Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze

Anyone who spent any time in the early to mid 90's remembers the Ninja Turtles. This movie, the franchise's second installment, was, well, different. Here's the overal plot:

After the first movie, the Turtles believe their arch-nemesis, Shredder, to be dead. We all know that's not true, since the bad guy never dies. But I digress. So, they're living in an apartment with April O'Niel, who must have had plastic surery, since she looks a lot like someone who wasn't in the first movie. Turns out Shredder's alive, and he's pissed. Meanwhile, there's this big thing going on with some chemical company called TGRI, and they're the source of the ooze that made the turtles and Splinter what they are. Shredder's men steal what's left of the magical mutagen, and, with the help of some scientist, create their ultimate weapon: Guys in cheesy costumes. One is a snapping turtle, and the other is a big hairy thing that looks a lot like Crash Bandicoot. Shredder captures Raphael (the one in red) while the others look for a new place to live. Meanwhile, Keeno, a pizza delivery boy and martial arts expert who has befriende the turtles, runs to tell them what happened. They save Raphael, say awesome, and eat pizza, and learn about the two bad costume guys. Shredder tells them that there has to be a big fight between the bad costumes and the good costumes. Sure, ok. Well, somehow, the turtles are able to get ahold of the scientist who makes an anti-ooze to return the bad costumes to normal animals. The turtles freeze it ans stick it in donuts, and fight the bad guys. They accidentally make their way into a Vanilla Ice concert, datig the movie beyond repair. There's a big fight, and the Ice Man does the Ninja Rap. ("Yo, it's the green machine, gonna rock this town without bein' seen..."). Well, the turtles beat the bad guys and Shredder shows up with the ooze for no good reason. The get the ooze from him, but he still has a little test tube full of it. He leaves the concert and drinks the ooze. Now, as you may know, the ooze is what made the turtles mutat into bigass turtles, right? That would mean that it would have to make great alterations on the genetic and cellular levels. That all makes sense in its own comic book kind of way. I'm all for suspension of disbelief, but this part doesn't work in any way: Shredder's armor mutates too. How can something that enhances the size and strength of cells make metal grow? It doesn't work. But rather than watching Super Shredder fight, we get to see him knock down the supports to the building by the pier, chrushing him to death (although I'd imagine that wearing all that armor and being a super villain would prevent that). So, Shredder dies, and the two guys in bad costumes revert to their natural states. He was supposed to be a wolf, I guess.