Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

Halloween is one of the great horror movies. In fact, I consider it to be a great movie. It is my belief that every filmmaker in Hollywood should be required to see Halloween before making another movie, just so they know that it is possible to make a really good movie with a budget of about $6.

In order to understand Halloween 4, you need to know what happened in the first one. In a nutshell, here's how it went: It's Halloween night, and little Michael Myers is in his clown costume, ready to go trick-or-treating. He walks in on his sister (I believe) having sex with her boyfriend instead of babysitting Michael. He goes nust and stabs them to death. 20 years or so pass, and Michael Myers is back from the mental hospital and wearing his William Shatner mask of death. He's out to kill Jamie Lee Curtis, but she lives, and he gets away. Then there's another movie, where he gets captured and taken back to the sanitarium. After that, a third Halloween is made, but it has nothing to do with Michael Myers. That brings us to:

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers.

Ok, so Jamie Lee Curtis had a daughter, I guess, whose name is Jamie. After Jamie Lee Curtis allegedly dies (only to return in Halloween H20), little Jamie has to live in a foster home. Everyone in school makes fun of her because she doesn't want to go out on Halloween, and she's an orphan. Defiantly, little Jamie decides that she will go out that night, and she has her foster sister take her to get a costume.

Meanwhile, Michael Myers is being transfered to a different place so that the plot can move. Even though he's supposed to be an invalid, he kills the people in the ambulance and escapes. Naturally, Dr. Loomis finds out, gets angry, and goes after him.

Anywho, little Jamie and her foster sister, Rachel, go to the store to get a costume. Rachel's boyfriend is there, and they get in an argument because she has to babysit, so they can't go on a date. Jamie is looking through all the costumes, and there's a while William Shatner mask being displayed very prominantly. While her back is turned, an arm reaches over and grabs it. Jamie picks out a clown suit, they pay and leave.

Trick-or-treating starts, and all the kids accept Jamie, now, since she has a clown suit. Word gets out that Michael Myers is in town and wants to get Jamie. Of course, the last people to find this out are Jamie and Rachel. Eventually, the police chief, whose daughter is the town slut (and is almost caught making out with Rachel's boyfriend) gets Jamie, Rachel, his daughter, the boyfriend, Dr. Loomis, and a deputy all holed up in his house. They make it a virtually impenetrable fortress. No one can get in or out, except through the secret front door entrance. Little do they know that Michael Myers is already in the house. After The sherrif and Dr. Loomis leave for no good reason, he starts killing inconsequential characters, leaving only Jamie and Rachel, who escape and head off to the next town over. Michael Myers uses his magical evil powers to go with them, buy they escape and hit him with a pickup. Of course, this doesn't kill him. Little Jamie, in a moment of sheer brilliance goes to see the body of the man who has been haunting her nightmares, and they share a moment. Then the cops come and gun him down as he's getting up. Everything is back to normal in the quiet little town of... whatever. Then there's a POV shot of someone pulling a mask over his or her face, walking into the bathroom where the foster mother is bathing, and there's a scream. Everybody goes to investigate, and they find Jamie in the clown suit holding a knife. She inherited the evil!!!

This movie was painfully obvious. Everything that seemed like it was supposed to be accidental was obviously not. The entire thing was like watching a rerun of itself.