The only One

you say i'm perfect
you really don't want her
and yet you're not with me
we keep playing games
fucking up our heads
in a twisted sort of way
it just makes me want you more
i'm going crazy
completely out of my mind
trying to figure out your codes
your jonathan-speak only you understand
and it's driving me nuts
this wanting to touch the flames
but having to hold back
and only watch their dancing shadows
and in a way i feel as though
i'm sitting here waiting
for you to make a decision
you may or may not ever make
i have no control over this situation
that, too, drives me insane
always holding back
never quite giving in
doing the things i really want to do
instead i just fantasize
try to gather the courage
but it never works out that way
i always end up holding back
never quite letting you know
all the things i feel inside
the thoughts that run through my head
and God it's getting worse now
with every day that goes by
all i can think about
is how much i wanna be with you
let go of all the bullshit
we keep putting ourselves through
throw away the past mistakes
today it's only us
and the way we feel right now
i want you more than anything
to be The One for me
and every now and then i kinda get the feeling
that maybe in your fucked up way
you might want me to be
The only One for you

©Aubrey Renae

faerie love