According to the Alien Abduction Test There is a 56% chance that I've been abducted by Aliens!

You should have sex with BUGS BUNNY!
A classic cartoon character, Bugs could please you with his wit and suave personality he seems to take on when dealing with females he's interested in. Who better to have sex with than a rabbit? (as the rabbit vibrator will testify) Only way it would be better was if he was a jackrabbit.

Which cartoon character should you have sex with?
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Reel Big Fish. You are cheerful, but can be sad
sometimes...some of their songs are depressing! :(

Which band (from my cd collection only) are you most like?
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Cocaine. You like to talk, you like to run, but most of all you like to have fun.
Which drug should you be hooked on? [now with pictures]
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You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You
probably just don't give a damn,but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.

What Kind of Smile are You?
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cute flirt
Cute Flirt
What Kind of FLIRT are you?
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What Is Your Animal Personality?

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You are Robin Hood: Men In Tights Fegalas? No... you're strait... yeah.... You may want to spend less time working on getting your seams strait.
Which Mel Brooks Movie Are You?
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You love wide open spaces to journey across and
meet new people. You are a cheeky chappy who
uses your wit and intelligence to get you out
of tight spots. Your cheekiness includes
thinking very highly of yourself!

What Primate Are You?
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You are Igraine, the mother of King Arthur. You go
with the flow, never putting yourself before
others. Igraine lived by her duty whether it
was to her crown, her husband, or her country.

Which Lady of Camelot Are You?
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What Princess Bride Good Guy/Gal are you?
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Which Sitcom Girlie are you?
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You are most like Sr.Didymus!
What Labyrinth Charater are you most like?
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You're a Tragic Romantic. Don't worry; Be happy. Like it's really that easy, right? Grieving takes time, no matter what you're getting over. Don't dwell so much on what has happened and go into the future without expectations. Healing will come.
What Sort of Romantic Are You?
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"I will stay with
You tonight
In case this corset
Gets too tight
And I will keep you company
'Cause that's what a sister should be."

Your song is "Sistersong" by Ani Difranco!

You're a very loyal friend who always has a shoulder to cry on, or a supportive thing to say. Truly unselfish, you can be relied on for just about anything. Just make sure that others don't take advantage of you.

Wanna do my laundry?
What's Your Song?
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Which Tarot Suit Are You?
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You are Sofia Serrano from Vanilla
. Your demeanor, to most, is more refreshing than a tall glass of water on a hot day. Some, though, find your kittenish behavior to be immature. You are the embodiment of a muse; Maybe, like Sofia, you can inspire people to make great changes in their lives.

What Unconventional Movie Heroine Are You?
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You're the rennaisance artist. True genuis of your time. You really are ahead of your generation... A solid rock of a writer and artist all around. Very eloquent in all that you do...
What type of artist are you?
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Ah, I vudd suggester SWEDISH as jor langvedge to spiek.
What language are you supposed to speak?
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Sunrise - You seek to learn all you can so that you may teach the wisdom of the world to others. You enjoy tranquility and peaceful beauty, and like to feel at one with the world.
When are you?
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Which OS are You?
Which OS are You?

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