
it happened in an instant
it was about two o’clock sunday afternoon
but it was morning to me
I was bleary eyed
scraggly haired
bad taste in my mouth from the night before
driving through jack in the box
for breakfast

I was in the van
and as I pulled away from the window
I had a panoramic view of the dining room
for four or five seconds, I guess
as I drove by
there were six guys inside eating
all dressed alike
in camolflage combat gear
sitting two to a booth

it flashed through my mind
hey, these guy have been out
playing war games
at that rambo fantasy ranch in denton
this one guy was about sixty
bald on top
neatly trimmed gray on the side
and I could tell he was in real good shape
muscled up

he had a bunch of patches on his uniform
was probably some kind of
weekend commando commander
and a hot shit business executive
during the week

he was sitting in a booth facing me
only four or five feet away
we were eye to eye
and I thought about how great it is
that we can feel secure
knowing there are heroes in the suburbs
who maintain sharp combat skills
and stand ready to defend our homes
and neighborhoods
from whoever might decide
to fuck with us

I pointed my finger right at this guy
while he’s taking a bite
of a jumbo jack
and I dropped my thumb
like the hammer of a gun
and I mouthed the words

I could have blown his fucking head off
but he didn’t even flinch
he just sat there
his head slowly turning
as he watched me roll by
in the getaway van

march 2, ‘86

© 1986

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