Mouse Hunt

I spent money on this? Ninja Turtles 2 was more entertaining than this! For those of you who don't know, this is the age old story of two idiots who are dopwn on their luck, and any chance they get to redeem themselves is ruined by a vindictive rodent. The main character, Timon (Nathan Lane) and his even stupider brother Lars lose their father who runs a string factory. Yes, a string factory where they make, you guessed it, string. So, the dad dies, and his dying words to Lars were, "Don't sell the factory." Lars, being a man of his word, refuses to sell the factory to the rival string factory, and his wife, Beth from Newsradio, leaves him. Now, I don't know about you, but if my spouse refused to do something for money because she doesn't want to go back on her word, I'd be happy. Anywho, the brothers are broke. Timon gets fired from his job (as a ritzy chef), and so they have to go liv in this old run down house, which happens to have been designed by some world-famous architect, so they see a big break coming. If they can fix this place up, they would be able to sell it (for at least a million), but there's a mouse. This is no ordinary mouse. This is a demon mouse. Now, I have a thing about killing bugs, for God's sake, but from what I understand, it's pretty normal for people to want to kill pests. Oh, I forgot. The mouse is cute, so the guys who have been dealt a shit hand by life are the bad guys. Right. Anyway, they tear apart the house, and the mouse stays alive. Finally, they capture the thing and send it overseas. I forgot where. Well, there's not enough postage on the box and, even though there were no holes for the mouse to breathe through, it survives the trip back to America and chewsthrough the box and escapes. This is, of course, on the night the house goes up for auction. The moue gets back into the house, and the brothersswitch to idiot mode, and try to kill the mouse some more (instead of, I don't know, leaving it alone and letting the next owner deal with it). So, they decide it would be a good idea to get the mouse between the walls and drown it. I've never seen a hose fill a wading pool in a mere seconds, but evidently movie hoses are much better. They can fill a house in just minutes. Well, the hose explodes. The brothers don't get the money from it. Instead they decide to start making gourmet cheese string. Right. At the end, they're running a huge business, and they decide to make the mouse their spokesperson.

Throughout the whole movie, the characters wear clothes that are reminiscent of the late '20's - early '30's, ok, but the technology is clearly state-of-the-art. When does the movie take place? Furthermore, this is supposed to be a family movie. What's it telling the kids? Be friendly to the mouse, and the mouse will never bother you. Of course, that's because the mouse gets killed by dad because it's a disease-ridden pest that is unhealthy to have around in the first place. And this was a Dreamworks movie.