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These pics were taken on Sunday, August 1, 1999. The damage happened on Saturday, July 31, 1999. It happened when a kid in an 88 Jeep Cherokee decided to play with his stereo instead of paying attnetion to the stopped traffic in front of him. So, he hit me doing about 20-30 mph. I saw him coming, so I was ready when he hit me so I'm ok. Luckily the kid had insurance. He's even insured with the same agent as me. A funny twist: the kid went to jail because he had a warrant for an unpaid ticket.

There's alot of fiberglass work to be done here. The insurance company is trying to screw my bodyman on this. They're giving him 15 hours for labor on that, but he needs more like 40-45 hours.

The left side didn't get hit like the passenger side. Still alot of work though.

That 20-30 mph impact was enough to slam the front of the bed into the back of the cab. I'm glad it didn't knock my window out too.

This means a new tailgate and replace everything below the bodyline.

ouch! That just plain hurts!

Well, even though it looks bad now, I guess it may just be a blessing in disguise. It looks as if I'm gonna get my makeover sooner than I thought. While it's in the shop, I'm gonna go ahead and shave the antenna, shave the pockets, shave the tailights and mold in some LEDs. I'm going to have it covered in a new color too. 1990 Mazda Miata Mariner blue. Something new to grab a little more attention when I'm cruising around. Maybe the kid in the Jeep will see me this time.