Innocent Undress Me Eyes

      Standing on the threshold
      Outside looking in
      Desperately trying
      To find my way
      Over and in
      To what I see before me
      Those elusive things
      Dancing just beyond my reach
      Different bodies
      Different contexts
      Representing different things
      Two halves of the same whole
      Wanting me to choose
      But I can't
      Too much noise
      Too much quiet
      Staring at me with innocent undress me eyes
      Begging me to come closer
      Just reach out and touch
      Grab the fire
      Hold on for all it's worth
      The blues and yellows
      Innocence undressed
      Stripped down to the barest of beings
      I stand on the threshold
      One foot stepping over
      The dancing bodies frenzied now
      Dancing closer and closer
      Reach out and touch me
      Grab my hand and pull me in
      Bare to the waist
      Stripped down
      Naked before the flames
      Both feet over the threshold
      The dancing bodies are still
      Peering at me with innocent
      Undress me eyes
      Silent pleas screaming in my head
      Forcing me to choose
      Which one I favor
      I try to move back
      Over the threshold
      Innocent undress me eyes penetrating me
      Moving over me
      I can't go back
      To where I was before
      Frozen I stand in place
      Undress me
      Eyes staring at me
      Pulling me in
      Apart from myself
      Angry now
      Knowing I can't decide
      I'm not ready
      Me eyes

      ©Aubrey Renae
      Monday, 10-15-2001
      c. 8:50 a.m.

      Rhonda's Originals

      Totally Tubed