Nurse Betty

This was an interesting little gem. On the one hand, you have Betty (Renee Zellweger) who is searching for a soap opera character whom she thinks is real (due to post-traumatic stress. She witnessed her husband being scalped and murdered). On the other hand, you have the two hitmen (Morgan Freeman and Chris Rock) who are tracking Betty across the country because she's a witness, and she has the drugs. It plays out pretty much as you'd expect, I guess. It's a pretty good film, albeit a touch predictable. What I really want to review is the little bonus feature on the DVD. It has an episode of the fictional soap opera featured in the movie, called A Reason to Love.

The show takes place almost exclusively in a hospital. The handsome heart surgeon, David Lavell lost his wife about a year ago, and he's still not over it. Meanwhile, his professional rival, Lonnie, is using Nurse Chloe to to set up a sexual assault charge. Meanwhile, another nurse, Jasmine, is bicurious, and she's got it for Chloe. Lonnie is using the trumped-up sexual assault charge to take David's place, because his mother controls his life, and blah blah blah. What gets me most about it is that it sounds like it was recorded with a cheap video camera, and none of the sets have more that two pieces of furniture. It's certainly interesting to watch.

And now, Kittens: