woodstock flashback

time no longer passes
at a constant steady rate
it jerks by erratically
in sudden flashes of motion
punctuated by intervals
of suspended animation
in which electrons freeze
in atomic orbit
and for an instant
nothing happens at all

rays of light and waves of sound
no longer travel their proper courses
but are flung
spinning from their sources
end over end
colliding through space
to arrive like passengers and lost luggage
in mismatched pairs
at various points of perception

movement is hindered
by the molasses viscosity
of the atmosphere
the air thick and heavy
with an unfamiliar stench
there are no straight lines
no fast colors
no laws of physical science
remain unbroken

the very foundations
and cornerstones
upon which a flimsy concept
of reality were built
have crumbled
into dust

july 8, ‘87

© 1987

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