save it

since you and I have become
the closest of friends
I feel I must tell you
please don’t think me rude
I just hope you’ll take it the right way
as it was meant
just some friendly advice
straight from the heart
I have faith
that you will understand

I really do wish
that you’d shitcan
this repulsive politeness routine
I liked you better
in your honest obnoxiousness
save it

save it for the sensitive sissies
who seek your approval
like rival siblings
insecure in their mother’s love

save it for the meek victims
of your flagrant abuses
who need candy flavored pills
to maintain their delicate
emotional health

be polite to them
but don’t be polite to me
we can be friends
but I don’t hang around with fucking wimps

I sincerely hope
I haven’t offended

may 4, ‘87

© 1987

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