trick questions
(for a jehovah witness)

if you don’t mind
i have a few questions
it’ll just take a minute
then i’ll let you go
what makes you so special
you need all the answers?
are you sure you’re deserving
to be in the know?

the meaning of life?
why are we here?
heaven and hell?
or a hope and a fear?
which prophet’s version
is most accurate?
you anted your soul?
you upping the bet?

who’s god struck down daddy
in the prime of his life?
left him paraplegic
to depend on his wife
and who enslaved mamma?
then broke her will?
battered and maimed her
and tortures her still?

who let the state take us?
yolanda and me
and who gave me my mean streak
and her her disease?
who left me alone
a defenseless trapped kid
and let those animals
do what they did?

who called me to combat
for over a year?
who blew off that foot
and deafened this ear?
who gave thelma cancer
my soulmate, my wife?
who put her through hell
and then took her life?

who asked you to find me
to invade my space?
who sent you to witness
your faith in my face?
i needed a witness
i’m so glad you came
got some questions for him
just tell me his name?

august 10, ‘98

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