Deep Blue Sea

Suppose you're a scientist, and you want to cure Alzheimers. What do you do? Well, according to some characters in this film, the best thing you can do is get three great white sharks, increase the size of their brains considerably, and ignore any signs of hostility (like the fact that they only eat other sharks).

Now, anyone who's seen Jaws knows that sharks and movies don't mix, but that doesn't seem to matter to these people. They know things are heading into trouble when they see that the enhanced sharks can swim backwards. Now, here's a little bit of information for all of you who don't know much about sharks: Sharks have to be swimming forward at all times or they die. The way their bodies are built requires this. The only way they can breathe is for water to pass over and into their gills. If they move backwards, water won't go in. Also, sharks are physically incapable of moving backwards because of their skeletal structure. (Actually, sharks have no skeletons. It's all cartilage, but it still has a structure.) In other words, there's no way this could happens.

Anyway, back to the story.... They have one of the sharks inside so they can take some fluid from it and test it on a brain sample. You know, science stuff. Well, the shark wakes up and bites the arm off the main scientist. Problem number 2: They used all kinds of digital technology in this film. For the most part, the sharks were computer-generated. When the scientist loses his arm, either he actually hid his arm behind his back, or he suddenly grew a giant tumor on the right side of his torso. Couldn't they have edited it out? I don't ask for much, but, you know, it's distracting.

Anyway, they tie the scientist to a gurney and a medical chopper comes by to take him to the hospital. Well, evidently, this chopper has no altitude control because they keep the scientist as close to the water as possible. A shark grabs him and drags the chopper into the tower, causing a huge explosion, destroying most of the research lab place. While all this is happening, the rest of the characters (except LL Cool J) are looking out the window underwater. They're looking for sharks. Well, the shark who got the scientist wants in, and since it's hard to eat through at gurney, it uses the scientist as a battering ram to get through the window. Now, I can appreciate the shark's strength, but you'd think they'd have used stronger glass. Anyway, the characters get away, and the research facility gets flooded. Also, the sharks get in. To make matters worse, all the characters are squabbling about how to do things.

Well, Samuel L Jackson doesn't think arguing is helping, so he tells them to stop it or they'll all end up dead. Then when you least expect it (unless you already know that he dies in this one), one of the sharks jumps out and eats him. Everyone else is pretty upset that the main character is dead before any sharks could die.

Meanwhile, LL Cool J (a religious man) is being followed around by a shark. He's mad at the shark because the shark ate the bird (whose name was Bird). So, LL hides in the oven. But the shark is too smart for him. It turns the gas on in the oven and starts to ram the oven window. It takes 4 or 5 good hits before it cracks. Now, remember how the shark broke through the window earlier, the window that was designed to keep out several tons of water pressure as well as sharks? Why is it that that one took one hit to crack, ant the one on the oven took five? Anyway, LL hacks his way through the top of the oven and climbs up to the next level. It's one of those industrial TV ovens that has multiple levels, you see. Meanwhile, the shark's head is stuckk in the oven and the gas is escaping. LL bolts for the door, lights his Zippo (gotta love Zippos) and hurls it at the shark, detonating the compressed gas, just like in Jaws.

Elsewhere, the rest of the people are trying to get to the upper levels where it's dry. A shark follows them and eats one. No surprise there. So, counting LL, there's four left. They meet up with LL, and the two other guys go out to look for something. I'm not sure what. LL and the idiot sciantist woman whose idea it was to work with the sharks, are left in smeone's barracks where it's dry. Idiot Scientist Woman doesn't want to lose all her research, so she goes to her room to get it. Her room is flooded. Fortunately for her, she's in a wetsuit. Oh yeah, and there's another shark. So, Idiot Scientist Woman strips off her wet suit and stands on it. I guess this is to ground her, but it shouldn't work, since it's wet. Wait. This is a movie. Never mind. Then she grabs a power line and attacks the shark with it. The shark is electrocuted just like in Jaws 2.

While the two guys are snooping around, one of them, the lesser character, gets eaten. It's pretty cool. The other one escapes. I guess the shark didn't notice him. Anyway, he makes it back to LL and Idiot. They get to the top and go outside. It's daytime again, and most of the facility is sunken. The guy (Carter, maybe?) decides to use dynamite on it, so he, LL and Idiot swim to higher ground. The shark gets LL, but not for long. LL has the power of Jesus and stabs the shark in the eye with his cross. He makes it to land, injured, and Carter grabs a harpoon gun (with the dynamite attached) and goes after the shark. It's out of range, and it's trying to break through the perimeter fence. Idiot knows what to do. She cuts her hand to draw blood and stands in the water to bait the shark. The shark smells the blood and heads toward her. When it sees here, though, it recognizes her, and hesitates before eating her. Carter jumps on the shark's back to try to keep it in the pen, and LL shoots it with the harpoon. He hits Carter in the leg, too. The shark gets through the fence, and LL detonates the dynamite just after Carter gets loose. The dynamite blows up the shark, just like in Jaws 3-D.

This movie was bad, but it was a funny kind of bad, and it had plenty of gratuitous death scenes. I enjoyed it. It's not a good movie by any means, but it's enjoyable.