Fines Double

This low unemployment rate?
I think it’s bogus.
I figured it out…I think.

All those previously
Unemployed people?
They all have road construction jobs now.

I see them everywhere… working… everywhere.
Every road, every road I take… holding up shovels.
To anywhere I’m going… making me late… always late.

Not old road, mile or so of construction, then the new road.
Oh no! Tear up five, ten, fifteen miles at a time
So it takes years to finish… years…
But, they’re, by God, employed!

Every day I drive through a site
Where they’re building a massive cloverleaf
To connect the new turnpike to the interstate… It’s awesome!

Swooping and banking and curving ribbons of concrete
Gracefully rising and falling and crisscrossing
High above my treacherous narrow detour.

It’s going to be one impressive man made structure.
An enormous sculpture… A statue of a roller coaster.
The George Bush Turnpike Sky Coaster Monument.

As massive as it is, it holds a strangely delicate beauty…
Such long arching spans, so precariously balanced
On thin T shaped pillars, so high above the earth.

I look forward to my first drive over the highest ramp.
And I’ll be glad when the construction crew moves on.
And I hope I’m not on or under that sumbitch when it comes down.

Oct. 2000

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