
to some it may seem a jaded outlook
but i’m wary and distrustful
of my fellow man

i’ve noticed that, all too often,
the friends, relatives and neighbors
of persons who commit ungodly acts
of violence and murder
express disbelief
that the person they knew
could commit such an abominable sin

people tend to believe
that these heinous atrocities
could only be the result
of a severe mental disorder
only a very sick person
could do such a thing
what a foolish notion

are we to believe
that every mother’s son
who’s ever gone to war
and slain the enemy
did so as the result of mental illness
why certainly not
that’s different
of course

but don’t world history
and the daily news demonstrate
that the average man is, indeed
a potential killer

perhaps not
but I assure you
should I ever become a victim
it will not be due to my unsuspecting nature

and if I ever turn my back on you
you should know
that I consider our friendship
well worth the risk

either that
or i’ve got you covered

feb. 10 ‘87

© 1987

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