the dreams

the dreams
they come again and again
night after night
his eyes are dark and sunken
in sleepless exhaustion
and bear the haunting look
of one who has grown weary
of living in terror

the dreams
always so vivid
so real
so relentless

some horrific nightmares
in which loved ones
or cars or dogs
inanimate objects
or sometimes parts of his body
transform into demons and dragons
who rise and turn to devour him
and he awakes screaming

others are simply visions
various scenes and situations
strangers and familiar faces
and seemingly normal goings on
always as real as if he were standing there
until then
before his eyes
incomprehensible impossibilities occur
and he awakes screaming

but the terror lingers
long after the incredible images
in is dreams have vanished
it is not them he fears
for even in sleep
he grips reality firmly
and realizes instantly
that it’s all in his mind
and he awakes screaming
dear god i’ve gone mad
dear god i’ve gone mad

jan 28, ‘88

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