the rabid

it is always a privelege
to be among those
who are moved by an expression of art
who share an experience
the revelation of a unique perspective
an insight into the world of another

and the most precious of these
are the moments that would not have been
but for the need of the artist to express

to share in a discovery
known in fact only to those
who have seen the edge of the earth
but believed by the faithful
who have spiritually experienced the moment

but what of those
who have allowed the madness of the moment
to become their sanity
those who don’t look back
or send back messages

what of those who dive head first
to depths known to no others
and never return

those whose every moment
of intense existence
like those of a rabid cur
passes unanalyzed
in the predator’s insatiable quest
for the next intense experience

what of those
who care not to chronicle their adventures
for the benefit of those
who read poetry and such

and what of those
they have left behind

feb 22 ‘88

© 1988

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