naked woman
hanging by a thread

i'm sorry i seem
to be crazy sometimes
but i'm hanging
by a thread here
wondering when that thread
is finally gonna break

suspended in midair
waiting for something
to happen
for you to make a move
for you to be
not scared anymore
finally get over her

and it drives me insane
feeling as though
i'm not good enough for you
i'm not that ideal
of what you want
that i'm not her

why i do this to myself
i do not know
but i want you
more than anything
i long for the nights
when you would
hold me in your arms
kiss me and look at me
with that look in your eyes

but instead i'm here
suspended in midair
hanging by a thread
waiting for a move
neither of us
is brave enough to make
hoping like hell
the thread doesn't break

©Aubrey Renae