruction era.
Howard Kinkeid is the newest CEO of the Falcon Corporation. Greed and Assasination were not in his bag of tricks. His 'Hostile Takeover' was done to save his corporation and the North American Alliance.
Can a CEO with a code of honor survive in the vast metropolis of Angel City
Now that you have seen a little about the book you can check out more of the work at
I am a long time fan of Science fiction and an active RPG gamer. These two hobbies worked in tandem to help me develop the worlds of Future's End. The story is one part cyberpunk, one part space opera and all adventure!
Here is the back cover of the book.
Howard Kinkeid, the newest CEO of the Falcon Corporation has his work cut out for him. Not only does he need to build the trust of his corporation, but he also must rebuild the trust that the North American Alliance had once placed in Falcon before the previous CEO nearly severed the ties to their host nation.
He needs a team of specialized agents that he can trust. He got just what he needed with the Wrecking Crew.
Bushman: The leader of the crew and their long range expert. He is a career soldier and one of Kinkeid’s best friends.
Grifter: A wasteland gunslinger who turned to the life of a bounty hunter. He is recruited to be the group’s tracker.
Ling Fa: This little fireball is the group’s resident computer and technology expert.
Cheyanne Ryder: She is the Wrecking Crew’s hotshot pilot and resident troublemaker.
Sabrina Knight- The heavy weapons expert who puts the Wreck into the Wrecking Crew. She is also the bearer of a secret that will soon affect all mankind.
The Wrecking Crew embarks on an adventure that takes them from the skyscrapers of Angel City, to the wastelands of North America, to the mines of Mars and beyond.
As Kinkeid works to redeem his beloved corporation, his actions are being watched from beyond the boundaries of our solar system.

The book is available in Softcover, Hardcover and will soon be available in electronic formats
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