People I could really do without

Students who think I'm here to do their homework for them.
Eddie Ven Halen
Fred Durst
Britney Spears
Michael Moore
Rush Limbaugh
Bill Maher
Charlton Heston
People who treat 2-lane roads like 4-lane roads
People who overanalyze everything
Loud talkers
Close talkers
Really quiet talkers
People who add spoilers to their cars
People who use the words fascist and Nazi to refer to any form of government they don't like
People who insist that the United States is a democracy
Fred Phelps
'N Sync
The Backstreet Boys
Students who can't speak English
People who assume I'm a computer science major
Chris Wylde
Drew Carey
Colin Quinn
The entire cast of Mad TV
Kevin Spacey
People who try to speak authoritatively about things they know nothing about
Pro-choicers who say suicide is the most selfish thing a person can do
Pro-lifers who think murdering abortion doctors is acceptable
People who adopt pseudophilosophical ideas because they sound profound, even though they really don't mean anything
People who argue from ignorance
People who judge movies without actually seeing them
People who insist that Harry Potter is evil
Book burners
Tobacco companies
People who vote straight Democrat
People who vote straight Republican
People who use the mouse upside down
People who think I can somehow fix it when the site they're looking for doesn't load
People who install Morpheus, Kazaa, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, Bonzi Buddy, iMesh, AudioGalaxy, and any of those other programs on the computers here
People who think a lot is on word
People who think all right is one word
People who use extraneous apostrophes
Waiters who can't get my order right
Most Hollywood producers
Cory Feldman
Corey Haim
Joey Fatone (heh heh. Fat one.)
Ben Affleck
Jon Bon Jovi
People who type something in Word and think the margins are all screwy, so they move them around, and it just makes everything look wrong, when all they should have done was leave it be and change the veiw mode.
Linkin Park

John Ashcroft
George "W" Bush
David Alan Grier
Jimmy Fallon
Casey Kasem
Whoopi Goldberg
Chris Kattan
Tom Cruise
strong atheists
Nick DiPaolo
Lisa Schwarzbaum
Pretty much everyone else at Entertainment Weekly
Adam Sandler
Ariel Sharon
Yasser Arafat
Anyone who thinks rockabilly is the greatest for of music.
The Beach Boys
Joe Esterhasz
That one guy who writes those movie soundtracks. He did that song about short people. I can't remember his name. Randy Newman!
Pretty much every waiter at TGI Friday's
That guy who made a big deal about "under God" being in the Pledge of Allegience
flag worshippers
most people who vote in polls at
Parmenides of Elea

Most students I encounter
Jesus freaks who think I need to be saved
Kevin Costner
Christina Aguilera
Ja Rule
J Lo
Heather Graham
People who insist on saying nucular
The Dell guy
The Gecko from the Geico commercials
Star Wars fans who insist that every episode after Empire sucked, and the original Star Wars was lame, too. You're not a Star Wars fan; you're an Empire fan!
Bernie Mac
Roger Ebert
People who insist that there's a worldwide Jewish/gay/Caucasion conspiracy
Jenny Jones
People who insist that evolution is over
People who get all up in arms at the very mention of evolution
People who scan crappy pencil drawings and post them online, calling them webcomics.
People who support the elimination of basic civil rights (e.g. free speech, due process, legal representation) in the interest of national security, and say that the Founding Fathers would have wanted it this way
People who think my last name is Ramirez
Bret Michaels of Poison

The Religious Right (which is neither)
Students who have almost no grasp on the English language, and who are only able to say, "I don't speak English" as if that's newsa to me. Generally, the blank stares clue me in on your inability to function on any level at an English-speaking university.
People who don't lurk before posting. (Hey, I just paid $10 to make a complete ass of myself!)
People who kill bunnies
People who think it's my job to do their homework
People who think I know everything there is to know about computers
People who don't understand the difference between a band that disappeared or isn't around anymore and a band that hasn't released anything in the past year but is currently on tour or in the studio.
People who can't spell or use decent grammar and try to justify it with, "Well, I'm not being graded on it, and you can understand me." No, I can't understand you. That's why I'm complaining.
People who get all bent out of shape at the slightest thing.
People with no sense of humor.
British people who complain about the American "misspellings" of words like colour and humour. It's not misspelled. It's simply a centuries-old omission of unnecessary letters. Why do you cling to them so?

Donald Rumsfeld
Pretty much everyone who sends mail to my Yahoo account
The guy at Midas who broke my car
Barry Manilow
Insane Clown Posse
Michael Jackson
Magic Johnson
Jack Nicholson
George Clooney
Jim Carrey
Avril Levigne (She invented punk.)
Good Charlotte (They took punk to the next level.)
Bill Haley and the Comets
Notre Dame fans
Notre Dame students