Aubrey's Always Been A Little Odd

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

I'm so like Marge!
I'm Marge, who are you? by Lexi

Take the What Sex Position Are You? test by Ley Ley

What Type of Villain are You? / <º>

What's Your Bedroom Personality? (For Her)

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take the virgin-whore dichotomy quiz.
and go to where we're all studs.

Which Season are you?

What Eyes Do You Have?

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What is your inner spirit?

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-- Click Here To Take The Test --

I have issues with...
Take Word Association Test

I'm a Strawberry Daiquiri, discover your ALcoHoLiC personality!

You're a Strawberry Daiquiri! You're the person that everyone just wants to have sex with. Nothing more, nothing less.

in need of change
Grey Street

What Dave Matthews Song Are You?
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Where do you fall on the liberal - conservative political spectrum? (United States)

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Heath Ledger: You like them with a drop dead
gorgeous smile, cute accent and from the Land
Down Under.

Which guy are you destined to have sex with?
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Romantic-Sexy.... Your fantasies involve love, not lust. You are a
fantastic kisser, and for very good reason:
it's your favorite thing. You are sappy as
hell, and you don't care who knows it.

What's your brand of sexy?
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Water Goddess
Water Goddess. You like peace and serenity and are
usually content with life.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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You are are emotional and sensitive.
You are good at feeling and being in your
emotions, but sometimes have difficulty
expressing your feelings in words.

What Element Are You?
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You're a Rusty Nail!!  A smooth, short blend of scotch whiskey and drambuie.  You're seriously cool and you love guitars, cars and the bluuuuuees, man!!
""Which cocktail are you?""

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Congrats ur the TONGUE, get busy

**************What Part of the body are U?*************
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Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?

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What's your sexual appeal?

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Which guy are you destined to have sex with?

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Oh the sentimental side of life! You are the fourth finger, the ring finger as it is sometimes known as. You value emotions and the small sentimentalities of life. Especially dreams of that you-know-who...
Which finger are you?
Take the quiz to find out.

Which Sith Lord are you? go to:the quiz!

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

What Egyptian Deity are you? go to:the quiz!

Which Middle Earth race are you? go to:the quiz!

What color Power Ranger are you?
This quiz was made by Khandreia

I'M 58% X-rated. HOW HORNY ARE YOU?

Which member of matchbox twenty are you?

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take the nerd test.
and go to a nerd utopia.

Which Celtic Moon Sign Fits Your Personality Best?

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What's YOUR Writing Style?

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What sexy girl are you

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Which annoying B-list celebrity are you?

I am Rapunzel! Find your fairy tale character at

I Am

Which tarot card are you?

you are CHOCOLATE! hersheys, lindt, russell stover,
whoever. everybody comes to you when theyre
down because you know what to say to make them
feel better. youre extremely sweet and ever-
surprising. sometimes youre enigmatic though
and hide your true feelings.

~*What kind of candy are you?*~
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You're Ricky Rudd! Old ladies think you're a
"Handsome Man". I just think you're
awesome. Patient & calm, let it come to you.

What NASCAR Driver Are You
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29% Redneck...sure, you've got some redneck
tendencies, but you tend to hide them away, and
not admit them even to yourself. Come one now,
no one cares that you like country music. It
seems that you're too worried about what others
think, instead of what you want. If you didn't
care, wouldn't there be a bit more country in
your life? I know you've got it in you! You
mostly try to avoid things that might make
anyone think you had even a few redneck
tendencies. But people are eventually gonna
figure it out. Save them the trouble, and be
proud of it! We've all got it. Redneck's
aren't all bad!

How much of a redeck are you?
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Which Buffy Guy Will You Marry?
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holding hands
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
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