dear abbie hoffman

dear abbie

I have a son
and I don’t want to tell him the truth
I want him to be optomistic
and enthusiastic
about the future
I want him to have good reasons
to feel good about himself
about his life

I don’t want him to be
as disappointed with mankind
as I am
I don’t want him to know that I am

people will try to convince him
that what’s good for big business
is good for the people
he’ll be asked to believe
that through the wonderful
trickle down theory
the obscene profits
made by the inhumane
bottom line sensitive
monster corporations
actually benefit us all

I don’t want him to know
that everything is arranged such
that the rich get richer
and the masses spend their lives
working for the company store

I don’t want to have to tell him
that our country is not really concerned
with human rights
and freedom for all
that the united states
is actually a cut throat global arms merchant
purposely perpetuating internal conflict
in as many other countries as possible
simply because
it’s good for business

and I don’t want him to know
that if he doesn’t blindly
and patriotically
believe and support
the absurd rationale
spewing forth
from our nation’s leaders
he’ll be outcast
condemned as a criminal
a treasonous malcontent

abbie, I don’t know who else to turn to
he’s such a naive
and happy kid
I can’t bring myself
to ruin it for him
what should I do

desperate dad in dallas

sept 23, ‘86

© 1986

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