Rough Day

I know you’re upset, Baby
But it’s time to start letting it go
Calm down, listen
Those assholes that run things
They don’t matter
Don’t let them get to you

You can’t stop them
You can’t talk them out of it
They’re going to do it again
They’re going to keep on doing those things
You can’t do anything about it
But it’s alright… just let it happen

They’re going to be unreasonable
They’re going to be unfair
Take credit for your work and ideas
Shift blame to you when they fuck up
Lie their asses off to you, customers, their wives
Devious, back stabbing motherfuckers

But why get so upset about it
You know what to expect of them
You’ve been through all this before
Did you expect something different this time
It’s the same everywhere else, too
Anywhere you go, they are there

Don’t get so emotionally involved
Just let them do it their way
And don’t worry about it
Go through the motions
Take the paycheck
And go home happy

You can’t stop a dog
From licking his dick
But you sure don’t have to
Let him lick you in the face


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