The Lost Boys

The Lost Boys is a hip, funny horror flick from the 80's, featuring Corey Haim, Cory Feldman, Jason (Cory) Patric, and Kiefer "Corey" Sutherland in his worst hair to date. Here's how the story goes:

Michael (Jason Patric), his brother Corey Haim (Corey Haim), and their mother (the DA from Law & Order) move to Santa Carla, CA because it bears a striking resemblance to Santa Cruz, and it's the murder capital of the world (until Gary, IN claims the honor. Go Gary!!). Also, their Grandfather lives there. Instantly, the boys start making friends. Michael meets a girl named Star (Jami Gertz). She hangs out with a group of vampires. Evil vampires. One of them is Bill (from Bill and Ted), and he looks even dorkier than before. The vampire gang is led by Kiefer Sutherland. He's also Star's boyfriend. Well, perhaps not boyfriend. More like owner. Anywho, Corey Haim meets the Frog brothers, Edgar (Cory Feldman) and Allen (some other guy), who run a comic book shop. They give him a vampire comic and tell him to read it. His life depends on it. Naturally, being an impressionable teenager, Corey Haim says he's not into horror comics. But he keeps it anyway.

Michael, meanwhile, has decided that the best way of getting into Star's pants is to hang out with the vampire gang and go through their initiation rites. Eventually, he ends up drinking a bottle of blood, which he believes is wine. You'd think he'd spit it out when he noticed it didn't exactly taste like wine, even after Star told him it was blood, but he is an idiot. So, Michael becomes a creature of the night, and Corey Haim calls the Frog brothers for help. They tell him to kill Michael, and Corey Haim says no, because he thinks he can save him. He's right, of course, because if they kill the head vampire, all the vampires he made will stop being vampires.

Can I digress a little here? Thanks. Ok, here's the problem. What do they mean by "head vampire" anyway? Allegedly, he's the one who created all the other vampires. Do they mean all the other vampires, or just all the other vampires in a certain area? Or does it mean all the other vampires in a certain group? I'm just not sure, but I find it hard to believe that this guy is responsible for all the vampires that ever existed. He's a bit of a weenie.

Anyway, I lost my place. The story goes as you'd expect, featuring horrible acting by Cory and Corey, and Kiefer Sutherland playing Kiefer Sutherland. He's kinda like Jack Nicholson that way. There's also a hot vampire love scene between Jason Patric and Jami Gertz, who has to sleep with pretty much anyone she's in a movie with, including Ralph Macchio. The head vampire turns out to be Max, the mother's boyfriend, and he's taken care of by ummm, I forgot who killed him. At any rate, the movie sucked. The acting sucked. The directing sucked. In fact, I don't want to use the word directing because that implies direction, and this film had none. It seemed like it was just a bunch of different scenes directed by different people.

The movie was crap.